who gets seeds sent to the place the grow


Well-Known Member
why you say that?
There is an amount of paranoia that creeps in as you first take this adventure. That first grow when you close to the end and everything is real stanky, like it hits you when you open up the tent. You just blazed down some ganja and your mind starts going through all the bad scenarios. You have to be able to deal with it. I almost ripped down grows before, I know people who have, all based upon the paranoia you go through.

Now once you gain the experience you have to guard against being too lax.


There is an amount of paranoia that creeps in as you first take this adventure. That first grow when you close to the end and everything is real stanky, like it hits you when you open up the tent. You just blazed down some ganja and your mind starts going through all the bad scenarios. You have to be able to deal with it. I almost ripped down grows before, I know people who have, all based upon the paranoia you go through.

Now once you gain the experience you have to guard against being too lax.
i feel you on that. i hope i dont have to rip down my grow. imma be pissed. with that in mind is why im doing everything i can to not be detected. happy blazing to all


Well-Known Member
Yup!all 3 times:mrgreen:.figured if the Feds wanna kick my door down for maybe 2 plants waste the time and money for a NON selling cannabis enthusiast,go ahead,I must be a threat to society..:roll:

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
There is an amount of paranoia that creeps in as you first take this adventure. That first grow when you close to the end and everything is real stanky, like it hits you when you open up the tent. You just blazed down some ganja and your mind starts going through all the bad scenarios. You have to be able to deal with it. I almost ripped down grows before, I know people who have, all based upon the paranoia you go through.

Now once you gain the experience you have to guard against being too lax.

you must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Kinetic again

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Yup!all 3 times:mrgreen:.figured if the Feds wanna kick my door down for maybe 2 plants waste the time and money for a NON selling cannabis enthusiast,go ahead,I must be a threat to society..:roll:
My thoughts exactly. I *do* get a little paranoid at the end of the grow though -- last year I could smell my backyard garden from the front driveway. I have a shit ton of vegetables and flowers (in both front and back yards), so I think my prissy neighbors just assumed it was some weird lily blooming. Their college aged kids are really wholesome too, and wouldn't know a weed plant if it bit them on the butt -- so I didn't worry much about rippers either.


New Member
Well you send them to your house man.. Or you will need to break the golden rule. Telling someone to accept your sketchy package. Well unless you are distributing your product all over the southwest. The DEA might wonder about those seeds..


its different to have paranoia caused by a smelly plant than to know the feds or some branch of the "law type figure" know what your doing, or to intercept an illegal package.


Well-Known Member
I've never been paranoid about growing, but I can't afford getting seeds from the US, let alone from overseas. I'm pretty sure some of the neighbors at my old residence knew what was going down, cause of the smell of flowering plants and constant weed smoke :joint:. For some time a patrol unit was parked under a tree in front of the property, when I noticed I freaked out, then I remembered that I had been smoking weed for hours and they didn't seem to notice or care about the smell. Cops was just looking for a shade to take a nap. Never ever felt paranoia afterwards :hump:


Well-Known Member
I never send seeds to where I am growing even though I am in a legal state. I just send them to my parents house, one of the benefits of having hippy/progressive parents. Agree with Strax, Kinetic hit the nail on the head, especially about the not getting too lax after a couple successful grows...

My policy is to treat my grow as if it were illegal, I tend to be the paranoid type though. Never make big decisions about your grow when you are high!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sure I wouldn't have a problem if I did. I do use my own name and a credit card, but it is the one I have registered to my parents address, just for these kinds of purchases. I think some of it is just habit carryover from back in the day when I grew illegally, always paying in cash etc..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sure I wouldn't have a problem if I did. I do use my own name and a credit card, but it is the one I have registered to my parents address, just for these kinds of purchases. I think some of it is just habit carryover from back in the day when I grew illegally, always paying in cash etc..
The reality is a cop isn't going to kick your door down because you bought seeds. I know Americans have to be more paranoid as they have some fucked up laws but buying seeds isn't going to get there attention. I'm no lawyer but I have been in jail many times and never once have I seen anyone get busted for buying seeds lol. Although I did time with Marc Emery when he got 3 months for passing a joint here in Saskatchewan so thats as close as I have seen seed related.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you did time, but if one had to they could do a lot worse than hangin with Marc Emery. I bet than was interesting. Agree that getting busted for seeds is totally unlikely. The main reason is I don't want anyone knowing where weed is being grown for safety reasons mainly. I have more peace of mind knowing there won't be people checking out my address or trying to rip my shit off (I am armed to bro). My MMJ paperwork, license, registration, etc is all at a different address. I am basically off the grid as far as searching my name, other than utilities. I admit to being a paranoid American, to a certain extent anyway...


Well-Known Member
Sorry you did time, but if one had to they could do a lot worse than hangin with Marc Emery. I bet than was interesting. Agree that getting busted for seeds is totally unlikely. The main reason is I don't want anyone knowing where weed is being grown for safety reasons mainly. I have more peace of mind knowing there won't be people checking out my address or trying to rip my shit off (I am armed to bro). My MMJ paperwork, license, registration, etc is all at a different address. I am basically off the grid as far as searching my name, other than utilities. I admit to being a paranoid American, to a certain extent anyway...
Ohh I see where this question was headed. Ya I supposed if you were afraid of getting robbed or something like that than ya I see why one would use a different address, Thx for the insight Cas. Ya doin time with Marc was a joke don't be fooled by his prestige the guy is a fucking mooch and he never paid for weed not once lol. When he got released he went straight onto the John Gormley Live Show and called all Canadians "Flotsam and Jetsam"scum basically so that shit head can fucking root in your American jail's. And Jodi his bitch she's a real piece of work too.
Although he did the inmates a good one the last night of his stay. He got his boy's fro B.O.B HQ to deliver a shit load of pop, chips and tobacco for us all(including the shit that got tossed over the fence)so his stay wasn't all that bad.


Well-Known Member
Damn, didn't know he was the hypocrite he is, but decent of him to hook everyone up with tobacco, and some good eats... Anyone calling Canadians "Flotsam and Jetsam" scum is no friend of mine. Every time I have been to Canada I have come back thinking what friendly and down to earth people they are.


Well-Known Member
Damn, didn't know he was the hypocrite he is, but decent of him to hook everyone up with tobacco, and some good eats... Anyone calling Canadians "Flotsam and Jetsam" scum is no friend of mine. Every time I have been to Canada I have come back thinking what friendly and down to earth people they are.
He's due for a release here soon and has already stated he's going to do a Canada wide tour for something or another. I have to wonder how much support he still has if any at all.