white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow


Well-Known Member
ha, well me 2 but we dont know were gonna end up smoking and growing weed when were babies. dont want him to smoke if i can help it.

Dude, you live in england..... please can u make the sentences more understandable... ?

Only thing i understood was : Dont want him to smoke if i can help it.......

they look ok for what is left of them and from using CFL's. hopefully ill get some nice bud in a few weeks.

Yeah they look good for what u are using ;) In reality they look * not that good * but hey ;) We all start once...... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
where did that red text come from? dont know who wrote that. my english is quite good actually. dont see why you cant understand the sentences?

well yeah dwr, my grow kinda sucks but 1st attempt and from the 4 plants that are growing im quite pleased with them.


Well-Known Member
where did that red text come from? dont know who wrote that. my english is quite good actually. dont see why you cant understand the sentences?

well yeah dwr, my grow kinda sucks but 1st attempt and from the 4 plants that are growing im quite pleased with them.

:) I wrote that red text......... Sorry, I didnt understand what u meant with ...... But now i understand it... Yes my english sucks :D

U mean : we dont know as babies if we are gona smoke weed or not ?

hahaaaaaaa * inhale * * Puff Puff *


Well-Known Member

today i was abit down whilst thinkin of my grow. i was thinking that it hasnt been worth it. the buds look smaller than rabbit shit. i just checked and they are looking great. its amazing how much theyve grown. they have started to produce alot more cyrstals and are fattening up nicely.

so im not gonna give them any more canna nutes. just gonna water with 2 teaspoons of molasses for 2 weeks and then harvest.

pics are below.

1st pic is of an ata tundra bud shot
2nd is the smallest plant - ata tundra
3rd pic is of an orange pistil on a tundra
4th is white widow
5th is white widow pistil
6th is the Trance - still not showing sex for some reason but its recovered from the snapped stem and is still growing. same with the other tundra stem i snapped. no sex but growing bigger.

tell me what u think of the pistils and bud shots. think 2 weeks will do it?

also tell me what u think i should do with the no sex plants. keep em an make hash? will they have produced enough THC to use stems and leafs?

ill try post some more pics 2morro morning if they have grown since.

EDIT: sorry bout the rubbish quality pics. u can just about make out the orange pistils.


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Well-Known Member
looks decent..... Let them go for couple of weeks.... you'll prob get about 8gramms of nice smoke

this looks cool

+Rep for great bud :D


Well-Known Member
8 Grams?! i was expecting over 28 minimum lol. i am letting them go for another 2 weeks but only giving them water and molasses. start flushing.

yeah the widow looks kind cool. cheers


Well-Known Member
8 Grams?! i was expecting over 28 minimum lol. i am letting them go for another 2 weeks but only giving them water and molasses. start flushing.

yeah the widow looks kind cool. cheers
yeah 6-8 gramms per plant.. maybe 5 :)


Well-Known Member
ah, i thought u meant over all. well since i only have 4 plant then thats 32 grams which is like, just under an oz and half. hmm. i was expecting abit more but not really that bothered bcoz its my 1st grow. suppose couple things went wrong.

what do u think about the plants with no sex? hash?


Well-Known Member
ah, i thought u meant over all. well since i only have 4 plant then thats 32 grams which is like, just under an oz and half. hmm. i was expecting abit more but not really that bothered bcoz its my 1st grow. suppose couple things went wrong.

what do u think about the plants with no sex? hash?
dont know.... its weird....... :bigjoint: sorry that i cant tell you more about such plants.. google it..

a noobs best friends in this big world.... i use it non stop ^^


Well-Known Member
ive tried google'ing "cannabis plant no sex" an stuff like that but all i get is stuff about how to identify a plants sex. cant seem to find anything on a plant not showing sex after 52 days flowering.

edit: think ill post in plant problems.


Well-Known Member
couple of quick pics i took this morning. not very good quality but still look good imo.

these should be getting harvested on the 31st of August. although, i dont know what to do about my widow, she is flowering nicely and everything but isnt it supposed to be a 10 week strain?

i suppose it will have been flowering (12/12) for 10 weeks by the end of august though. the others should be nicely matured since they are only a 6 week strain.

is there such a thing as harvesting too late?



Well-Known Member
Got some healthy looking plants there bro. I be watchin the rest of this grow to see yield potentials. Remember to flush!! in all sense of the word


Well-Known Member
couple of quick pics i took this morning. not very good quality but still look good imo.

these should be getting harvested on the 31st of August. although, i dont know what to do about my widow, she is flowering nicely and everything but isnt it supposed to be a 10 week strain?

i suppose it will have been flowering (12/12) for 10 weeks by the end of august though. the others should be nicely matured since they are only a 6 week strain.

is there such a thing as harvesting too late?
yup u can over mature them, meaning that it will be diffrent.. never try'd but supposed to be some other chemical when you leave them to flower toooo long..... yes it can happen :)

But in your case i doubt it, your plants are filling nicely man :D

So hows u going about the harvest date man ?



Well-Known Member
Got some healthy looking plants there bro. I be watchin the rest of this grow to see yield potentials. Remember to flush!! in all sense of the word
yup u can over mature them, meaning that it will be diffrent.. never try'd but supposed to be some other chemical when you leave them to flower toooo long..... yes it can happen :)

But in your case i doubt it, your plants are filling nicely man :D

So hows u going about the harvest date man ?

cheers guys.

ill take a pic of the white widow, god damn she has filled out nice and quite alot of orange hairs.

i am flushing at the moment, im planning on cutting them down next sunday (31st) at the end of the month. probably going to give them 5 days drying time then probably 5 or 7 days cure. although they might cure for longer if i dont smoke that much, depends really. we'll see how much i get anyway.

will take some pics and post em when the lights are on, dont forget that they are on a 10/14 cycle. they have really fattened up


Well-Known Member
holy shit that white widow has made herself in to a woman !!!!!!!

Congrats on that man !


Well-Known Member
cheers guy, im just about to post a pic in harvest and curing to see if my girls are ready. the Ata Tundra is a 6 week strain and they have been going for 8 weeks.

so could be an earlier harvest on a couple plants.

mrniceguy ill check out ur grow soon