White Widow, White widow Max or Super Silver Haze?


Well-Known Member
Ive smoked super silver haze before. I liked it a lot, i think it wasnt even cured when i smoked it and it was awesome lol.

Which should i get and whats a good site to get either from.

I was thinking of getting Super silver from http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/super-silver-haze.html

or white widow from http://www.1stmarijuanagrowerspage.com/white-widow-marijuana-seeds-strain.html

But http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/white-widow-max.html has this white widow max, ive heard its not good compared to original white widow.

Anyone know how White widow vs White widow max stack up?

The Wise Man

Well-Known Member
My last grow was of some White Widow Max and i can definitely say it is worth a grow. It has produced dome of the most compact and hard hitting buds I have ever seen. Nice smoke as well. M-seeds.nl have delivered for me 4 times out of 4. I have some photos of the final stages before harvest if you want to see them?
i've smoke super silver haze..and it didn't do much for me. I don't know y. Maybe cuz i vaped it? But i normally take 2 hits and i'm good. i had to do 8 hits of it to feel the super silver.


Well-Known Member
You can't beat White Widow for an all around good smoke. I have grown it twice now, and both times I was very happy with it!


Well-Known Member
If it was me and those were my options I'd get SSH but from attitude and just remember they can take a while to finish. I think anyone that has smoked it and said it wasn't that strong either got lied to about what they were smoking or smoked some shit that got chopped way-way too early.