Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

But that isn't the point. The fallacy I'm trying to point out has nothing to do with the OP or the context of the thread. It has to do with one specific post. I don't care why the thread was started. If someone is racist for dissing your music, then I think you should be considered racist for dissing their music.

It'd be one thing if one of the non-black members had posted on this thread that all rappers were fried-chicken-eating, watermelon-eating, koolaid-drinking n*i**rs. Then I'd be screaming racism along with everyone else because, let's be honest... that's a racist-as-hell statement to make. But no one did. They just said rap sucks. It doesn't matter the skin-color of the rapper. Hating on a musical genre is not racist, regardless of what race likes it more. And calling it racism is being just little bit too happy to pull the racism card.

That's the point I'm trying to make: people (white, black, asian, mexican, native american, middle-eastern... it doesn't matter) need to be a little less willing to pull the racism card.

I've heard Jedi Mind Trick, and while I respect their talent and can see quite easily why anyone would like them, it's just not for me.

Like I said. The real reason I don't like rap is because I need more music in my... music. I need more guitar (preferably with good solos), better drumming, maybe some keyboard, and, finally, less sampling and more actually playing instruments (like The Roots). Now, if I could find rap music in this vein... talented playing, some guitar and guitar solos, etc, I could get into it quite easily. But as it stands, rap just isn't musical enough for me.

u know i'm black and i do all those things but i understand ur point
To hate a whole genra of music over a few overrated artists is very ignorant.
I like all genra's of music because I know there's gotta be atleast one artist that interests me. Its like saying I dislike country but I love Johnny Cash, I dislike hip/hop but I love Tupac, I dislike Heavy Metal but I love Slayer. Oneday your little mind will develop above kindergarten level and you will find that one artist from each genre that you like then you will say hey maybe that guy was right.
i agree though, this new rap/hiphop of the post 2000 is really damn lame...

All the good stuff(even cars) came out in the 90's...

tupac, eazyE, bone thugs etc.. one of the best hiphop/rap artists..
i agree though, this new rap/hiphop of the post 2000 is really damn lame...

All the good stuff(even cars) came out in the 90's...

tupac, eazyE, bone thugs etc.. one of the best hiphop/rap artists..

yea most of the new shit is lame but I mean underground is still goin like Immortal Technique is pretty sick even though west coast is much harder..
i listen to underground hip hop,

too advanced

more creative

keeps the mind sharp

country, r&b, soft rock, some hard rock.. i listen to all dat shit also

i like to stay creative, and keep a open mind
if the song relates to sumthin my life, the way i felt, my past.. so on and so fourth

music is my life.

every type of music sucks
every type of music rocks

I don't like country but like Johnny Cash
I love Rap but not Lil Wayne

for example.

You cant bash a whole genre

but I will say that RADIO = GARBAGE

I usually don't expect older people to like the whole hip hop thing
But they cant expect us to go back in time

Everyone knows you CAN'T defend 80% of rap lyrics
well we already tried that. new people need to keep bringin shit up i guess. i tossed all my wrecks in to germ this morning haha
i know thats what i read too. but i def get a wiff of sumthin when i open up the tent ha smells better than the shit i got flowering now...