White wiodw indoor, couple questions

Hey guys, first time posting... so i have a couplequestions... i have 10 white widow in solo cups not quite 2 weeks sprouted, i tried showing howwide and tall they were in the pics so question 1.. when would you start giving veg nutes, i have intorduced them via top dress soil. Should i wait until i transplant them, give them a couple days to recooperate and then start with nutes? And i guess that would also relate to when you think they should be transplanted.. no roots showing, second set of leaves starting, first leaves are for the most part as wide as the cups.. lastly, i plan on topping, and LST do you think 2 gal pots are big enough or should i go 3, im trying to get fairly small not much bigger then 2ft tall... and any other tips for white widow or in general would be appreciated. Thank you.

Other info... have a 2x6x6ft tall tent and a 4x4x8ft tall tent and 2 1000w LED (i know it's alot just happens to be what i have right now)


Well-Known Member
Generally you don't need to feed for the first few weeks. I would be careful top dressing when they are very little. Typical the first few feedings I give will be a foliar feed with very very small amounts and include a small dose of microblast. I use about 1/4 of what the bottle says to foliar feed with until I have confirmed the plants can take it. Foliar feeding provides a pretty quick response. I usually wait until the third set of leaves start, but if your second set is developed I don't see why you couldn't try it. Just remember less is more when your dealing with little ones. You pot size should be fine if your flipping to flower really early. Otherwise they will become root bound and very stressed. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the info, they seem to have responded to the top dressing really well, that was done probably 5 days ago.. i waa thinking it would probably be best to wait until i transplanted to give actual grow nutes but the feed schedules (i know they arent exact) but all say from beginning.. also if i was going to veg for probably another month do you think 2 or 3 gallon pots would work better. Im just torn becuase the 2s will definetly keep them compact like i want and will respond better for the rest of veg etc but ive never flowered in a 2 gal im scared they might be too small by the end


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, they seem to have responded to the top dressing really well, that was done probably 5 days ago.. i waa thinking it would probably be best to wait until i transplanted to give actual grow nutes but the feed schedules (i know they arent exact) but all say from beginning.. also if i was going to veg for probably another month do you think 2 or 3 gallon pots would work better. Im just torn becuase the 2s will definetly keep them compact like i want and will respond better for the rest of veg etc but ive never flowered in a 2 gal im scared they might be too small by the end
I wouldn't go smaller than 3. I use 3 gallons for my seedlings and clones in early spring until they are ready to go in ground. They are good in there for atleast 8 weeks outdoor so you should be good.


Well-Known Member
No liquid nutes for 3 weeks. Dry organic top dresses like roots organic foundation or uprising grow are fine. They rely on microbed to break them down and are not available to the plant right away.
Wait to transplant untill you need to water every other to every 2 days. Then it will come out of the cup as a plug and shouldnt have any stress.