Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I believe there is cancer because it exists.
No I do not think I am more special than any living thing on this earth. Comparing a rat to a human??????
Come one!!! We are more consciously evolved than a rat.

At least MOST of us are. :lol::lol::lol:

You have a limited perception because of your personal life experiences and just like the rest of us, thats your viewpoint. It makes perfect sense to me but I have had different life experiences that have led me to believe differently. If you haven' t had many life experiences that challenge your belief system, then you don't question it until something happens to you to do so.

There is no right or wrong answer here. You either believe in God or you don't. I can't say that you are wrong for believing or disbelieving in God.:peace:

Good post. I agree with everything except God's existence. I think you'e making something out of nothing...and here's what I mean. When you say the 'glue' that holds it all together, you're making it seem like its all connected...and that all of it together is what makes 'us'. But there is no 'us'. People think by the combination of sight, feeling, hearing, tasting...etc that we have created some existence of YOU...but there is none. It all goes down to how it all works; your eyes, when open, are reading waves and sending your brain images. That are correct, obviously, unless you need glasses...that's why it makes sense when you think you see a tree and you walk up and touch it, and its there.

All I'm getting at is there is no little guy sitting in everyones head controlling it all. Your body is just doing exactly what it's supposed to and you're making it seem like a bigger deal than it is.

P.S. If you do believe in that God you explained, as you say you do. Why do you believe there is cancer, or any of the other horrid things in the world? Do you believe you're more special than a rat, in the sense that you have a soul and will see an afterlife, and the rat will not? Or do you believe you and the rat would both see an afterlife. And where would you explain where that God from? OH wait...I know...God is such a powerful entity that it created itself and then created time. Or are you going to go with the, "It's so fucking special, that you nor I could ever comprehend it." Because that's always a good one, no comeback for that one.



Well-Known Member
closet cult don't you ever get tired of being so cynical of everything that happens in this world? I don't need proof to know God exists and that's completely ok to me that you don't believe in him. You probably also think that everything in the bible should be taken literally. Most of them are allegories denoting how people should try and live their lives. There isn't one person in this world that knows what every story in the bible truly means because they aren't meant to be understood fully. If you want to believe that when you close your eyes for the final time there is nothing but blackness and eternal dark then go ahead. I on the other hand, will look forward to an afterlife with a smile on my face until I die. And if there's nothing after I die, I won't be disappointed because I'll already be dead.
If I was your father and I told you stories all your life about how Ronald McDonald is god and when we die we will all go to McDonalds.

You would be preaching that now. Its plain to see, you aren't capable of thinking for yourself. You have to rely on what others tell you.



New Member
This post asks "who believes in God? " or do you believe in God?
It didn't say "who believes in God and if so prove it to me!!!!!!!.":?

That would be like asking "who believes in love?" Of course everyone who answers is going to have a different viewpoint whether they believe in it or not.

The person that has spent their life in foster care, neglected and abused most of their life is going to have different perspective than the person who came from a loving, understanding family. It doesn't make either of these people right or wrong if they believe in love or not.

Trying to explain love to someone whom has never experienced it is like trying to explain the smell of a rose to someone who has never smelled one . You can do all the researching on how a rose smells but until you have experienced the smell of a rose, you just can't QUITE grasp the concept.

Try explaining love to someone who has never experienced it!!!!!!!
Seriously! :confused:

My point is, we all only know our own personally truth and no one else's. If someone doesn't believe in God because of whatever reason, then that is their own personal truth. If its working for them, even better, BUT I would NEVER condemn someone for their own personal beliefs; especially IF it was not doing them or anyone harm.:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
If I was your father and I told you stories all your life about how Ronald McDonald is god and when we die we will all go to McDonalds.

You would be preaching that now. Its plain to see, you aren't capable of thinking for yourself. You have to rely on what others tell you.

So because I say that the some of the stories in the bible are simply allegories and shouldn't be taken literally means that I can't think for myself?

If you were my father I would have shot myself and found out the answer a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
This post asks "who believes in God? " or do you believe in God?
It didn't say "who believes in God and if so prove it to me!!!!!!!.":?

That would be like asking "who believes in love?" Of course everyone who answers is going to have a different viewpoint whether they believe in it or not.

The person that has spent their life in foster care, neglected and abused most of their life is going to have different perspective than the person who came from a loving, understanding family. It doesn't make either of these people right or wrong if they believe in love or not.

Trying to explain love to someone whom has never experienced it is like trying to explain the smell of a rose to someone who has never smelled one . You can do all the researching on how a rose smells but until you have experienced the smell of a rose, you just can't QUITE grasp the concept.

Try explaining love to someone who has never experienced it!!!!!!!
Seriously! :confused:

My point is, we all only know our own personally truth and no one else's. If someone doesn't believe in God because of whatever reason, then that is their own personal truth. If its working for them, even better, BUT I would NEVER condemn someone for their own personal beliefs; especially IF it was not doing them or anyone harm.:blsmoke::peace:
Ignorance causes harm, or on a grander scale, religious war.


New Member
Ignorance causes harm, or on a grander scale, religious war.
Exactly. Yes. Ignorance... and man's petty belief in these fairy tales is what has led to us being controlled all these years.

man is stupid, at least the majority are. So easily led, it would be laughable were it not so detrimental to the rest of us.

We know that we are related to all life on this planet, the genome projects are a testament to that.. yet there are those still foolishly clinging on to these archaic beliefs in gods and magic.

Silly? Oh yes they are.

There are no fairies, no santa and no gods... everyone of you knows the truth deep down. What you say you believe with your conscious mind, is not what you're really saying deep down in your sub conscious. You may try to keep it buried, but you will ALWAYS know the truth, even if you keep it in the very pit of your stomach. This is not the devil, it is your subconscious mind willing you to accept the truth.

When you do, you can move on to the next level, and stop wasting your life worshipping anything other than yourself... and this wonderful, but short, life we have to live.

Accept the truth.


New Member
........................................changed my mine

Exactly. Yes. Ignorance... and man's petty belief in these fairy tales is what has led to us being controlled all these years.

man is stupid, at least the majority are. So easily led, it would be laughable were it not so detrimental to the rest of us.

We know that we are related to all life on this planet, the genome projects are a testament to that.. yet there are those still foolishly clinging on to these archaic beliefs in gods and magic.

Silly? Oh yes they are.

There are no fairies, no santa and no gods... everyone of you knows the truth deep down. What you say you believe with your conscious mind, is not what you're really saying deep down in your sub conscious. You may try to keep it buried, but you will ALWAYS know the truth, even if you keep it in the very pit of your stomach. This is not the devil, it is your subconscious mind willing you to accept the truth.

When you do, you can move on to the next level, and stop wasting your life worshipping anything other than yourself... and this wonderful, but short, life we have to live.

Accept the truth.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Yes. Ignorance... and man's petty belief in these fairy tales is what has led to us being controlled all these years.

man is stupid, at least the majority are. So easily led, it would be laughable were it not so detrimental to the rest of us.

We know that we are related to all life on this planet, the genome projects are a testament to that.. yet there are those still foolishly clinging on to these archaic beliefs in gods and magic.

Silly? Oh yes they are.

There are no fairies, no santa and no gods... everyone of you knows the truth deep down. What you say you believe with your conscious mind, is not what you're really saying deep down in your sub conscious. You may try to keep it buried, but you will ALWAYS know the truth, even if you keep it in the very pit of your stomach. This is not the devil, it is your subconscious mind willing you to accept the truth.

When you do, you can move on to the next level, and stop wasting your life worshipping anything other than yourself... and this wonderful, but short, life we have to live.

Accept the truth.
All though in some small ways i agree with you about the fact that spirituality has been used to control us over time,there has to have been something there in it for our minds to fixate on.

Many people have believed in God or something or another including extremely clever people over the years.

You also need to consider the fact that it is possible for many people,lets say devil worshipers,to,as a collective,manifest all of their own badness,hate,anger,fear etc. into something real through their own belief.
I know you believe in the power of the mind skunky so maybe you know what i mean.

I am not saying that a true demon would appear but a manifestation of many minds projecting the same thing can be envisioned by the partakers and the same thing is seen by all as they all see a stereotypical demon that they have been brought up to believe is the way that it would look when in fact Lucifer was supposed to be very handsome indeed and looked nothing like a horny goat.

Any non believers that are at the ceremony would therefore have a 50/50 chance of seeing the creature that is only really a manifestation of our minds creation.

Why 50/50 you ask,well 50% of people see everything that is there and 50% of people only see what they want to see:mrgreen:

In all reality this manifestation would not be real like we are but it would be a collective hallucination created with real energy's and minds and therefore it would exist if even only for the people that were participating and it is also possible that this collective consciousness of bad thoughts may well have a presence of kinds that could influence the surrounding people.

I think that the same is also possibly possible for those that worship good energy,that is has a chance to actually manifest itself into an influential energy even if it does not become visible.
It is likely that more visions of demons are reported than angels as we all have a very good idea of what a demon would/should/could look like whereas our ideas of God and Jesus is that they just look like ordinary men.

I think it is also possible/probable that everyone of us has a small part of good and a small part of the universes evil within us and that as a collective group these energy's/feelings can be manifested into something more real.

This is quite possibly what happened a long time ago when we were more tribal and the reason that they made these kind of rituals and drugs to induce it illegal.

I think it also probable that the reason God and the Devil,Good and Evil,reside within everyone of us and every creature on this planet and within the universe is that this is what creates the balance of life so that life can exist at all even for the limited times that we live,100 years of life is an infinitesimally small amount time in the scheme of things a mere nanosecond of life in the balance of the universe.:blsmoke:

I am very stoned so i may be talking shit:mrgreen:


Active Member
religion is a man made concept designed to help us deal with having to live and die.
in my opinion god isnt real but if the idea of an afterlife or a god helps you cope with the fact that you will one day die then go for it.


Well-Known Member
All though in some small ways i agree with you about the fact that spirituality has been used to control us over time,there has to have been something there in it for our minds to fixate on.

Many people have believed in God or something or another including extremely clever people over the years.

You also need to consider the fact that it is possible for many people,lets say devil worshipers,to,as a collective,manifest all of their own badness,hate,anger,fear etc. into something real through their own belief.
I know you believe in the power of the mind skunky so maybe you know what i mean.

I am not saying that a true demon would appear but a manifestation of many minds projecting the same thing can be envisioned by the partakers and the same thing is seen by all as they all see a stereotypical demon that they have been brought up to believe is the way that it would look when in fact Lucifer was supposed to be very handsome indeed and looked nothing like a horny goat.

Any non believers that are at the ceremony would therefore have a 50/50 chance of seeing the creature that is only really a manifestation of our minds creation.

Why 50/50 you ask,well 50% of people see everything that is there and 50% of people only see what they want to see:mrgreen:

In all reality this manifestation would not be real like we are but it would be a collective hallucination created with real energy's and minds and therefore it would exist if even only for the people that were participating and it is also possible that this collective consciousness of bad thoughts may well have a presence of kinds that could influence the surrounding people.

I think that the same is also possibly possible for those that worship good energy,that is has a chance to actually manifest itself into an influential energy even if it does not become visible.
It is likely that more visions of demons are reported than angels as we all have a very good idea of what a demon would/should/could look like whereas our ideas of God and Jesus is that they just look like ordinary men.

I think it is also possible/probable that everyone of us has a small part of good and a small part of the universes evil within us and that as a collective group these energy's/feelings can be manifested into something more real.

This is quite possibly what happened a long time ago when we were more tribal and the reason that they made these kind of rituals and drugs to induce it illegal.

I think it also probable that the reason God and the Devil,Good and Evil,reside within everyone of us and every creature on this planet and within the universe is that this is what creates the balance of life so that life can exist at all even for the limited times that we live,100 years of life is an infinitesimally small amount time in the scheme of things a mere nanosecond of life in the balance of the universe.:blsmoke:

I am very stoned so i may be talking shit:mrgreen:
No offense, but you're crazy. You're going way out of your way to make up some crazy shit.

Skunk has it right although I don't know if everyone 'knows' the truth deep down. People only know what they know. I've always been a firm believer that the majority of this world is simply too stupid to ever grasp reality. Too stupid to break their way out of the box of life that has been presented to them. I do, however, believe that there is a large population of people who don't believe in religion, or God, that claim they do.

One funny thing i'd like to point out is how people change what a higher power is over time. It starts off as a God in a white robe, and the longer time drags on the more they try to make it reasonable. So now it's an energy.

And Lacy, talking about the different beliefs of a foster child and a well raised child doesn't matter. I don't think anybody here is trying to dispute what people believe to maintain comfort and stability in their life. We are talking logic, and trying to figure out the truth from the scandal.

I will tell you that the longer time goes on the more 'mysterious' shit turns into flat out bullshit. I have absolute faith that this entire universe can be broken down by logic, and WHEN we do discover what exactly started it all, it will be because of science, and it will most definitely be comprehendable to us.



Well-Known Member
i worshipped moobie. before that i worshipped myself, as some on here do. before that i worshipped a golden calf. and before that i worshipped a small amoeba that we all came from. now i believe we came from the gases from a mars alien space fart that drifted.


Well-Known Member
I'd just like to start out by saying I have no intention of offending you Lacy. I think you're a very nice person. That being said, I think there is a few things I feel I should point out. First of all, I don't understand how anyone can assume we have some sort of soul, or something about us that will live on when we die. Think about before you were born, do you think you had a soul then? Were you partying it up in a heaven before being born? I'm assuming no. So then you're saying you believe everyone's soul is born with them? So there are constantly new souls popping out every day...? When you see people lose limbs. That's part of that person dying. When you see a plant die, that's another living being dying. Same for animals...etc. Do you think they all step out and see the big picture when they die too?

I mean is reality really so harsh for people to take in, that they have to convince themselves that they have a unique soul that will carry them into another life/dimension/heaven/hell/whatever?

Oh, and my biggest gripe yet. The fact that people think they have anything to do with how their lives went. What makes people believe free will exists? Every decision you've ever made from brushing your teeth to getting married has been a series of reactions from your genetics and the environment around you. We, as human beings, are nothing more than organic robots that are constantly reacting to our environment, based on our genetics. When you have 'choices' in your head, they are merely chemicals giving you these choices, and chemicals making the choices. We feel like we make decisions, and are controlling everything, but we're really just reacting and feeling.


Souls aren't created, they're ever present. I dunno how stuff gets created. But science can't explain that to you either (energy cannot be created or destroyed). Perhaps though, there's just more to this that we don't understand, and we can't understand because we continue to speculate. speculating isn't a bad way to start...in fact it gives you some idea as to what is there. but speculating won't get you the answer. eventually you've just got to break down and accept you know nothing. Only then can you learn.

(Not specific you's pointed towards anyone. That's just a general statement. I mean no offense to anyone)


Well-Known Member
Live High you are an absolute idiot, but i hope you dont take that to offence... You really need to learn to state your opinion without offending people AGAIN the post is called Do You believe in God, not... Try to belittle and disrespect peoples beliefs.


New Member
Whatever Livehigh. You're brain is obviously more superior than anyone elses. :?
No offense, but you're crazy. You're going way out of your way to make up some crazy shit.

Skunk has it right although I don't know if everyone 'knows' the truth deep down. People only know what they know. I've always been a firm believer that the majority of this world is simply too stupid to ever grasp reality. Too stupid to break their way out of the box of life that has been presented to them. I do, however, believe that there is a large population of people who don't believe in religion, or God, that claim they do.

One funny thing i'd like to point out is how people change what a higher power is over time. It starts off as a God in a white robe, and the longer time drags on the more they try to make it reasonable. So now it's an energy.

And Lacy, talking about the different beliefs of a foster child and a well raised child doesn't matter. I don't think anybody here is trying to dispute what people believe to maintain comfort and stability in their life. We are talking logic, and trying to figure out the truth from the scandal.

I will tell you that the longer time goes on the more 'mysterious' shit turns into flat out bullshit. I have absolute faith that this entire universe can be broken down by logic, and WHEN we do discover what exactly started it all, it will be because of science, and it will most definitely be comprehendable to us.



Well-Known Member
Live High you are an absolute idiot, but i hope you dont take that to offence... You really need to learn to state your opinion without offending people AGAIN the post is called Do You believe in God, not... Try to belittle and disrespect peoples beliefs.
I think crazy is a bit more playful than idiot but okay. There is really no need to get angry.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
there could be a god there might not. Life is 4 living not for worrying about a god or death. I prefer to worship what is evident to me. So the sun the moon and earth. These are the things that give us life. I believe in karma and believe if there is a heaven as long as u are good and have love in ur heart u wil be excepted. Lifes to short to worry about something that may or may not be. Just have fun and be a good person as best u can be. Dont waste time on ifs and maybes as time is the most precious thing we all have.