Who grows cuz they love smoking?


Well-Known Member
that must be heaven.
I don't have nearly the selection that some here do. I'm more a one or two at a time guy with months of nothing going on. I do save some for longer periods of time so one jar may have one big bud left in it from 6 months ago while another is full with the popcorn bud from something more recent. Other jars are all tops, and another jar maybe something bartered or given by a buddy.


Well-Known Member
I just got rid of about 8 jars of stuff from buddies I traded with them. When I get home and smoke a bowl I think, why the fuck do I keep trading weed with people. I think the most strains I've had of stuff I grew was 10. That was fun. There's always a favorite though.


Well-Known Member
I would not grow anything that I didn't personally want to smoke. I'm surrounded by a competitive market and the standard is high. I've seen some excellent weed in the clubs recently. Also some sub standard.

I'm smoking Grapefruit from Dinafem this week. Last week I smoked melon gum which is quite heavy. I'm about to harvest blue rhino and I'm starting critical Kush and more melon gum.

Out here a lot of growers have turned their hobby into a living. We've had seed/hydro stores here for years.