Who agrees?


Well-Known Member
So we all can agree that a plants sex is determined by environmental factors but last time I checked it couldn't be pin pointed what those factors are what are your opinions on this article

The different environmental factors that affect plant’s sex

Generally, to have a sinsemilla or a seedless female plant is every grower’s ultimate dream. That’s why growers have been in dire search of ways to ensure that the majority of their seedlings will turn out as females. However, some of the factors affecting the plant’s sex are purely environmental and they are particularly hard to control especially when growing outdoors.

These factors will start to influence the seedling’s sex once it develops 3 pairs of real leaves.

Remember, the seed’s cotyledons are not considered true leaves.

1. Humidity: When the surrounding humidity is high then female plants are more likely to develop. Conversely, a low humidity level increases the chance of developing male plants. Also, if the moisture level of the growing medium is low then male plants are likely to happen. The same condition goes for the seedbed’s moistness.

2. Temperature: If the temperature is low then the grower is more likely to have female plants in his garden. However, if the temperature is high more male marijuana plants will emerge.

3. Nitrogen: To have more females in your cannabis garden, increase nitrogen (N) level. A low nitrogen level will likely create more males.

4. Potassium: Unlike nitrogen, a lower concentration of Potassium (K) will promote the development of female cannabis plants. Oppositely, a higher Potassium level will increase the tendency of having males.

Sex of Plant
Sex of Plant

Note: In order to have more female plants in your garden, increase Nitrogen level and decrease Potassium level during the first2 weeks of development.

5. Environmental Stress: If your seedlings are subjected to any kind of environmental stress then they will likely turn out as males as they mature.

6. Color of Light: A light with blue spectrum generally increases the likelihood of having females, while a red light is favorable if males are wanted.

7. Hours of Daylight: The photoperiod or length of light exposure influences the sex. If seedlings are exposed for about 14 hours then more females will develop. On the other hand, a photoperiod of 18 hours or more will tend to generate more male plants.

8. Soaking: When the seeds are pre-soaked in Gibberellic acid prior to germination then they will most likely become female cannabis plants when they are fully matured.

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Well-Known Member
Low temps high humidity low levels of light and you end up with the max female threshold? Dosent seem right to me

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jm 420

ya hope 4 what ya get,even in the best conditons from reg seeds
luck of the draw

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Low temps high humidity low levels of light and you end up with the max female threshold? Dosent seem right to me

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The theory behind that conclusion is that your stressing the plant into it changing (or choosing) to be female in a "desperate" attempt to reproduce. I used wording that some may understand easier.

Males will happen no matter the environment, So the plants turn more females for broader seeding and more offspring because the plant is "thinking" there is climate/environmental changes and it needs more out there to continue on. This also increases chances of being pollinated by males "outside" the plants genetic make up (more environmentally "local" plants from another location) and thus you get a "genetic shift" in the plants of this group to a plant more "adapted" to the locale !

You can, by careful attention, gain females over males by environmental manipulation.

Now this is a very hotly contested theory;
50% of straight run seeds are sexually predetermined to be female.
You can manipulate to 90% female.....

Now I don't know about the predetermined thing but, I know someone who gets 90% regularly.....She's very good at it and has taken a lot of time and research to do it......She pops 10 at a time and gets 8-9 all the time......The best I've done at one time is 14 of 16......all one strain......


Well-Known Member
Studies of wild marijuana show that in the bad years the ratio of female to male was higher. Sumise to say this tendancy increases the chance of pollination rather than the reverse which will increse the size of populations. In cold years pollen was less effective due to moisture in the air. To ensure pollination in these years more pollen and females are needed, in the good years more males are prevelant and more seed made which expands the population.

Some of these plant studies will be the base of some of the information youve heard.