White Widow Update!


Active Member
Alrighty im back from break and this is what i found. The plants have been on a drip system while i was away, so i couldn't take as good of care as i would have liked too, but im glad they're alive. Tell me what you think, and how much longer do would you guys say they need???

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:EVERYBODY LIKES TO BLAZE:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
hey they look good to me. where they clones or did you get seeds from a bank? i gots some nirvana ones, day 29. how long have you been flowering for? God bless, all


Well-Known Member
Hmm, my buds for WW look totally different from Greenhouse. I'm anxious to know what kind of yield you will have. Keep us posted. I'm only a few weeks away.


Active Member
I have questions for everyone. Don't people usually trim off the leaf tips when its getting close to time to harvest? and could anyone give me a "ball park" figure to how long the plants have left?


Well-Known Member
Well tell us how long they have been flowering. Pot needs atleast 9 weeks till ready to harvest. But you do have a while to wait.


New Member
Were These From Seed Or Clones?my Ww Is Alot Differrent And Mine Is A Clone.how Did U Get Your Nugs That Big?i Have Yet To Exspierence What Other Growers Feel When A Fully Dence Nug Look Like And Feel Like.happy Smoking.


Well-Known Member
Those girls are looking damn fine, nice job. I'm going to start my first grow soon, and am curious to know what problems you ran into?


Active Member
haha I forgot to take them out for the pictures but they were there to hold the drip system in place. (the roots are too dense to stab anything in the soil)


Active Member
I would say all and all we didnt have too many MAJOR problems but some things that we did run into
-over watering (lost 2 children that way)
-nitrogen deficiency (which is solved with just a little nuts)
-the pots that they were in ("root bounding") we started them off in small pot and progressively transplanted to bigger ones,

Other then that it was pretty smooth sailing! ill try to answer any other questions if you have them


Well-Known Member
I am interested to hear how this works out, keep us updated. Especially to us as a comparison to something I am working on. My situation is similar with 5 girls trained and topped, and 600+W of hps. It would be interesting to see yield comparison since I am in a pretty close to the same timeframe.

I pity the fool who doesn't upate!


Active Member
Ill defiantly keep you guys posted. um, you said you had your plants topped, im not entirely sure how you do that, and was wondering if you could give me the quick run down.


Well-Known Member
looking good dude. i would say at least 3 weeks til you can really enjoy these babies!