White widow , my story so far (pics)


Well-Known Member
Feminized White Widow Dutch Passions seed in soil under a 400w hps planta bulb (started under cfl's for 3 weeks) in soil , my first grow and I think she's doing fine :) . .. would of put some pics up earlier , but I've only just sussed how to get em up (one by one seems to work now )

Theres about 3 weeks of growth from
start to finish in these pic's, now I know what I'm doing i can keep the grow more up to date :)



Well-Known Member
Really nice looking plant. Is it really 3 weeks from seed? If so, thats just another reason for me to never buy Nirvana seeds again. My ww just turned 15 days old and wont look like that at 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah , the one in the pot started after the scrawny little one , i over nuted , being a complete n00b to growing and nerarly killed her, like i said , theres more pics coming , just at work at the minute , but you'll agree she has blossomed over the last 2 weeks and the scrawny one is picking up nicely too :)


Well-Known Member
yeah £58 for 5 feminized , 3 left for when i finally move house , I'll have a cellar to play in , anyway heres some more canniporn >:) the pics go up to how she was last night , but you know she's gonna be better than that by the time i get home :) enjoy and watch this space


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nice. It would be a good time to learn how to clone. I have widows in my garden that are coming up on their 20th generation and the smoke is better than ever. Crowd pleaser for sure. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Cloning is something I'm looking into, i just need to get my airing cupboard sorted out with my spare cfl's in , dont want to do many as its only personal usage, dont want the noya of being busted whilst getting high on my own supply, but on the other hand I dont wanna take a couple and them not make it , for my first grow i think its looking good, gonna veg her for another week or so, was looking to lst but the side branches are fighting for light anyway , a couple are taller than the tip so I guess i dont need to :) its all good , dirt might be messy but its very forgiving :D


Well-Known Member
Got a quick cloning poser :) I been looking at some of the bigger branches on her to see about taking a cutting , they have 5 or 6 nodes now but I'm a bit comfused as to where to cut . . . as the nodes are in sets of 2 and in a couple of places bunched up coming off the main stem, do i count these as one node or are they classed as the 2 that i need to trim and powder/gel before popping in pre-soaked rockwool??? Indica , beautiful plant but slightly confusing ( thats the hit I'm after tho so she's gettin in there pre-flower), any advice is good advice Im reckoning :)


Well-Known Member
No suggestions so far . . . . anyone? surely someone can shed some light on this , read a few cloning threads but none mention double nodes??


Well-Known Member
No worries , I'll up a couple later , at work now so unable to get any up . . .. .its basically 2 sets of stalks coming off the stems at the same point instead of being spaced apart, most of the branches are like this if you think of the letter K its the best way i can describe it, but with the nodes joined at the v part with stems virtually conjoined . . . any clearer?


Well-Known Member
:joint:Well reminded hahaha , been smokin some great white shark . . . . only just logged on :bigjoint: theres a couple of pics here to show you what i mean :). she's grown a bit more in the last 18 hours and the runt is starting to resemble a healthy plant too :)



Well-Known Member
My cutting has shown roots :D its all good from here on in , gonna take a few more and then . . . . . . . . 12/12 at the end of the week, when i sort my veg cupboard out . . . . yay me , let the good times roll


Well-Known Member
She's a girl . . . . hooray :D she has the female pistils popping out of everywhere , theres about 20 - 30 of em that i can see . . . Am i right in presuming these will turn into what we all know and love best . . . big juicy buds???


Well-Known Member
NICE dood CONGATS!!! dnt kill the lil female now, treat her right, she will do the SAME to u in the end, i promise, u got nutes??? wat light(s)????

just wondering??


Well-Known Member
canna vega , canna flores , boost , formulex for the clones and some coco with bio bizz coco nutes, got cfls 2700 and 6500 , 400w hps x 3 , only using one for now , small set up for, personal use , various 400w bulb's and 'm just about tobuild a clone/ veg tent. gonna flood/drain the clones , got a ph digimeter on the way and 20 litres 6.2 spring water on standby ready to mix up , got all the dripfeed stuff, etc etc . .. i been shopping and got everything i could possibly need for a small scale grow/flower cycle :) . . its all good from her on in :D