white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow


Well-Known Member
Well as u can see, the leaves around my bud are still there. i have trimmed quite alot if u compare the pics. basicly i havnt trimmed those small leaves around the main colas because light can get at them. i will take a pic(s) for u 2night on which ones to cut/how many etc.

lol DWR, was that grown with LEDS? must of been ur very first grow?!

no dude, thats the ams :)

:) just couldnt be bother'd to carry on with her...


Well-Known Member
:o i cant be bothered to carry on with these. lights on 7pm. lights off 7am. i only get 1 chance to look at them about 7pm and maybe sometimes at about 11pm.

last night it was pissing it down,dark,cold and i was paranoid bcoz i kept hearing things move in the wind.

i cba going out there all the time. i have to 2night though. they need feeding and i need to check on my new babies.


Well-Known Member
Hi smokeh, plants looking fat and juicy in those pics, I think they'll fill out real nice for you. Sounds like you might be getting a little impatient LOL - it's really hard not to. The rain seems to have stopped here at the moment and I think the sun is coming out. Time to go karting my ladies about all over the place (yet again) to try to get them dried out a bit. I look forward to not have to do that any more LOL. Catch you later mate ...


Well-Known Member
hey green.

yeah they will fatten up nicely and should be ready in 3 weeks.

the weather this morning was horrible. motorway traffic was a bitch. took me ages get to work.

its still cold and raining here, i guess ur in the south :p ha


Well-Known Member
I'm in Northern Ireland smokeh, weather terrible here too but there's a little break in the clouds at the moment, still cold and windy though. I don't think I'll move the girls after all as it'll probably only last about ten minutes and then I'll only have to move them again LOL.


Well-Known Member
They're outside 24/7 still. They shelter in a corner (between the back of the house and the garage) when it's wet and windy, and I set them out when the rain's off and/or the sun's out. I'll use the garage at night for the Cinammons towards the end of October to try and keep them going for a little while after the frosts come. But I'm hoping to chop one of my Purples in two or three weeks, the other three in about three or four (I think).


Well-Known Member
well good luck. the weather is starting to get cold round here. thats why ive had to switch my light to night time. 7pm - 7am. thats when its coldest i reckon.

anyway, good luck with the weather an stuff. we should both harvest something around the same time then :D


Well-Known Member
I think you're doing the right thing using the lights when it's coldest smokeh, I was thinking about that very thing a couple of days ago (if I had any lights that is LOL). It is indeed getting cold, and I think that may just be the last straw with my Cinammons. They were just starting to show signs of getting buds after all as they got pretty decent weather most of last week, but I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed for October.

Yeah we should be harvesting pretty much the same time :) I'm looking forward to it. Good luck to you too smokeh, you deserve it after all your hard work.


Well-Known Member
yeah weather was nice last week.

we should be harvesting the same time but u will have twice the yield of me! haaa.

you to with the hard work. i hate carrying plants around :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah my back's broke mate LOL. And I just came in after moving them after all. I always give in in the end :) Sun's not great but at least they're sitting out in a stiff breeze which should dry the buds off. Really important they don't get wet for long periods now or I'll likely get bud rot. The cold is starting to turn even the smaller fan leaves on the Puprles ... purple LOL. I think I'll definitely be chopping before too long. Must get my hands on a microscope somehow so I can see what's going on with the trichs. Don't wanna chop TOO soon ...


Well-Known Member
yeah a scope is worth it. i got my 100x one from maplins. 7quid i think it was. bargain.

is that what really determines the color? i have Trance which is a purple strain. i thought lowering the temps brought on the purple color. someone mentioned it was sugars but im already feeding with molasses and i cant see any color change.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man the colder it is the darker they go. Only one of my Purps was a real dark purple (it's a completely diferent plant from the three taller ones) but over the last couple of days since' it's got colder the others are going the same way. I'm gonna have to watch the weather forecast like a hawk to make sure I catch the first frost. Frost plus rain = disaster LOL.


Well-Known Member
shit, i hope the cold will turn my plant purple soon. ill have to try an put it outside or something...

did u see a steady color of purple or was it just purple one day?


Well-Known Member
The small plant was dark purple from day one. The others were green for ages, with a hint of "light" reddish purple coming very gradually. But in the last day and a half one has suddenly gone dark purple just like the small one, and the other two are close behind. Just be careful you don't shock the plant by suddenly putting it out in the cold ;)


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for the info. hopefully my temps inside the shed during the day will be enough to turn it purple. it should start getting colder during the day.

cheers for the info green.


Well-Known Member
not quite sure as to where to trim still... but ill figure it out i guess...

i too expected more than 5 g's per plant
hey chrome. sorry i forgot to take those pics last night. i took pics of my new seedlings for my new journal. i slept at my gf's last night as well. ill try and remember to show u a trim 2night. i think my plants could use it anyway.


Well-Known Member
heres a few pics of my 2 babies.

the tundra is 4 weeks flowering on friday - 2morro, i think. i took a bud off her last night, did a quick dry and fuck me. its some good smoke. the trics were cloudy/clear. i was still 'numb'. i was supposed to be leaving for a business trip this morning at 8am.. i didnt want up till 10am rofl! cant wait to start drying her. i think im gonna let her go 7 weeks, so 1 more week of nutes and then ill start to flush.

the trance should be ready 1 week after the ata tundra is done. but we'll see. i havnt sampled any from her yet as she still has buds half the size of the ata tundra.

pics are abit blurry but u can see em ok.

