Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Can anyone actually tell me what Jesus really said?


I seriously doubt it:blsmoke:
Among people who actually study this stuff (I'm talking about scholars and historians -- not the Wednesday night bible study group), there is a lot of debate whether Jesus existed or not.

If you are interested in the skeptical perspective, I'd recommend Robert Price (Incredible Shrinking Son of Man), Earl Doherty (The Jesus Puzzle), and many others. There is also a decent introduction to some of these folks available in DVD format. The God Who Wasn't There. It is the story of a guy who went to a Christian school who eventually decided to start studying the science behind the myths.

Anyway, I love the old myths and enjoy discussing them from a skeptical viewpoint so feel free to drop me a line if you want to discuss.


Active Member
not true. Please don't categorize people you don't know.
explain to me how i have done that please,you categorized jesus yet you dont know him.Im sorry i was vague on the word in my other post..let me help you ...the word is i-g-n-o-r-a-n-t.

Have a nice day:blsmoke:


Active Member
Among people who actually study this stuff (I'm talking about scholars and historians -- not the Wednesday night bible study group), there is a lot of debate whether Jesus existed or not.

If you are interested in the skeptical perspective, I'd recommend Robert Price (Incredible Shrinking Son of Man), Earl Doherty (The Jesus Puzzle), and many others. There is also a decent introduction to some of these folks available in DVD format. The God Who Wasn't There. It is the story of a guy who went to a Christian school who eventually decided to start studying the science behind the myths.

Anyway, I love the old myths and enjoy discussing them from a skeptical viewpoint so feel free to drop me a line if you want to discuss.
Timothy Freke has written "Jesus and the lost goddess",the secert teachings of the original christians,which goes along with his other book"The Jesus mysteries" .
Both are very informative to someone who is shaping their own thoughts to what they believe...or not.:peace:
I too enjoy learning about the old myths,the older the better.To learn the myth behind the story is the key to knowledge and understanding.


Well-Known Member
Timothy Freke has written "Jesus and the lost goddess",the secert teachings of the original christians,which goes along with his other book"The Jesus mysteries" .
Both are very informative to someone who is shaping their own thoughts to what they believe...or not.:peace:
I too enjoy learning about the old myths,the older the better.To learn the myth behind the story is the key to knowledge and understanding.
Cool. Freke is a new name to me so I'll be sure to check him out. I also enjoy Lord Raglan and Alan Dundes (Holy Writ as Oral Lit). And of course Joseph Campbell.

I think most folks would be amazed to see the similarities between all the heroes, prophets and gods.


Well-Known Member
explain to me how i have done that please,you categorized jesus yet you dont know him.Im sorry i was vague on the word in my other post..let me help you ...the word is i-g-n-o-r-a-n-t.

Have a nice day:blsmoke:
I'm tired of being nice. You guys can go suck a dick. Have a nice day bitch:hump:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
evolution is the truth and can be witnessed daily. look at all the new strains of ganja that have all evolved from old strains.Its the adaption and breeding of the stronger that make a new evolved hybred which is just how animals, humans and reptiles have done for years. You can follwo it back as far as time has been known to exist.


Well-Known Member
evolution is the truth and can be witnessed daily. look at all the new strains of ganja that have all evolved from old strains.Its the adaption and breeding of the stronger that make a new evolved hybred which is just how animals, humans and reptiles have done for years. You can follwo it back as far as time has been known to exist.
It's not exactly fact. It's still just a theory. I'm not saying it's wrong, by any means. But, it has its holes too. Like birds are supposed to be direct descendants of dinosaurs, closer in relation than lizards:confused: How the fuck does a 2 ton dinosaur turn into a bird in a relatively short amount of time:confused: I don't get that part of evolution.


Well-Known Member
It's pointless to try and pull a religious man away from his faith. There is so much information out there denying this and that about the bible. Yet people just interpret it however they want. If a religious person wants to believe in God. They will. It doesn't matter how much killing is in the bible or how much proof we have of evolution and how old the earth is. The information is there. Its up to the person to take it.

I think we are on the verge of religious destruction anyways. Religious folk are hanging onto their religions for dear life. It won't be long before there are nothing but those who believe in a higher power and those who do not. And none who believe in any man-made religion.

Just give it time:)


Well-Known Member
It's not exactly fact. It's still just a theory. I'm not saying it's wrong, by any means. But, it has its holes too. Like birds are supposed to be direct descendants of dinosaurs, closer in relation than lizards:confused: How the fuck does a 2 ton dinosaur turn into a bird in a relatively short amount of time:confused: I don't get that part of evolution.
Where did you read the dino into a bird thing? It sounds like it came out the old testament or something... lol :peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Where did you read the dino into a bird thing? It sounds like it came out the old testament or something... lol :peace::mrgreen:
we have recently discovered some fossilized evidence of dinosaurs with feathers. Not all dinosaurs were huge (and not all birds were/are small) though size has little to do with descendants.

If you are interested in evolution, I strongly recommend Daniel Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea for a great layman's overview of evolution (PBS did an 8 hour series based on the book available on VHS and DVD).


Well-Known Member
we have recently discovered some fossilized evidence of dinosaurs with feathers. Not all dinosaurs were huge (and not all birds were/are small) though size has little to do with descendants.

If you are interested in evolution, I strongly recommend Daniel Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea for a great layman's overview of evolution (PBS did an 8 hour series based on the book available on VHS and DVD).
Thanks for the info. You should give Stephen Baxter's Evolution a try. He ventures into what could have been and what might happen. It's based on fact yet has hints of fiction to stir the imagination.

I may be a layman but I have read a book or two. :mrgreen: