Well-Known Member
I understand this is how you see things and are trying to change society laws based on your view of the world. If you killed a guy for taking your parking place it shouldn't matter if he's white or if he's black and you are a racist fuck. How ignorant is it for the defendant's lawyer to have to make an argument that his client would have killed the parking spot thief no matter what color he is to keep his client's sentence lower?again, hate crimes are not based on who the victim and the assailant were, it is based on the intents and motives of the assailant. how do you not understand this?
Of course we judge motive. Motive can decide guilt or not. Meant to do it, didn't mean to do it, these would carry a different sentence. Justifiable, not justifiable, those also carry different weights. Committing a crime because of hate should not weigh more than committing that same exact crime because of jealousy, greed, you just really really don't like Mondays, she wore the same dress as you or the bitch is stealing your daughter's cheerleader spot.