White widow , is this pre flower' or full flower?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I have a white widow fem from greenhouse seeds that's is 31 days from seed today and from the looks of things is going in to flower?

I had a mag deficiency 'then a calcium deficiency from feeding low levels of EC .8/.9 up until Monday, I treated with Epsom via (1) teaspoon per 4litre & also a light foliar feed twice

What you guys think?
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Pretty sure she is telling ya that she is mature enough that her sexual presence is showing. U definitely have a female. U can throw it under 12 12 or you can continue to veg longer to your desire. Other than that just looks like a new node is forming.
See those little white hairs? That means she's ready to go into bloom. That not to say you have to put her into a 12hr light cycle right now. Just that she's ready to start building her flowers.

If you've got the light, room and time. Give her another half a month at least. And she'll probably give you more than if you turned her over now.
Thank you all for your reply

This is my first coco/perlite grow with liquid ferts! So I'm a little jumpy lol
I usually grown in soil with a easy, 1 bottle for veg & another for bloom and done!!

Growing from seed 'I usually veg for 40/46 days then flip and pull 80/100 grams per plant under any type of lighting from , hps/led/cfl

Equal amount of watts/PAR can usually yield me around the same 'with lots of training

From what other growers have done' to what I have seed done myself in coco/perlite
I think I can improve on this with the 400watt hps 5"cool tube ,giving me around 100wsf!!
A little over kill in the watts department' but this grow should produce some killer buds if I can keep them healthy come transition time in 2 weeks

Does anyone recommend topping all the branche's on all 3 plants 1 more time ' then wait a 1 week then flip?
If you're going to top. Give them two weeks. Not only does that give them time to heal. But the resulting branches will be more developed.
Taking your advice nugachino, I'm topping all 3 plants once more on all the main branches then wait 14 days?

I've got greenhouse white widow & sour d that I got from the seed bank in my erea when I first got into growing , problem with the sour d i's I know nothing of its breeder/pheno types/ feed requirements?

I have grow out one of there blueberry haze from the same seed shop (unknown origin )' that was nice?

I'm being a little "ambitious with this grow so I hope it pays off?
45days from seed the flipped 'in these 11litre coco/perlite pots 'I'm hoping for a killer yield of some killer buds!

If I get anywhere near 1gpw I'm a very happy grower lol
Anyway here are a few HPS YELLOW SHOTS of the girls after a lst session...14910376814451479767964.jpg 1491037847543-1574530759.jpg

It will be a mini jungle in there 'but I'm confident I will control the stretch with training

White widow is 11" tall and 14" wide
Sour d x2 are 9"tall and 9" wide

All being fed every day 1.5/2.0 litres each to runoff, EC 1.2 & PH 5.8/6.2
Also 1tsp of Epsom with every 10 litre mix

The blueberry haze from last grow..20170212_161330.jpg 20170218_084208.jpg