Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
There is no god and the people who believe in so called gods are the reason we have war and killings in this world as each one thinks his god is the true god and is willing to die for his gods word...dumb asses...

i could NOT agree more..

I just wish GOD would save us all.. LOL


The first sign of somebody who does not KNOW GOD is aggression...

God never needs defending.. GOd can not be defended.. God can not be believed in.. god can not be known.. God can only be experienced...

GOD is everything... the universe is GODS body... and those that give off negativity are THE cancer in GODS sacred BODY..

i would rather die than KILL... I am eternal and only serve god..



i love poon too!


New Member
No shit, Prisons are full of minorities. Specifically black people. Black people are more religious than white people. The majority of atheists are white and white people are a minority in prison.
No, the reason there are less atheists in prison is that the atheists have nothing to do on a Sunday. Going to church gets you out of your cell. I remember one time trying to convince the screws that i wanted to turn muslim. It so happened that ramadan (or whatever) was coming up, and that the muslim inmates get loads of fried chicken and other goodies sent in from outside.

The screws didn't buy it, and I wasn't allowed to convert to Islam, apparently.

In there I was a church of england inmate, Church is an ideal place to meet up with other inmates from other wings, etc, etc...

Those figures are not reliable.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
yeah church is good to c ur buddies from the other wings or blocks. So u can buy ur weed etc with others u cant reach. If u say ur jewish if u go jail u wil get the best food. The jewish inmates where laughing when they got their meals. While others were jealous of thier meal. And u can look at people on death row and c people last meal requests what crimes they commited u even see their pics and full stats. Google texas death row last meal requests. U can get all the prisoner info beware some of the crimes commited are really sick.


Well-Known Member
]These was my main points out of that post, The prison thing was just minor point..Anybody care to address these
Societies that where the majority of people are non-believers( Norway, Sweden, Japan, Denmark) are by far more peaceful and have a significantly lower crime rate than countries where a majority of the people believe in God (ex. U.S)

About 10 to 20 percent of the U.S population don't believe in God...Under your hypotheisis these people should be out there killing their neighbors. Its not happening!
Skunk you could be right about those stats they could be skewed slightly but I think in my opinion a majority of those respondents were true beleivers.
When I was in Marine Corps boot camp some Marines would go to church to get away from the drill instructors and get some sleep while at church. i myself took the oportunity to get some sleep at church the first day when they made all of us go to church. After that I never went back


Well-Known Member
]These was my main points out of that post, The prison thing was just minor point..Anybody care to address these

Skunk you could be right about those stats they could be skewed slightly but I think in my opinion a majority of those respondents were true beleivers.
When I was in Marine Corps boot camp some Marines would go to church to get away from the drill instructors and get some sleep while at church. i myself took the oportunity to get some sleep at church the first day when they made all of us go to church. After that I never went back
i already addressed that. we have more believers in the united states. couple that with our ridiculous war on crime. we have higher crime rates because of these petty charges being brought on to make the government rich. therefore the numbers indicate higher numbers of believers who commit crimes. but i dont think religion has much to do with these stastistics as much as our inept government policies.


Well-Known Member
Lets just look at Murders as a percentage of murders per 1,000 citizens and this statistics does not include ant petty crimes such drug poss.ect. It also takes into account that the U.S has overall larger population...so that is the point of comparing murders per 1000 citizens...the overall population does not affect the percentage. NationMaster - Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country

Notice countries that I stated earlier where their is a majority of Non-Believers
(Norway, Denmark, Japan) are located at the bottom of the list in Murders per capita..................Meaning countries where a majority of the citizens are non beleivers actually commit less murders.


Well-Known Member
Mastakush ~ our whole purpose of being here on earth in this vast space is what? to be born and then die and turn into worm food. if there is no purpose for us, why dont we all just go murder our next door neighbors for fun. if there is no good and evil, and no consequences to pay if you get away with it, whats stopping anybody. if i didn't believe why should i care about anyone else or having any conscience
Why arn't Atheists out there murdering people


Sector 5 Moderator
Most people that claim that the Bible is "full of errors", etc, has never read one single book of it. You should seriously study chemisty, mathematics, history, medicine and the sciences before disbelieving. With that said, I'm spiritual, not religious - if that makes sence.


Well-Known Member
Most people that claim that the Bible is "full of errors", etc, has never read one single book of it. You should seriously study chemisty, mathematics, history, medicine and the sciences before disbelieving. With that said, I'm spiritual, not religious - if that makes sence.
i agree with you here. my life is an ever changing journey. i am spiritual and really have limited knowledge on the bible even though i did go to church when i was younger. i have questioned whether there is a higher power before which is reasonable for anyone. there is even a new book which states at times even mother theresa questioned her faith as well. it is perfectly normal for anyone to question. i think it is funny how people attack people for something they believe in...:mrgreen: i am not even upset about anyones views here, i respect how everyone feels.:peace:


Active Member
I currently don't believe in the christian god. Considering the bible is the most historically accurate, where they have SOME facts to back the bible up, that makes the christian god the most believable out of the rest there is. Now that I have that out of the way, I do not believe in the christian god since I believe this universe happened upon by chance because of an imbalance of neutrino's in the big bang. Since we have now proven that the universe is consistently expanding outwards like a sphere then there had to have been a beginning point. Anyways, the argument christians try to use against my theory is that since we are such complex beings that we couldn't have happened by chance thus requiring a creative designer. Yet they fail to see how complex 'god' is considering he is omnipotent and omniscient. There couldn't be a more complex entity than 'god'. And if the argument is that complexity requires creative design then god would have to require a creative designer as well yet this is contrary to christian belief. Hence, I do not believe in god. There are other reasons too but this one sort of stands out.
Hey man this is my first post so im not exactly sure where this is going to go, i just would like to respond to your thoughts. After reading your post, it seems that you do not believe in the christian god because there was one single beginning point to the universe, and christians only response to your argument is that we are complex therefore there must be a designer. These points dont line up therefore there must not be a god. To that, this is my response: There are many arguments for the existence of god, one of which is called the teleological argument, this is the argument you have described in your post, that god must exist because of the design and order found in the world. This can be a powerful argument, but you have raised doubts of god's existence because of the origins of the universe. The teleogical argument is not the proper argumnent for your doubts. I believe that the cosmological argument will better suit your doubts. This argument states that god exists because he is the ultimate cause of the universe. Basically what i am saying is that science has proved for many years that the universe has had a beginning point. Scientists have used the "big bang" argument to describe this beginning. I am ok with that, but things dont just pop into existence, something causes everything. Therefore, there must be something that is outside of time that has the ability to form and cause the universe to "pop" into existence. I believe that this force or being is or was god. I am not making concrete statements of gods existence, nor am i attempting to shove some sort of belief set down your throat, i am just trying to show you one of the reasons i believe in god. Oh, and i didnt mean anything by not ever capitilizing the g in god, i was just lazy. much love man.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you have to insult peoples beliefs to prove a point says alot about you, we could say your a dumb ass for not believing, but why do i need to trade insults back in forth with you, what is the point. I am willing to die and go to hell for my beliefs, i hope you are willing to do the same for yours. And thats, that we cant change each others strong convictions or beliefs, all i can do is pray for you and ask that you stop calling people names like a kid, we are having an adult conversation.... arent we???


Well-Known Member

Hey man this is my first post so im not exactly sure where this is going to go, i just would like to respond to your thoughts. After reading your post, it seems that you do not believe in the christian god because there was one single beginning point to the universe, and christians only response to your argument is that we are complex therefore there must be a designer. These points dont line up therefore there must not be a god. To that, this is my response: There are many arguments for the existence of god, one of which is called the teleological argument, this is the argument you have described in your post, that god must exist because of the design and order found in the world. This can be a powerful argument, but you have raised doubts of god's existence because of the origins of the universe. The teleogical argument is not the proper argumnent for your doubts. I believe that the cosmological argument will better suit your doubts. This argument states that god exists because he is the ultimate cause of the universe. Basically what i am saying is that science has proved for many years that the universe has had a beginning point. Scientists have used the "big bang" argument to describe this beginning. I am ok with that, but things dont just pop into existence, something causes everything. Therefore, there must be something that is outside of time that has the ability to form and cause the universe to "pop" into existence. I believe that this force or being is or was god. I am not making concrete statements of gods existence, nor am i attempting to shove some sort of belief set down your throat, i am just trying to show you one of the reasons i believe in god. Oh, and i didnt mean anything by not ever capitilizing the g in god, i was just lazy. much love man.


Well-Known Member
hello my friend...

I don't have morals.. I actually don't have anything...

can you tell me where you got these morals?
are they real?
how much do they cost?
are they correct?

what ARE "morals"?

I got these morals from the understanding of how my society works best based on what I have to offer to society. I respect others property so they feel compelled to respect mine. I don't kill others so I won't get killed in turn. All that.

Yes, morals are real.

They don't cost anything but the sweat from actually debating what is considered ethical and what isn't which should decide what morals you side with and those you don't.

They are correct to myself and myself alone. I don't preach about my morals to others because I let them come up with their own morals.

Morals, to me, is the collective understanding of what is considered right or wrong based on debating the principles of a simple society and how it works.:peace:


Well-Known Member
My god can kick your gods ass any time any place.......whatevers dudes
everyone is entitled to their opinions.
like take the color red. nobody sees it the same.We all just agree that what we call red is red and that is that. it really is a silly debate. What else do we have to do in life tho.Breed eat sleep and oh yea ....Smoke Pot


Well-Known Member
Most people that claim that the Bible is "full of errors", etc, has never read one single book of it. You should seriously study chemisty, mathematics, history, medicine and the sciences before disbelieving. With that said, I'm spiritual, not religious - if that makes sence.
I can know there are errors in the Bible without reading it because I can get that information from sources other than the Bible. If someone said there was an error in a certain book of the Bible, and you said there wasn't, then I could go and check for myself. But the errors that people bring up aren't challenged because it is easy to verify whether or not it would be true, so people don't lie about errors being there in the first place. It is, after all, the most popular book in the world.

As for studying the sciences before choosing to become a disbeliever, scientists are far more atheistic than the general population for a reason.


Active Member
everyone is entitled to their opinions.
like take the color red. nobody sees it the same.We all just agree that what we call red is red and that is that. it really is a silly debate. What else do we have to do in life tho.Breed eat sleep and oh yea ....Smoke Pot
good point man