Who Could Have Predicted - Pelosi Attack Edition

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so no backup for your claim?
Well i said I didn’t want to play that game. Mainly because id have to post stuff that would cause alot of you to call me a trumper but your persistent so I’ll research one for you even though I’m thinking your the type that says do your own research
Now I’m going to the watering hole and work on my mental health. Enough politics
Well i said I didn’t want to play that game. Mainly because id have to post stuff that would cause alot of you to call me a trumper but your persistent so I’ll research one for you even though I’m thinking your the type that says do your own research
Now I’m going to the watering hole and work on my mental health. Enough politics
what part of “text journalism” is beyond you?
https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-10-28/pelosi-attack-suspect-david-depape-shared-conspiracy-theoriesScreen Shot 2022-10-28 at 8.37.11 PM.png

In the months before police accused him of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, David DePape had been drifting further into the world of far-right conspiracies, antisemitism and hate, according to a Times review of his online accounts.

In a personal blog that DePape maintained, posts include such topics as “Manipulation of History,” “Holohoax” and “It’s OK to be white.” He mentioned 4chan, a favorite message board of the far right. He posted videos about conspiracies involving COVID-19 vaccines and the war in Ukraine being a ploy for Jewish people to buy land.

DePape’s screeds included posts about QAnon, an unfounded theory that former President Trump is at war with a cabal of Satan-worshipping elites who run a child sex ring and control the world. In an Aug. 23 entry titled “Q,” DePape wrote: “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle.”

DePape’s daughter, Inti Gonzalez, told The Times that her father wrote the blog. She said that she and her mother were reeling from the news that DePape had been arrested in connection with the attack on Paul Pelosi.

“I’m a little shocked,” she said, “but not really that shocked, in all honesty.”

Authorities have not revealed a motive for the attack at the Pelosi home in San Francisco early Friday morning. But law enforcement sources said the assailant shouted, “Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?” before confronting Paul Pelosi.

Several lawmakers have blamed hyper-partisanship and divisive political rhetoric for an increase in political violence and security incidents in recent years, especially following the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

San Francisco police Chief William Scott said after a 911 call to the Pelosi residence, officers found a man — later identified as DePape — and Paul Pelosi “both holding a hammer.” The intruder pulled the hammer from the 82-year-old Pelosi and then began striking him, Scott said. Officers tackled the suspect, disarmed him and took him into custody.

DePape, 42, was taken to a hospital and later booked at the San Francisco County Jail on suspicion of attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary and destroying a cellphone to prevent someone from seeking help, authorities said.

Paul Pelosi underwent surgery Friday after the attack. Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for Nancy’s Pelosi’s office, said in a statement that Pelosi suffered a skull fracture and serious injuries to his right arm and hands. “His doctors expect a full recovery,” the statement said.

DePape followed a number of conservative creators online, including Tim Pool, Glenn Beck, DailyWire+ and the Epoch Times. He also followed an account on YouTube called Black Pilled and reposted several of its videos on his blog. “Blackpilling” is internet slang for coming to believe supposedly unacceptable facts about society, and the reposted videos include accusations such as the FBI covering up child rape.

Three of DePape’s relatives — including his father — declined to be interviewed for this article. They said they haven’t been in contact with DePape for years and that he’s not in contact with his family. DePape grew up in British Columbia and moved to California more than 20 years ago, one of them said.

DePape was mentioned in a 2013 San Francisco Chronicle article and was described as a “father figure” to Gypsy Taub, a nudist who lived in a three-bedroom Victorian apartment in Berkeley with her then-fiance and her three children. DePape, who was “a hemp jewelry maker,” was the best man in Taub’s wedding.

When DePape was sounding off about QAnon, he posted: “Remember when the UK arrested parents for trying to rescue their children from being gang banged at pedo rape parties and f— LET the pedo’s CONTINUE their kiddie rape orgies,” he continued.

Another post referenced “pizzagate,” a bogus conspiracy theory that posited that children were trapped in a sexual abuse ring in a Washington, D.C., pizzeria run by Hillary Clinton and a chief aide.

“Pizza gate is connected to Epstien hahahahha,” a post from Aug. 23 read. “My friends would be like pizza gate was debunked their is NO such thing as elite pedophile sex rings and I’m like HELLO Epstein what planet are you on?”

In another, he called “equity” a leftist dog whistle “for the systematic oppression of white people” and “diversity” a “dog whistle for the genocide of the white race.” In others, he posted separate videos questioning the Holocaust and alleging Jewish bankers were responsible for Hitler’s rise to power.

DePape also ran a WordPress blog with the domain “godisloving.wordpress.com,” which included racial slurs and far-right conspiracy theories, according to news reports. A spokesperson for WordPress.com, which is owned by Automattic, confirmed that DePape’s blog was taken down Friday “for violating our Terms of Service.”

DePape also shared intimate emails and texts with family members, peppering them with xenophobic ideas and conspiracy theories. Even nonpolitical posts, such as one about a visit to a movie theater to watch “Black Adam,” were laden with conspiracy theories and ideas about racial tension.

“The critics are f— commie gate keepers,” reads a post written two days before the attack on Pelosi. In it, he writes he “enjoyed” the Marvel movie. “Fantastic performance by Mr. ‘The Rock’ he carried the movie.”

But the writing quickly jumped to a conspiracy that the movie plot is not about the comic superhero Black Adam, but an effort to push hate against white people. “The real plot of the story was kill all white people,” DePape wrote. “Black adams [sic] was just a plot device for hollywood to push their white hate narrative.”

Days after Kanye West’s Twitter and Instagram accounts were locked due to antisemitic remarks, DePape created a subsection of his personal blog dedicated to posts about Jewish people. He attempted to debunk the Holocaust and repeated antisemitic sentiments in nearly 20 posts over a 10-day period.

He also posted personal conversations with his daughter. Their chats sometimes were about simple moments, including whistling back at birds, while others were darker, angry moments among DePape, Gonzalez and her mother.

Gonzalez said she was aware that her father posted some of their text conversations on the blog, but said she hadn’t paid very close attention to the rest of the content.

“I knew that he was posting things like that, but I didn’t know he posted all the stuff that I sent him,” she said. “But I don’t really care.”

She’d been in contact with her father, she said, but said her family did not want to discuss him at the moment.

DePape posted videos to Facebook by MyPillow Chief Executive Mike Lindell saying that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, according to reports.

He also linked to sites with claims about the deadliness of COVID-19 vaccines.

“The death rates being promoted are what ever ‘THEY’ want to be promoted as the death rate,” one post read.

DePape’s Facebook page appeared to no longer be accessible Friday. Facebook’s parent, Meta, didn’t immediately respond to a request for information.
I just saw that myself. Thanks to that network. Not alot to ask. If they have info then it should be posted with everything else imo so it matches what authorities are saying at presser. Wasnt trying to defend it either way just had a lot of questions the way the story came out. Still do as far as how the hell is it possible someone can get in that way and apparently have enough time to attack and attempt to even tie him up and wait then the police account is weird imo but whatever . If he didn’t have that dui he could of had a glock instead of an 16 oz estwing
Ok now I’ll say it was a fucking far right lunatic. See simple. I should “ know” before i make decisions, remember? Geez and @cannabineer if you prefer to read the story youll have to look it up yourself while your here dwelling on it im out now gotta go . Don’t get too worked up and stop calling me on the weekends . Peace
I just saw that myself. Thanks to that network. Not alot to ask. If they have info then it should be posted with everything else imo so it matches what authorities are saying at presser. Wasnt trying to defend it either way just had a lot of questions the way the story came out. Still do as far as how the hell is it possible someone can get in that way and apparently have enough time to attack and attempt to even tie him up and wait then the police account is weird imo but whatever . If he didn’t have that dui he could of had a glock instead of an 16 oz estwing
One thing I learned in life. It is not worth trying to predict why crazy people do what they do.

Poor guy was deep down the rabbit hole of the propaganda. This shit needs to be dealt with eventually, but unfortunately the Republicans keep blocking any attempt to do that because they need it to have any chance at all at getting re-elected on their bullshit narratives.

Ok now I’ll say it was a fucking far right lunatic. See simple. I should “ know” before i make decisions, remember? Geez and @cannabineer if you prefer to read the story youll have to look it up yourself while your here dwelling on it im out now gotta go . Don’t get too worked up and stop calling me on the weekends . Peace
Here is the post that got me into this. I’m bolding the part that caught my eye.

Ya ok. Your point? Let me tell you mine. I could easily find , if i wanted to play, equal amounts of the same story only in reverse . Which proves my point, they’re all scum.

I read this as meaning you can find as much dirt on Democrats as Republicans. Now with Hawley, Cruz, DeSantis, Greene, Boebert, Scott, Brannon and of course That Man keeping us up to our armpits in sleaze, it struck me as a pretty tall order that you could match all that badness on the Democrat side.

Those vids you posted seem to be way off topic. So I am refocusing your attention on what you say you could easily find. Links to text journalism, please. If someone other than Breitbart or BitchUte has the goods on my preferred party, don’t you agree that’s something I should know?
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Well i said I didn’t want to play that game. Mainly because id have to post stuff that would cause alot of you to call me a trumper but your persistent so I’ll research one for you even though I’m thinking your the type that says do your own research
Now I’m going to the watering hole and work on my mental health. Enough politics
Where is the property damage you said you'd find that the liberal did to himself?

That's just "he hurt me with his words". Something Black and brown people take for granted. Most of them even tell white woke people to stop complaining about because it just makes the white knuckledragger worse.
Ya ok. Your point? Let me tell you mine. I could easily find , if i wanted to play, equal amounts of the same story only in reverse . Which proves my point, they’re all scum.
My point is, you were already raising the notion that this attack was a false flag. I was just pointing out that your kind are always getting committed for violent hate crimes or claiming the liberals are the violent ones. There is no point in using the, yeah but you do it too. It doesn't matter. The vile part of your speech was smearing the victims of a violent attack simply because they don't represent your degraded idea of what our society should be like.
Isn't it unusual that this happened right before the mid term elections?

I'm just asking questions.


And why are they censoring David DePape's social media accounts? Is this another way to cancel Mike Lindell?

I know this DePape guy may have done some bad things but clearly he was doing them for the right reasons, god forgives and we really need to take back the Senate, so what's the big deal?

If you read DePape's posts, his primary concern is clearly saving the babies. Sure, he wanted to kill Pelosi, but how many babies would that have saved? And now we're going to see the MSM persecute him.

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I just saw that myself. Thanks to that network. Not alot to ask. If they have info then it should be posted with everything else imo so it matches what authorities are saying at presser. Wasnt trying to defend it either way just had a lot of questions the way the story came out. Still do as far as how the hell is it possible someone can get in that way and apparently have enough time to attack and attempt to even tie him up and wait then the police account is weird imo but whatever . If he didn’t have that dui he could of had a glock instead of an 16 oz estwing
Totally. Good points. Also, steel melts at a much higher temperature.
It hasn't even been a day since the attack and we should all wait until all the information comes out before coming to a judgement.

Yes, this DePape guy did seem to break into a private home brandishing a weapon while inquiring about the whereabouts of the lady of the house. Mr. Pelosi might have taken that as an existential threat toward himself of his kin - but that is supposition on his part and was yet unproven. It may even end up that Mr. Pelosi escalated the situation with inflammatory language. Something along the lines of "get out of my house you filthy, mouth-breathing, delusional fuckwad". If that is the case, I am sure we can agree that blame exists on both sides. It would have been prudent for Mr. Pelosi to wait until the hammer actually crushed his skull or the attacker succeeded in killing a member of his family before engaging in such rash escalation.

Maybe because the FBI only investigates guilty people?
You said it, not me.

You said it, not me.

Yes Benghazi was under investigation for 9 Republican attempts they must be useless
What kind of an animal takes a hammer to an 82 year old man’s head?! Oh yeah, that’s right.

I have a question about this though. I watched the police chief last night and he seemed to be choking up a little as he was reporting. He said the police watched from foyer as an 82 year old man, well known to them, struggled with a much younger man, over a hammer. They then ordered them to drop the hammer. Pelosi dropped it and the younger man then took it away and struck Pelosi BEFORE the cops took him down?!

Not making this up. I would say that 90% of union members in these parts voted for Trump and "just know" the election was stolen.
Spot on.
You said it, not me.

good so you agree :hump:
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