Who do you use for early plant gender identification?


Active Member
Recently started my grow from a reg pack and I've been seeing adds offering gender identification services. Some have you mail in a leaf or leaf smear sample. Has anyone used this service before and if so who do you use?
I've used Farmer Freeman a couple times when I was in DC as there was a drop off service you can just drop off samples at the hydro shop and get results really quick. Now I'm never in that big of a hurry.
If I remember right it varied by how many you tested but roughly ten bucks a test for a group of ten tests. Individual tests I think we're a little bit more. It's been a while since I used him. I was just getting started growing and not 100% on my sexing skills back then so I decided to try it out with some BOG regs I was running back around 2018. Turnaround time was really good though and results as far as the female ID were 100%.
Cannabis will produce alternating phyllotaxy when it is an adult, at which point most varieties will exhibit sexual characteristics.
Usually this is seen in an early set of pistils in females, and a lump in males.
Males make it hard to be certain, as a general rule, but some varieties will linger before exhibiting classic signs.
Sometimes also, a plant will look male, then display female.
I always grow them out to be sure, so I don't miss a lottery ticket male.
Males are the hardest to find as a good breeding partner.
If removed at first sign of male flowers, not harm done.
Cannabis will produce alternating phyllotaxy when it is an adult, at which point most varieties will exhibit sexual characteristics.
Usually this is seen in an early set of pistils in females, and a lump in males.
Males make it hard to be certain, as a general rule, but some varieties will linger before exhibiting classic signs.
Sometimes also, a plant will look male, then display female.
I always grow them out to be sure, so I don't miss a lottery ticket male.
Males are the hardest to find as a good breeding partner.
If removed at first sign of male flowers, not harm done.
I know, it's easy to tell if they're mature.

But they're talking about finding out before we can see signs, using DNA testing.
I'm getting tired of doing it about to just grow Big Bud and call it the latest cool name.
Yeah, all my friends have fallen along the wayside.
I'm the last of my generation still bothering that I know.
But I bit the bullet, rearranged things, and went back to the landraces to get back to where we were years ago.
I'm seeing enough results to keep me at it.
When I'm done and ready to show what I have, I'll be the only one with it, I believe.