white widow purple pheno,now looking for something new

Been stuck on these ww originally from nirvana,way back,came across a purple pheno and just been burnt out on it.cloned it for about ayear,then couple crossed a couple of them with ww male.more than half of all seeds has purple trait so far ,I'll try add pix in AM but I'm burnt out n don't want to buy any more beans.looking for a change, anything different, even auto would do to break monotony.this is supposed to be fun.any one that can help our have any ideas? Tired of my stock,looking for couple ideas to Trade.I'll show u mine first lol just looking for some no nonsense chucKer who feels like doing something different,even 5 or 10 ideas of their creation.feel free to reply or PM, I'm stuck all alone down in Fla.


Well-Known Member
You could try to score some bag seed from friends. All of my friends had a couple seeds lying around from "that bag of bomb shit". You can get some cheap seeds from thedankteam.com ships from the USA fast and easy. $20 for a 3 pack of Girl Scout Cookies x Tripple OG or $35 for 10 packs of a couple diff strains. Check their specials section. I guess if you want to "trade" that takes a lot of trust on a forum.
Yeah just looking for something different,some ppl like myself got ALOT of beans laying around of the same genes they had forever and just tired of them.a chance to maybe swap,but yeah def good advice about trust.hoping to come across someone without a bunch of ammy questions n such with a few to throw Like I do.it's certainly ALOT safer legal wise now because most places it's legal now so not worried about trouble(although certainly have a safe address) but I'm not gonna send out 100 beans to someone random.but if things seemed cool pm n all I wouldn't worry to much sending 5 or 10 hoping the person is doing same.just don't wanna spend more $ and like surprised stock from good genes.Plus last 10 I bought I had 1Grow,fucking 1..I got board n just dropped 30 n 28 are up.wtf it's not my technique,but thanks.