White Widows?????


Well-Known Member
Hello, I bought white widow seeds from Nirvana and so far there good. Two thing though, One the internode spacing is far, can I do anything about that? And when I went to train my plants to grow more side ways, well the first one just kinda broke, bent but with a crease like, almost like it was flimsy like a straw, any advice on that issue? Thank You :peace:


Well-Known Member
Try to stand it up straight using a support. In the worser case you will just get a bushier plant now with more outgrowth than up growth. ;-)


Often times a big space between nodes means that your plant is stretching for more light. What kind of lighting are you using and how far away from the plant is it? Although WW is a hybrid that I believe has about 60% sativa in it, they tend to be pretty bushy plants.

The cause of the flimsy stems may also be a lack of a breeze in your grow room. Do you have any moving air on your plants? Putting a fan in the grow room causes the plants to put more energy into a stronger stem. This is a good thing, at least up to a point. Too much wind will cause too much energy to be put into strengthening the stem and not enough into the rest of the plant.

Was you plant/soil dry when you tried to tie it down? I could see this being a possible cause as to why it snapped as well.

side note: A lot of people that grow WW, myself included, burn their plants the first time around by using a nutrient solution that is too strong. It is a very nutrient sensitive strain. Many people suggest that, in general, you should start with a nute concentration of 1/2 or 1/4 what the package says. I would take that one step further and start with 1/6 the recommended concentration for the first feeding and work my way up from there. My plants did very well with very little feeding throughout the entire grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey ThinLine, thanx for the input. My girls are actually outside in the dirt, along a rivers tide line, in front of Hollies behind river reeds. Some times if you look hard enough and with a little trimming you can find these spots that have southern exposure. I do think however they may have stretched for a little more light. And in hine sight may have been a little over zealous in trying to train them to grow side ways. You see I think I planted them to close to each other, but now what I have decided to do is just replant every other plant, as I have expanded my current grow sight. I am germinating five more White Widows feminized, I will just have to squeeze them in some where else, or just keep expanding the current WW gorilla Grow area.:peace: