Who grows in Smaller Pots than 5 Gallon?

Pot size matters, at least in a longer veg setting, if you are doing all SOG, then 1.5-2 gal pots are probably fine, but yield is a factor of pot size, anyone who says otherwise is just wrong. Using a cloth pot like Smartpots makes a huge difference. A 3 gal Smartpot will grow the same size plant as a 5 gal plastic pot in my experience. I realize that the last poster has more green bars than I do, and a lot more posts, but I think he is dead wrong about root circling on plants who will not live longer than 4-5 months. Root circling should always be avoided, slows growth, inhibits nutrient uptake, and reduces yields. A good rule to follow is about a gallon of soil for every month of the grow with old-school plastic pots, and you can bump that to .75 gallon per month with a pot that stops root circling. Always try new things and try to improve your grow is my mentality, don't just follow the status quo. Growing large high yielding plants is far more fun, and rewarding in my opinion, and in many states helps to keep within the bounds of legal restraints. I won't even get into what I think of drip feed systems...plants should get their food from dirt, not a purchased, concentrated nutrient solution. The more mainstream growing becomes, the more you will see people doing organic soil grows, with real organic plant foods(guanos, blood meal, kelp meal, feather meal, steamed bonemeal, humic acid, fish emulsion, green sand, etc.) and moving away from brand name nutrient systems. It has been happening in the organic food farming community for years, and soon will make its way more into counterculture.
Growen - LOL
Gallons = 4.5 liters
Pounds = 448 grams
zip = 1 ounce = 28 grams

There you go all you John Bulls, Aussie's, etc, etc. :mrgreen:

If you think that give you a head ache. Wait till we start using Carica's, Daniq's, Dirham's, Quintal's, Pisa's, Scipond's, Ratl's, Pondus and Wey's.
Gallon=4.5l's? In what country? 3.7l is a gal. Pound is 453gr. as well. Your putting too much in a gal and few grms shy of a pound...lol
Gallon=4.5l's? In what country? 3.7l is a gal. Pound is 453gr. as well. Your putting too much in a gal and few grms shy of a pound...lol

A real ounce is 28.3 but some just do 28 grams, which is 448g, its been like that for a while.

Oh and 4.5l is an imperial gallon, he even hinted it.

Shit, now both of us replied useless shit to a 5 year old thread, i didn't even notice lol
Anyone growing in a SOG will typically use 1-2 gallon pots. This is a common method among commercial growers for filling every inch of canopy and it's very efficient. A lot of factors go into yield, most importantly strain and environment. Depending on veg time, typical yields are 10g - 1oz per 1 gallon pot.
Futher complicated by the fact a lot of uk pot sizes are in inches not gallons :-)

Anyone growing in a SOG will typically use 1-2 gallon pots. This is a common method among commercial growers for filling every inch of canopy and it's very efficient. A lot of factors go into yield, most importantly strain and environment. Depending on veg time, typical yields are 10g - 1oz per 1 gallon pot.
I use 3 gal smart pots. With scrog and major defoliation I have 8 autos squeezed into a 48"x48"x80.
I am using 3 and 5 gallon coco pots and i love them. They take a little longer to veg but they are nice.

A flood and drain tray of clones would be faster and produce the same or more but they are prettier in big plants.
I accidentally broke a branch of of a plant and thought I might as well experiment a little. These all started off roughly the same size, the two outer ones coco and perlite, center left is perlite, next to it DWC . DWC had an air stone early in life and then without, change out the six liters of solution every two weeks. Hempy bucket the rest. Had them outdoors but it was late in the season and flipped naturally. Watered/fed them once a day.


I think I topped them once, let them grow as they will otherwise. Took them in when frost was a regular occurrence and now on 12/12. This picture is a while ago, just took it in response to a question on different grow methods. Basically size matters but two of the two liter bottles looks like them might equal the other two in yield. What they would have done with more time to veg I can't say. I might be inclined to do a run of pop bottles with drip feed some time.
Used 5 gallon fabrics last grow, they breath nice and dry nice. take up a lot of space and figured i would use 3 gallon plastic this grow instead. So far i am liking the results im about a week into flower and compared to last grow in fabric i think my plants are doing way batter and have a thicker stock to them by two fold. I am liking the space the 3 gallon pots take up compared to the 5 gallon for sure. So far so good in 3 gallon. I did however failed to mention my last grow in fabric was my first ever. it was a great first time grow.
I accidentally broke a branch of of a plant and thought I might as well experiment a little. These all started off roughly the same size, the two outer ones coco and perlite, center left is perlite, next to it DWC . DWC had an air stone early in life and then without, change out the six liters of solution every two weeks. Hempy bucket the rest. Had them outdoors but it was late in the season and flipped naturally. Watered/fed them once a day.


I think I topped them once, let them grow as they will otherwise. Took them in when frost was a regular occurrence and now on 12/12. This picture is a while ago, just took it in response to a question on different grow methods. Basically size matters but two of the two liter bottles looks like them might equal the other two in yield. What they would have done with more time to veg I can't say. I might be inclined to do a run of pop bottles with drip feed some time.
Those White Widow?
Well I guess I better contribute to this long dead thread. I have grown in 3.5 gallon and5 gallon buckets using coco and perlite or just straight perlite. For watering, I used Blumat drippers and rarely ever got run off unless the Blumats messed up. Either 3.5 or 5 gallon buckets yielded around 2 zips per gallon (7 ounces dried from 3.5 gallons, 10 from the 5 gallon). That was 4 plants in a 5x5 tent with around 800 watts of led strips. My best 16 ounce solo cup yielded 39 grams IIRC (grown 12-12 from seed).
"Pics or it didn't happen"
America bastardized the imperial system by altering volume of the gallon/quart/pint/cup/fluid ounces, including the actual size of the fluid ounce, as well as the amount of fluid ounces per gallon/quart/pint/cup.

Below is a link to a web site that actually understands the difference. (I seen many that don't)

1 US gallon = 128 fluid ounces = 3.79 litres
1 US quart = 32 fluid ounces
1 US pint = 16 fluid ounces
1 US cup = 8 fluid ounces
1 US fluid ounce = 29.57 ml

1 UK gallon = 160 fluid ounces = 4.55 litres
1 UK quart = 40 fluid ounces
1 UK pint = 20 fluid ounces
1 UK cup = 10 fluid ounces
1 UK fluid ounce = 28.41 ml

In Canada 40 years ago, we used the UK Imperial system, but most Canadians would believe the UK gallon has 128 fluid ounces...which would be wrong.

Anyhow, as for growing pot in small containers, I love using the 2L pop bottles

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