Who are your favorite growers on R.I.U?

Alphaphase is my buddy irl, lives only a few miles away. He has his reasons for bailing this site. I'm going to plead the 5th. Though
@UncleBuck :-)
Wut up bro? Gonna show some pics of the litter or what?
I remember reading that he wants to enjoy life.. he had some nice grows. Hopefully the grow bug bites him again, but a song as he is happy and enjoying life that's all that matters.
For sheer pictorial magnificence, @doublejj 's pics are so cool. You gotta love those baseball sized rosin pressed balls @Aeroknow posts.

And everybody else mentioned, especially the 'Shopping Cart Kid'. That idea is as simple as it is practical.

shout out to @Dr. Who, who helped me with a few tips.

I love the secret lab of @tyler.durden , the brief area 51 like glimpses we've seen.

Everybody here is pretty smooth, really.
Even I stagger through and occasionally produce abouta pound once in a while.

Reading this site is like following the MML.
Marijuana Major League. There's some real super stars here.
Shout out to @Al B. Fuct. He's doing his journalism thing these days, but dude was my mentor and taught me 90% of what I know. Love @StinkBud's ingenuity and generosity to teach anyone all he knows. Same with @AlphaPhase, thanks for perfecting my cloning technique, bro. But the folks on TNT are the shit, not just great growers, but intelligent as fuck and funny as hell. I'm honored to call this place home. Ya'll rock...
Remember when double j had that tree in between the house and the garage. Jack and the giant beanstalk type of shit. I remember he harvested from the roof. that one was one of the best things I've ever seen on this site. @doublejj please tell me you still have pictures, bro.