White Widow max Vs some other strains...need different variables ?

HI guys... so I've had some decent success in the past growing different strains in the same environment (I use bubble ponics)...(even sharing the same bin with the exact same nutes and ph and temps etc...)
and I've got a new grow going for about a month now....5 different strains growing from old seeds (probably been in dark storage for about 3 years...but have been exposed to heat as high as 90+ at times ....but never below 60....and usually at 70-80 degrees) I DID have a Low percentage of seeds that I planted take.... only 1 in 6 or 7 Popped .... but If 2 or 3 of the 5 that are growing end up being females....I'll still be happy with this session.
Here's the wierd part and my question though.... The White widow max is not looking as green and vibrant as the Skunk#1 or Indica Bud, or Purple Power, or the Cali Orange bud.... about 15% of the leaves on the WWM are half brown and blotchy... the biggest fan leaves....but the new growth leaves are still nice and green .... and the Roots look ok (in fact there is a Loooong mainstemroot longer than any other plant......I'm wondering if that's a survival mechanism of the plant ?) could the main root bunch be being strangled ?

or what else could it be .... is WWM sensative to high nute content ? (I did have the nutes a little high when the plants were babies like 350-400ppm) but they are 12 inches now and full... I've topped them a couple times and they've recovered from that... and I've also used Liquid Light twice now....hehehe :)

anybody who has had success with WHite Widow Max....please let me know any of their characteristics.... it smells gorgeous already... but looks sad and kinda ugly :(

Thanks Y'all EHSUL


Hey, Sounds like the wwm got a little root rot or a tad over watered. One thing to remember is never EVER use nutes back ta back. If your watering every third day, thats twice a week. give them nutes once...let dry out then ph water of 6.5 for soil. build up nutes slow with a max of 1300ppms by the time they are in heavy flower. and always Flush hard between veg and flower and then two weeks before harvest. wwm loves nutes but they need good clean water in between to wash their food down. you will never build up salts this way. Good luck, great strain.
thanks gman but I'm not in soil... Im bubbleponics... and the wwm has come around and is as strong as any of the other strains (I actually think it might have been root strangulation as the root ball was twisting in the water and winding up into a knot.... I rearranged the airstones and it seemed to sort itself out)... I've come to determine that wwm does Love nutes... as I'm always upping my ppm's throughout the whole cycle (everything is at 850ish 3 weeks into flowering) ...and I always have the plants showing the faintest hint of nute burn at the tips of the leaves... except the WWM which leads me to believe that WWM can handle the nutes and maybe could have more.... it sure is smelling sweet...it smells the most pungent of the 5 strains that are currently flowering... prob about 8 more weeks and I'll be harvesting some fat nuggs. the other strains are ...Ice, Cali Orange Bud, Skunk #1, and Purple Power.... it should be a good batch :)


Nice man, def good luck...what nutes do u like? Im trying canna coco. burned the shit out of some lowriders lol....ppm was 1600 in the waste water. Live and learn right.