who else is looking forward to "Better Call Saul"?

I thought bb was brilliant, in uk we got the first two seasons then nothing, it just ended .

that's britian for you . Lol
I thought bb was brilliant, in uk we got the first two seasons then nothing, it just ended .

that's britian for you . Lol
Well then you are very lucky! You still have 3 seasons of BB to enjoy! Get the DVDs, they are worth it.
Breaking bad is coming back!
I heard a rumor that it will be set in the future, or maybe present? Wasn't BB set a bit in the past? Seem to remember old cell phones...Anyway, I heard the new BB will follow his son who will presumably have some nice start up cash. Is this the rumor or a different one?

I'm down for any of it if Gilligan blesses it.