White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?


Active Member
HARVEST YOUR TOP BUDS. Whoever is suggesting you still got time is full of shit. Think about it, you have an Indica-dominant strain that's hit 11 weeks, and if you flush another 2, that's 13 weeks. Most sativa hybrids go 12. Take it to 13 weeks, you might as well have grown some Haze. Chop the top buds, the pictures say so.


Well-Known Member
HARVEST YOUR TOP BUDS. Whoever is suggesting you still got time is full of shit. Think about it, you have an Indica-dominant strain that's hit 11 weeks, and if you flush another 2, that's 13 weeks. Most sativa hybrids go 12. Take it to 13 weeks, you might as well have grown some Haze. Chop the top buds, the pictures say so.
I said he still has time to do at least a flush and i stand by that and last i checked i was not full of shit..By the way if you take into concideration what the seed banks tell you about when to harvest you would be an idiot because just because you have an indica does not mean it will finish in 8 or nine weeks!!my last grow and i do mostly all indica was PK and it went an easy 10 weeks and could have went more...So when you give info on a subject that is still very hands on and then call other posters full of shit because of there post or experience with growing maybe you are the one that is full of shit...

By the way White Widow as most know it is a Sativa Indica mix and thats fact..


Well-Known Member
HARVEST YOUR TOP BUDS. Whoever is suggesting you still got time is full of shit. Think about it, you have an Indica-dominant strain that's hit 11 weeks, and if you flush another 2, that's 13 weeks. Most sativa hybrids go 12. Take it to 13 weeks, you might as well have grown some Haze. Chop the top buds, the pictures say so.
It takes longer to flower with T5's plus ww is hybrid!. so you cant expect it to be done with the estimate the strain reviews tell you. its done when its done

and "Notice the buds even started a bunch of new grow (new white pistols)" they are still kicking out calyxes


Well-Known Member
It takes longer to flower with T5's plus ww is hybrid!. so you cant expect it to be done with the estimate the strain reviews tell you. its done when its done

and "Notice the buds even started a bunch of new grow (new white pistols)" they are still kicking out calyxes
My thoughts exactly...T5's will take longer to flower to the extent we are used to seeing from HPS etc. Common sense really.
Thanks for all the comments, no need to be bitter! It is all good advice. There are so many factors, strain, lights, nutes, that it is as much art as science and very much appreciate everyone's perspective.

So say I start to flush, and start to chop in a few days doing a gradual harvest to allow secondary/popcorn to grow more, will flushing cause my secondary/popcorn to stop growing? Could I even expect that much more from the lower levels? Not a big write-off if not. Plus I have some new babies in the nursery going on 2nd week.

I tell you what, no bagseed for me forever! This white widow is the shit!
One more question. How do people get those pics that show the trichomes so well? I have a 10MP point and shoot and notice image gets blurry if I put the camera any closer than the close-ups I took and posted. Do they use a special camera or is there a typical setting that can be changed?


Well-Known Member
I've never had one go that long, but if I did I would consider tweaking the lights to simulate winter. something like 10 on 14 off.


Well-Known Member
to get good close up pics you need to turn something called your macro on.. alot of the times it is symbolized by a flower



Impressive that those were grown with tubes. I agree with the HPS vs. T5 thing, T5's probably take longer (never actually used them though) You can tell they are really close by the way the calysts are swelling, if you have a few starting to go amber, you're getting really close. Wait till the clear ones go away, shouldn't take long. i notice with OG's or 707 the trichs go a few amber before the majority start to go cloudy, your plants look similar in flower structure to those strains. Its trich color not time. Although 11 weeks is long, if they aren't done, they aren't done. Listen to your plants, not to the calendar or random opinions. 4-7 more days IMO based on your trich description for optimal time but you could cut them today and you'll be happy. You can always harvest half the plant too (vertically), would give you great info for next round.....just doing the tops wouldn't provide as much info (horizontally).
Impressive that those were grown with tubes.).
Thanks! And I had one other plant in there at same time, a Purple Power that was about same size. I think with SCROG, in a small tent like this, tubes can approach the results of HPS. With HPS, I would be battling the heat, and would not be able to get the light near as close to the plants. With slightly smaller than 2' x 2', this setup provides somewhere like 4000+ lum / sq ft. But I think it gets a boost by the fact that those lumens are placed right on top of the flat canopy, making it more efficient in terms of delivery (not in terms of current draw) than an HPS. Some of the bud tops are less than 1/2" from a bulb at any given time. Little computer fans provide enough breeze to minimize any browning.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
WW is 9-10 weeks i think..so its not odd that yurs is taking this long under tubes.....as Treegear mentioned...flouros add a lil time to the grow

and yeah harvesting yur riper buds is the way to go..leave the unripened ones to grow....youl actually harvest a lil more this way as well


Active Member
I said INDICA-DOMINANT. And for white widow, I'd give it 11 tops. Never said it wasn't a hybrid. And yes, WW going more than even 10 weeks is long. Sorry if I offended anyone, but I guess I just don't think. And I do realize, you listen to your plants and not some random asshole, but in general, an Indica-dominant "hybrid" shouldn't go over 11 or 12 weeks. CFL or not.


Well-Known Member
What does it matter that it shouldnt? like you said reading your plants is how you tell when to harvest. in this case it is taking longer, thats pretty clear. No offense meant.


Active Member
Fair enough. Wrong choice of words, "shouldn't." Just figured that normally they wouldn't take as long. But what do I know. An individual plant is gonna do what it wants. Maybe I should just take the time to just shut the fuck up every now and then.


Active Member
And I don't think anyone here is full of shit. I get too over-zealous. I have no right to say that to anyone who is trying to further my knowledge or anyone else's.


Active Member
Sorry if I piss anyone off with this but something has been overlooked by most who have replied. You stated early on that the plants were showing "new growth" and I think this is significant. If you are really seeing this new growth and it is NOT bud material and you are 11 weeks in, it could be that you have a light leak and your plants are revegging!!! If you are seeing more ambers by the day, this is not so but I think you should check your room is light sealed during the dark period. Another alternative that could cause what you describe is that the plants were NOT sexually mature when you put them into flower. If grown from seed, plants will not start flowering until altrnating nodes appear on the main stem. If put into flower too early all that happens is the plant just keeps on vegging but for 12 instead of up to 24 hours. I find it odd that no one even mentioned these posabilities given the initial information. Stay frosty dudes. W
Sorry if I piss anyone off with this but something has been overlooked by most who have replied. You stated early on that the plants were showing "new growth" and I think this is significant. If you are really seeing this new growth and it is NOT bud material and you are 11 weeks in, it could be that you have a light leak and your plants are revegging!!! If you are seeing more ambers by the day, this is not so but I think you should check your room is light sealed during the dark period. Another alternative that could cause what you describe is that the plants were NOT sexually mature when you put them into flower. If grown from seed, plants will not start flowering until altrnating nodes appear on the main stem. If put into flower too early all that happens is the plant just keeps on vegging but for 12 instead of up to 24 hours. I find it odd that no one even mentioned these posabilities given the initial information. Stay frosty dudes. W
Good questions. These were started into flower when they were just a tiny bit shorter than they are now, about 1 month veg. They are tied to a mesh which is why it is short. There is in no new vegetative growth. In fact the leaves are gradually dying. The new growth is all bud. In pic 5 you can new calyx's with white hairs on it. Those are all relatively new.