White Widow, Pineapple Exp and 2 x Bubblelicious Auto CFL Grow


Active Member
A few pics of the girls in the tent on 18/6 - Need to transplant asap as roots have started to show at the bottom. Means I may have to get another light(s) in there as there is not gonna be enough room under the 1 300w for 6 plants.



Active Member
Thx :) Using Bio Bizz Bio Bloom and Bio Bizz Top Max - 1ml per litre at the mo :) Increasing the Bloom to 2ml next week for 2 weeks as per there growing guide. Using the Bio Bizz All Mix for soil so havent had to give any nutes at all for the first 3 weeks :) She sure is going nuts though and still got until approx 8th Aug before harvest.


Active Member
Woke up the flowering room this morning and found balls on one of the 2 unknowns. Chop Chop and the pic is what happens to males lol :finger:



Active Member
Here are my other girls in the veg tent 18/6. I needed to transplant them so there was not enough room for them under 1 x 300w CFL so I decided to get a 400w HPS.

In the tent are:

1 x W/W (Going to be Mother)
1 x Pine Exp (Going to be Mother)
4 x Bubblelicious Autos

They seem to be liking the new light :) Still going to keep CFLs in the flower room as there is not enough room for a HPS in there and I would have heat issues.



Active Member
Was just inspecting and found what I think maybe pollen sacks. Please can someone confirm for me and if they are, whats the best thing to do? Chop early? I dont want pollen in my flowering room!


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey Mc! great photos! i love the kitty picture..it made me laugh. Your plants look really nice and healthy. I wish i could help with your possible pollen, hermi picture but i have no experience with that at all. In fact i will be having to deal with the same issues soon as well. Maybe post that picture in Del666 thread. He might know.. or try the Club 600 thread. There are some very helpful knowledgable growers in that thread that can help you. Please let us know what happens. Good luck!


Active Member
Thx for the reply - it was defo hermi, bananas everywhere so she/he got the chop. Probably nothing worth smoking but what the hell. Even though it was quite early into flowering - Wet weight was 20.7 grams - Dry, just under 8 grams. I am a bit gutted but not that badly as I have the others that I know are feminized. They are looking great under the 400w HPS :) Will get some pics done soon.

Also, I have totally taken out the flowering room now and waiting for another tent to arrive with another 400w HPS - that will be the new flowering room once the WW and PExp Mothers are ready for cloning :)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
cool! cant wait to see the pictures. Thank goodness your females didnt get pollenated!
That is really exciting news about all the new supplies your getting your going to a jungle ! take care, Amber


Active Member
:) Going to be good to see what they turn out like. Ive got 4 Bubblelicious on the go at the moment. One of them is a bit weak but its beginning to pick up - they should start flowering any day now!


Active Member
They are going nuts - especially the pineapple express. New flowering tent has arrived now and is setup. Only problem I have now is that the landlord is living above us for the next month and even though I am using acoustic ducting in the flowering room, she would still be able to hear the fan with the door closed.

You can hear the veg tent aswell but I just make sure that I have music playing if I know she is gonna be near lol.

Too risky at the mo but might have no choice if these baby's keep growing as fast as they currently are.



Active Member
Been a while since I posted an update. The Pineapple Express and White Widow how now given there first clones and are nice and healthy mums.

The unknown is staying female for now on Day 23 of 12/12 (her sister went hermi and got chopped)

3 of the bubblelicious autos have been flowering for about 10 days now and are starting to go nuts.

Pic1 is the unknown - Pic 2 is one of the b'licious - Pic 3 is 2 WW and 2 PExp clones about 3 days old. (And yes, I know those 225 leds are shite but they are great for cloning and keep the temp of where I have them at a constant 77f) :)



Active Member
Just for information, Dutch Master makes a product called Reverse, this product stops male hormones and boosts female hormones, might seriously look into it, have heard and seen great things about the product. I havent used it but a friend did and wow.