Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Cheesy Bo' Greesy

Well-Known Member
I believe in genetics, freewill, psychology, science & the power of sheer focus, will and determination......As far as God in a dogmatic sense is concerned?: I read a story today about a man who cut his wife into little pieces and left her torso in the garage. He did all of this while his two children (4 years and 6 years old) were home. This took him some days and their kids were home everyday while he left her to rot in the garage. The remaining family of the murdered wife said "the children will be able to read about how their mother died when they become adults but no sooner"(as if that will make it any less shocking for them). I'm pretty sure by that point the other children in their schools will have filled them in on all the details concerning their mothers gruesome death at the hands of their father.... It is very difficult for me to believe in an 'all loving' 'all powerful' creator and will continue to be as long as innocent children like these two keep being put through garbage like this...I do believe in a universal energy that we can manipulate if we so choose for the simple fact that it is exactly what we are all made up of. The more common religious philosophies dont really float my boat though.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Well I beleive there is somthing out there and I would call him GOD if his name was Steve. So yes I beleive:hump:


Well-Known Member
While I believe no one has the right to impose beliefs on others, I also think we need to make public policy (laws, regulations, rules, etc...) based on evidence and not what we "think" or "believe" but what we can prove.

that way, we are free to believe what we want but are insulated from having to deal with anyones loony ideas becoming law.

Ultimately, that is the way forward. Society does seem to be heading that way naturally. If you look back in history we've come a long way since the days of crusades etc. However we still have the odd 'loon' stirring the pot.

There ought to be limits to freedom.
[SIZE=-1]-- George W Bush[/SIZE]

This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while.
[SIZE=-1]-- George W Bush[/SIZE]

To those of you who received honors, awards and distinctions, I say, well done. And to the C students, I say to you: you, too, can be president of the United States.
[SIZE=-1]-- George W Bush[/SIZE]


Well actually I should'nt laugh. My country's next president has been charged with rape, fraud, gun running etc. :roll:


Well-Known Member
God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.
[SIZE=-1]-- George W Bush[/SIZE]


Sorry could'nt resist.


Well-Known Member
.... It is very difficult for me to believe in an 'all loving' 'all powerful' creator and will continue to be as long as innocent children like these two keep being put through garbage like this.. religious
thats what many people say and i also think of this alot, especially the genocide that is happening in darfur, how millions of innocent children are being slaughtered. The one thing i know why God lets this continue is because theres one thing he gave us, free will, we can think say or do anything we want, But dont get me wrong God does intervene, hevent you ever heard of miracles?....theres more to it but i dont want to make this into a all out discussion


Well-Known Member
thats what many people say and i also think of this alot, especially the genocide that is happening in darfur, how millions of innocent children are being slaughtered. The one thing i know why God lets this continue is because theres one thing he gave us, free will, we can think say or do anything we want, But dont get me wrong God does intervene, hevent you ever heard of miracles?....theres more to it but i dont want to make this into a all out discussion
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

Free will is illusory. Everything is a reaction. Thus there is no free will. Miracles? You can't seriously believe in miracles, can you? Miracles are nothing more than something that has a very low chance of happening, happen. Pure chance.


Active Member
ho hum little ol me has had my say so me not gonna play no more as no one as really answered any questions that have been asked by anyone
i will check this thread in the year erm....2020 and yous all will still be sayin the same thing.



Well-Known Member
There are a few reasons to believe but not all of them are equal. I break it down to four:

1) Evidence - observed, rational, logical, repeatable AKA scientific method

2) Tradition - passed on from generation to generation - the belief that because people have believed something a long time somehow makes it more true (while a made up story is false whether you make it up today or made it up 2000 years ago.

3) Authority - person in charge tells you what to believe. Islam has mullahs and ayatollahs, Catholics have the Pope, Communists have Marx or Mao, etc..

4) Revelation - person says God told them and is now sharing - the "prophets" - folks like David Koresh and Jim Jones comes to mind

one of these things is not like the others ....


Well-Known Member
Question : Does perfect knowledge exist?
Answer : if it does, then that is GOD.

Logic : If perfect knowledge does not exist, then we have discovered at least one perfect principle : that there are no perfect principles - which is a contradiction

Therefore :
Perfect knowledge exists
Therefore :
God exists.


Well-Known Member
Question : Does perfect knowledge exist?
Answer : if it does, then that is GOD.

Logic : If perfect knowledge does not exist, then we have discovered at least one perfect principle : that there are no perfect principles - which is a contradiction

Therefore :
Perfect knowledge exists
Therefore :
God exists.
I told myself I would not post anymore on this thread unless addressing one of my previous posts but this post just grrrrrr! :evil:

I'm sorry your attempt at logic is so filled with wild suppositions and ludicrous inaccuracies that it is bringing out a very cruel streak that I will subdue in the interests of your feelings and this forums rules.

But will leave you with this syllogism:

God is love,
Love is blind,
Ray Charles is blind
- therefore, Ray Charles is God.

See the fallacy? It's easy if you try.


Well-Known Member
ROFL!!! I try not to read this thread, i just cant unsub. but i dont post anymore it just upsets me... accept this one... ROFL!!!!!


Well-Known Member
this seems like the appropriate place to post cause its asking a straight foward question about if you beleive or not. I think thats the diffrence between atheist and god lovers?????? Atheists dont try to convert others..... never had one knock on my door or anything:)


Well-Known Member
this seems like the appropriate place to post cause its asking a straight foward question about if you beleive or not. I think thats the diffrence between atheist and god lovers?????? Atheists dont try to convert others..... never had one knock on my door or anything:)
Naww these ones are different. They try to convert you and then when they can't they insult your beliefs. Screw them and especially you fatass (not u kaya, the dude named that):cuss::cuss: