Who else is really confused where they are going in life?


Well-Known Member
Senior in college this year. And I have no fucking clue what I wanna do, and I have no idea how to find out. I'll have a degree in biomedical engineering, but the whole idea of being assimilated into a corporation or being stuck in a job i hate scares the hell out of me, and its left me in a state of confusion, and fear.

Is anyone else feeling the same lately? Ive never been so scared of being unhappy in the future, which is causing me to be unhappy now. Weird thing is, I was the happiest I had ever been the first 2 months of school starting, but now life feels stagnant and I feel stuck.

I'm looking for some advice if anyone can lend me some. Anyone gone through this and come out on top?

Thanks for listening to me vent :-|:-|:-|


Well-Known Member
I was confused for a long time. Then I realized that I should just do what makes me happy and fuck what everyone else says. So now that is what I do and I've never been happier.

Oh and feeling lame is no big deal, pay attention for a couple days and you will notice your moods fluxuate. Not much you can really do about it but a good mood is always followed by a bad mood. Nothing is permanent so I just go with the flow the best I can. If you can't control it why not have fun with it?

I love this thing called life both the good and bad.

Oh and what you do in life has noting to do with your job so don't sweat it . . . :wink:


Well-Known Member
Ya, I feel ya man. I dropped out of college because I realized it was pointing me towards nothing i felt any passion for. I haven't a ton to show for myself but I got a job and get outside myself everyday. Your fear is the only thing I'm worried about in you. PS Most people I know that have graduated DO NOT use their degree at work ;)


Well-Known Member
Senior in college this year. And I have no fucking clue what I wanna do, and I have no idea how to find out. I'll have a degree in biomedical engineering, but the whole idea of being assimilated into a corporation or being stuck in a job i hate scares the hell out of me, and its left me in a state of confusion, and fear.

Is anyone else feeling the same lately? Ive never been so scared of being unhappy in the future, which is causing me to be unhappy now. Weird thing is, I was the happiest I had ever been the first 2 months of school starting, but now life feels stagnant and I feel stuck.

I'm looking for some advice if anyone can lend me some. Anyone gone through this and come out on top?

Thanks for listening to me vent :-|:-|:-|
i live in constant regret of not going to college. Even if it was for something stupid. I would still have a degree in something. INstead im forced into labor jobs that suck.

If I were you I would asess how you want your life to be once you get out of college. Most people live with their parents til they get a good job. Maybe try that out. OR get out there and make something of yourself. Sure you might have a boring ass job but it beats the hell out of being poor!

trust me im 23 (soon 24) and have no set path. I hate it but love it. I learned alot about what i want in life but at the same time im at a deadend job or doing something that i really dont want later in life.

you can find out the hard way, or you can make the best of what you have. ...I advise to make the best of what you have man.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean. Im 20, finished 2 years of college and dropped out. Not permanently, but I havent a damn clue what I want to do, so I figure theres no sense going to school for a major that I dont want to do. I wish I knew though! Just so I had a heading- a direction... something to work towards. Not knowing what you want to do is like being stuck in pergatory... its the worst! Its like your whole life is stuck on pause.


Well-Known Member
I think most people go through the same feelings as you at some point in their life. I would consider myself sucessful in what I do, but there are definitely times when I question the path I have chosen. Try not to ruin the present by thinking about the future, and whatever you do don't live in regret.


Well-Known Member
I think most people go through the same feelings as you at some point in their life. I would consider myself sucessful in what I do, but there are definitely times when I question the path I have chosen. Try not to ruin the present by thinking about the future, and whatever you do don't live in regret.
Well said, the only time to live is now. :peace:


Active Member
im 16 im in the court system and i went to dh 6 times. in an alternative learning center at school. and i grow pot without my parents knowing. so preety much IM GOING NO WHERE. i suck at life. hey man as long as i know how to grow pot ill always be happy.


Well-Known Member
I'm 28 living w/ parents, pretty broke, I don't have much, but I'm pretty content. The best advice I can give is to follow your heart. If you want something go for it & if you want nothing it's o.k. to go for that as well. Do what YOU want to do...don't let other people make you - Make Yourself.


Well-Known Member
Ya, I feel ya man. I dropped out of college because I realized it was pointing me towards nothing i felt any passion for. I haven't a ton to show for myself but I got a job and get outside myself everyday. Your fear is the only thing I'm worried about in you. PS Most people I know that have graduated DO NOT use their degree at work ;)

They dont use there degree but they got one, thats why they got the job, cuz they have exp. compared to a non degree person ;)

just the way it works, u havnt got a degree its hard to jump around in good jobs, but if u have a degree lets say in electronics.... u can pretty much go and do lots of things with that degree that doesnt even have anything to do with it.


Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I was 27 when I signed up for a Union Carpenter Apprenticeship. 4 yr program, starting at 65% of Journeyman wages. It was a hard 4 years but now I'm retired (worked for 24 years and I'm on my 7th year of retirement) living on my Carpenter's pension. I was never a good student, so going to college wasn't an option for me.
You could find a Trade Union, take the Apprenticeship, get your Journeyman's card and you'll be able to go anywhere in the USA to find work. You'll have Medical insurance, Dental insurance, Vision insurance and a defined pension. Worked for me.
And remember, Jesus was a Carpenter.......


Well-Known Member
im 16 im in the court system and i went to dh 6 times. in an alternative learning center at school. and i grow pot without my parents knowing. so preety much IM GOING NO WHERE. i suck at life. hey man as long as i know how to grow pot ill always be happy.

Gotta be 18 to be here ,,Bye Bye


Well-Known Member
Senior in college this year.

Is anyone else feeling the same lately? Ive never been so scared of being unhappy in the future, which is causing me to be unhappy now. Weird thing is, I was the happiest I had ever been the first 2 months of school starting, but now life feels stagnant and I feel stuck.

I'm looking for some advice if anyone can lend me some. Anyone gone through this and come out on top?

Thanks for listening to me vent :-|:-|:-|
That feeling is apprehension and anxiety. You are much closer to failing or succeeding. That is your mind ticking like a clock to graduation day.
This is all normal it will build until graduation day which will be like an orgasm. The release from your apprehension. A few weeks later it starts again until you please yourself again with "accomplishment". The Job promotion, continuing education.........
This shit never ends. Several degrees, 1 marriage, 5 kids, military tours. Just so we are clear here this is all about expectations and the question"Will I succeed."?.
You will live longer and be happier if you get uninterested in all this. Be happy and quit thinking too much. Accept each moment for what it is.
My avatar is an actual photo. I am old. I learned all this the hard way. Times have been great and times have sucked. Mostly no times could I have changed by me obsessing and losing the good times in the bad.
I had told my children aim your sights low so you will never be disappointed. They are all
successful in their educations, families and carers. I have been told this was the best advice.

I'm 46, have my own home, have a great job and am very good at what i do. And I'm still confused about my future. Always looking for somthin better. Wish I went to college. Although it does seem like blue collar jobs are much easier to get than white collar. Being well trained in a blue collar job that takes years to master does have its bennifits. Still, wish I went to college.


Well-Known Member
DMMCDT 46 is not too old to get a degree. I was 37 when I got my second degree. I am working on a third in epidemiology. nothin' sadder than a shoulda' done. Go for it with no expectations


Well-Known Member
i am 19, jobless, living with parents, no qualifications, no prospects, but i grow weed so im happy!!!
diemdepyro, I hear ya. Thought about it often. I do have an associates degree for Electronic Engineering. Maybe I could move forward with that. I will give it more thought