who else has a KRATOM TREE!!

Careful with kratom. Know quite a few people IRL who have struggled to kick kratom after substituting it as an opiate alternative. If you enjoy your hairline avoid it (not even joking).
Withdrawals approaching week 4 as we speak trying everything to get back to full health...carrots ginger root lemons oranges apples fruit fruit smoothies good whole meals and exercising Still feeling shitty

And probably have a half pound of kratom left I don't ever wanna touch it again

3 years of using leaf and extracts

Lifelong opiate addict- 1 year clean

3 rd relapse
Withdrawals approaching week 4 as we speak trying everything to get back to full health...carrots ginger root lemons oranges apples fruit fruit smoothies good whole meals and exercising Still feeling shitty

And probably have a half pound of kratom left I don't ever wanna touch it again

3 years of using leaf and extracts

Lifelong opiate addict- 1 year clean

3 rd relapse

IMHO - don't think of relapse in terms of time clean. -- Although time speaks to experience and success, all that any of us truly have is right now, today.
I have almost a decade away from alcohol - but it's still early here, and I have plenty of time for bad - or good - decisions.
Live today - not yesterday.

As you know - it will get better. Go find some sunshine and get a smile. :bigjoint:

If you don't mind - what was your dosage?
And from one opi addict to another - how do the withdrawals compare to (hypothetically of course) ---- a 120mg / day habit kicked suddenly... :spew:
(and that's why I treat opiates like they're made of fire)
IMHO - don't think of relapse in terms of time clean. -- Although time speaks to experience and success, all that any of us truly have is right now, today.
I have almost a decade away from alcohol - but it's still early here, and I have plenty of time for bad - or good - decisions.
Live today - not yesterday.

As you know - it will get better. Go find some sunshine and get a smile. :bigjoint:

If you don't mind - what was your dosage?
And from one opi addict to another - how do the withdrawals compare to (hypothetically of course) ---- a 120mg / day habit kicked suddenly... :spew:
(and that's why I treat opiates like they're made of fire)
Kratom dosage was anywhere from 7-14 gs regularly but man I've went up wards or 20 gram doses not very often tho I try to put a cap on it at 14...then I started the extracts I was doin 150 mg plus every day faithfully

For opiates lol it depends how much money I had....but I never done more than 200 mg in a day but my regular dosage probably 60-90 mg (so like 2- 3 30s a day...I was a roxi and Perc guy lol send chills just saying it that was my DOC...now these are still low doses I knew guys who blew me out the water

Suboxone 8 mg a day I was prescribed (worst withdrawals of my life)

as with alcohol I congratulate you I was in rehab with people kicking the habit and it seemed very hard one of the worst drugs imo
Just an observation.. majority of people complaining of longer "Kratom withdrawal" take extracts. If you're just using the standard powder most people are able to do a 2-3 week taper with MINIMAL withdrawal. When I ate kratom I would take t breaks where I would go from 15g a day to cold turkey. After 24-36 hours I was already eating normally. Like others have said exercise and eat well, learn to appreciate life for the small stuff
Just an observation.. majority of people complaining of longer "Kratom withdrawal" take extracts. If you're just using the standard powder most people are able to do a 2-3 week taper with MINIMAL withdrawal. When I ate kratom I would take t breaks where I would go from 15g a day to cold turkey. After 24-36 hours I was already eating normally. Like others have said exercise and eat well, learn to appreciate life for the small stuff
I agree the extracts feel closer to a opiate withdrawal and the onset is more rapid I'd wake up the next morning and feel it...but funny thing to mention I feel like I got more of a "full spectrum" effect when doin the leaf...more akaloids possibly? Idk but I tried tapering from the extracts to the leaf

Now each time I quit kratom it feels like the withdrawals came back harder and stronger

I feel like I never would of got off opiates without kratom tho
I agree the extracts feel closer to a opiate withdrawal and the onset is more rapid I'd wake up the next morning and feel it...but funny thing to mention I feel like I got more of a "full spectrum" effect when doin the leaf...more akaloids possibly? Idk but I tried tapering from the extracts to the leaf

Now each time I quit kratom it feels like the withdrawals came back harder and stronger

I feel like I never would of got off opiates without kratom tho
If you don't mind my asking, what are you tapering down to before cut off? Have you managed to get off the extracts yet? Mentally I wouldn't consider taking kratom powder as a relapse. Allow yourself a bit of a crutch until you shake the extracts out of your system. Maybe small dose 3-5g in morning and night. Just gotta give you're body the time to rewire itself. We would call it "getting a new baseline "
I agree the extracts feel closer to a opiate withdrawal and the onset is more rapid I'd wake up the next morning and feel it...but funny thing to mention I feel like I got more of a "full spectrum" effect when doin the leaf...more akaloids possibly? Idk but I tried tapering from the extracts to the leaf

Now each time I quit kratom it feels like the withdrawals came back harder and stronger

I feel like I never would of got off opiates without kratom tho

Thanks for the info - and I hope others see the cautionary tales in the background here; there's A LOT of pain being recalled in this thread.
Tread cautiously in these waters...

As for me - my 120mg of oxycontin to ZERO looked a lot like the withdrawal scene in "Train Spotting" (minus the HIV...)**
Wish it had funny friends chiding me and entertaining hallucinations like Renton got below - but mine was a bit worse, and 2 weeks is A LOT longer than 4 minutes.
Felt like the WORST FLU EVER, with a touch of dying thrown in for good measure.
---That was YEARS AGO, and I can tell you my stomach is tight RIGHT NOW with the memory.

** EDIT - Shop your Dr. CAREFULLY - mine gave me a truck load too many pills. MY fault for taking them, but what if my Dr. had been a bit more conscientious with his script writing?
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If you don't mind my asking, what are you tapering down to before cut off? Have you managed to get off the extracts yet? Mentally I wouldn't consider taking kratom powder as a relapse. Allow yourself a bit of a crutch until you shake the extracts out of your system. Maybe small dose 3-5g in morning and night. Just gotta give you're body the time to rewire itself. We would call it "getting a new baseline "

I tapered down to about 3-5 grams but still at 5 grams that 75mg atleast mitragynine I Kno these because they have the lab results on the packaging....I'm approaching 4 weeks so theredno goin back now...
Thanks for the info - and I hope others see the cautionary tales in the background here; there's A LOT of pain being recalled in this thread.
Tread cautiously in these waters...

As for me - my 120mg of oxycontin to ZERO looked a lot like the withdrawal scene in "Train Spotting" (minus the HIV...)
Wish it had funny friends chiding me and entertaining hallucinations like Renton got below - but mine was a bit worse, and 2 weeks is A LOT longer than 4 minutes.
Felt like the WORST FLU EVER, with a touch of dying thrown in for good measure.
---That was YEARS AGO, and I can tell you my stomach is tight RIGHT NOW with the memory.
Believe it or not I feel like some people need to go through withdrawals because it changed me made me a better person each time it makes me a better person I start eating better taking on better habits I guess in a way that helps you grow up
Believe it or not I feel like some people need to go through withdrawals because it changed me made me a better person each time it makes me a better person I start eating better taking on better habits I guess in a way that helps you grow up

I whole heartedly agree. I had NO CLUE HOW DANGEROUS a lot things we put in our bodies are.
My experience coupled with too many friend's deaths gave me a pretty big respect for the "dark side" of the medical / drug world.

These days I like my weed too much, but I grow my own and make my own hash & edibles - everything else is approached with caution and a willingness to dump it down the drain.
Believe it or not I feel like some people need to go through withdrawals because it changed me made me a better person each time it makes me a better person I start eating better taking on better habits I guess in a way that helps you grow up
Withdrawals make people stronger, I'm not sure if they make most people better though! I got hooked on Kratom when my arthritis pain first started getting bad. My cousin gave me a solid dose and it helped quite a bit. I didn't practice my usual due diligence and quickly found myself going through over a kilo per month, so a 30+ gram per day habit. I then decided to quit cold turkey and had withdrawals that reminded me a lot of benzo withdrawals, especially the total and complete lack of sleep for two weeks. I was back to a more normal type of extreme insomnia after a month and then after 6 months was getting a solid 5 hours per night. I'm sure that a TON of people are freaking out about Kratom's continued legal status right now, since Grampy "reefer madness" Biden decided to sick the WHO on the industry rather than do his own dirty work. Yes, Kratom is addictive, but it also TRULY does help a lot of people get off opiates. At the very least it's a hell of a lot better substitution than methadone. I do hate seeing people mess with it for other reasons, especially young people who experience that warm blanket opioid feeling for the first time and think it's the cure for their "insert any problem here". It doesn't last, and neither does the pain relief, then all you are left with is eating a nasty green powder several times per day just to service your withdrawals.
Withdrawals make people stronger, I'm not sure if they make most people better though! I got hooked on Kratom when my arthritis pain first started getting bad. My cousin gave me a solid dose and it helped quite a bit. I didn't practice my usual due diligence and quickly found myself going through over a kilo per month, so a 30+ gram per day habit. I then decided to quit cold turkey and had withdrawals that reminded me a lot of benzo withdrawals, especially the total and complete lack of sleep for two weeks. I was back to a more normal type of extreme insomnia after a month and then after 6 months was getting a solid 5 hours per night. I'm sure that a TON of people are freaking out about Kratom's continued legal status right now, since Grampy "reefer madness" Biden decided to sick the WHO on the industry rather than do his own dirty work. Yes, Kratom is addictive, but it also TRULY does help a lot of people get off opiates. At the very least it's a hell of a lot better substitution than methadone. I do hate seeing people mess with it for other reasons, especially young people who experience that warm blanket opioid feeling for the first time and think it's the cure for their "insert any problem here". It doesn't last, and neither does the pain relief, then all you are left with is eating a nasty green powder several times per day just to service your withdrawals.
I did almost 30 gs one time never again my eye balls start shaking lmao you know how they shake if your rolling on MDMA scared the living hell out of me and I couldnt drive usually I can drive on any drug but not that nightScreenshot_20210906-102947.png
Eye wobbles lmao
I've started experimenting with kratom because there is chronic pain in my family - not me too much yet - but enough to see that the accompanying prescriptions all have addiction warnings. So we've looked for things to help manage the inevitable addiction.

Again, all of this discussion is one of the reasons that I love growing my own weed:
Herijuana has been a great pain relieving strain, and another "arrow" in my "quiver" of pain relievers available. (new journal starting soon!)
The flower is a solid indica in its own right, but the edibles and hash are truly "medical grade" - The hash especially has a warm rush of back-muscle relaxation on the exhale - beautiful stuff. :bigjoint:

In my estimation, its pain relieving effects are greater than ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
- Hash & edibles service my arthritis and old-guy back VERY well; and opiates / kratom are reserved for outstandingly bad days.

- I also use low doses of kratom AND hash following certain events - I was crew at a racing event a few weeks ago and got a pretty nice body slam. I had knee pads on, but my ribs, right hip and right elbow got banged up when gravity hiccupped and I landed hard (stupid gravity! :cuss:). Didn't notice during the event, but my body was pretty unhappy with me by the time I got home and my ribs & hip were purple & green - oops.
4-5 grams of nasty tea to help me get to sleep - and a few bruises to remind me that I'm not a kid anymore...:p
I've started experimenting with kratom because there is chronic pain in my family - not me too much yet - but enough to see that the accompanying prescriptions all have addiction warnings. So we've looked for things to help manage the inevitable addiction.

Again, all of this discussion is one of the reasons that I love growing my own weed:
Herijuana has been a great pain relieving strain, and another "arrow" in my "quiver" of pain relievers available. (new journal starting soon!)
The flower is a solid indica in its own right, but the edibles and hash are truly "medical grade" - The hash especially has a warm rush of back-muscle relaxation on the exhale - beautiful stuff. :bigjoint:

In my estimation, its pain relieving effects are greater than ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
- Hash & edibles service my arthritis and old-guy back VERY well; and opiates / kratom are reserved for outstandingly bad days.

- I also use low doses of kratom AND hash following certain events - I was crew at a racing event a few weeks ago and got a pretty nice body slam. I had knee pads on, but my ribs, right hip and right elbow got banged up when gravity hiccupped and I landed hard (stupid gravity! :cuss:). Didn't notice during the event, but my body was pretty unhappy with me by the time I got home and my ribs & hip were purple & green - oops.
4-5 grams of nasty tea to help me get to sleep - and a few bruises to remind me that I'm not a kid anymore...:p
I've been dealing with rheumatoid arthritis too, and I've gotten vastly more relief from cannabis, thc, cbd, various terpenes than I ever got from Kratom. If you aren't hooked on it, I'd cut the kratom out altogether. Try strains high in caryophyllene, you can even try it in pill form-it's called Rephyll, from nootropics depot. Also, look into palmitoylethanolamide, it's a natural product and you can even buy it on Amazon. Those are the things that actually helped me the most.
I'll be researching those for sure! How are they for neuropathy? My Wife had an injury that left her with a degenerative disease causing her hand to contract - looks a lot like end-stage R.A. hand tbh - swan contractions & all... :sad:
Rheumatoid runs in my family - I'm fairly old for not really having it, but I still keep pretty active and eat decently (not well...).
I don't know if Herijuana is high in Caryophyllene, but I've noticed that the temple ball hash I made does wonders for my wrists, neck & back - edibles too.
The flower is STONY and good - but somehow the hash & edibles offer more relief (not just "stone").
Hoping to cross Heri with Malana when I get around to running them both.
I'm looking for the excellent hash qualities of Malana and the pain relief of Heri.

--- Thanks again! - you just helped me decide what I'm running when I finally get my room finished! :bigjoint:
Dude I absolutely love your kratom tree. So dope. Looks like it’s really healthy and growing quick!! I want one. I wonder if one could survive in my area.

Kratom is almost too good for me, I take 1/2 tsp of most good stuff and I’m v euphoric and energized for hours. Amazing. Nothing makes hard labor easier or more enjoyable.

Can’t take it cause it’s pretty addictive for me. I take it like once a month lmao. Settle for herb and beer most of the time. If you’re struggling with kratom, def stop that shit, bad for testosterone, GI health, etc.
Dude I absolutely love your kratom tree. So dope. Looks like it’s really healthy and growing quick!! I want one. I wonder if one could survive in my area.

Kratom is almost too good for me, I take 1/2 tsp of most good stuff and I’m v euphoric and energized for hours. Amazing. Nothing makes hard labor easier or more enjoyable.

Can’t take it cause it’s pretty addictive for me. I take it like once a month lmao. Settle for herb and beer most of the time. If you’re struggling with kratom, def stop that shit, bad for testosterone, GI health, etc.
It's great for work and a slightly euphoric! Then it's been 3+ years and you're doing 60grams a day to be able to do "normal people" tasks. 3 months to taper and now it's been about 2 years without the green sludge in my life. How about that Marijuana tho!
I'll be researching those for sure! How are they for neuropathy? My Wife had an injury that left her with a degenerative disease causing her hand to contract - looks a lot like end-stage R.A. hand tbh - swan contractions & all... :sad:
Rheumatoid runs in my family - I'm fairly old for not really having it, but I still keep pretty active and eat decently (not well...).
I don't know if Herijuana is high in Caryophyllene, but I've noticed that the temple ball hash I made does wonders for my wrists, neck & back - edibles too.
The flower is STONY and good - but somehow the hash & edibles offer more relief (not just "stone").
Hoping to cross Heri with Malana when I get around to running them both.
I'm looking for the excellent hash qualities of Malana and the pain relief of Heri.

--- Thanks again! - you just helped me decide what I'm running when I finally get my room finished! :bigjoint:
I turned my dad onto both Rephyll and palmitoylethanolamide because he also has some type of non-diabetic neuropathy, and now he swears by both of them. I'm not really up to date on which strains are high in caryophyllene, and sometimes I'll see a test report that shows a certain strain is high in it, but another report that says different. I'm going to look into it though. I'm growing Kali Mist now because it has that signature caryophyllene smell and always helped with pain, but I'd like to find a strain that is super high in it.
It's great for work and a slightly euphoric! Then it's been 3+ years and you're doing 60grams a day to be able to do "normal people" tasks. 3 months to taper and now it's been about 2 years without the green sludge in my life. How about that Marijuana tho!
60 grams seem like it'd be a lethal dose I'm almost sure it is but I don't actually know the LD50 off the top of my head
It's great for work and a slightly euphoric! Then it's been 3+ years and you're doing 60grams a day to be able to do "normal people" tasks. 3 months to taper and now it's been about 2 years without the green sludge in my life. How about that Marijuana tho!
At 60 grams per day you must have only gone through like one roll of toilet paper per year! Congrats on getting off that.