White widow seedlings


Active Member
My seedlings are 11 days old. All of the sudden almost all of them started to get thin in the middle of their stem and toppled over. Any one have experience in this?


Well-Known Member
Try using more light...
Hard to say without more info, and maybe a pic. What are you growing in? What lights are you useing and how far away? Watering schedule? Gotta give up the details. Without anything else I'd say stretched from the light being too far away, and/or underwatering.:peace:


Active Member
I think they were not warm enough. The temp was at 65 degrees. flo lights 4 inches above, and good soil. It's the same soil my 4 ft plants grew from seedlings in. I got them on a heating pad now since yesterday.

Brick Top

New Member
It sounds like damping off disease but that happens in hot humid conditions and you said you thought the soil was cold.

A spot on the stem gets discolored and lesions can form on the stem at or above the soil line, the stem gets thin and the seedlings flop and die. It’s a form of root rot. It comes from warm to hot conditions with high moisture and humidity conditions.


Active Member
Oh, it's happening in the middle of the stem, half way between the soil and the leafs. It's like it loses it's tissue to support that area.Just plops over. I carefully pullled it up to plant it in a different soil as a test.Planted it down deeper. This seedling was 12 days old and I did not see any roots sprouting off the main stem! That is not normal. You have any ideas with that?