White Widow Hybrid 3rd Time Grow


Active Member
I got some White Widow Hybrid seeds from a friend of mine and i planted 32 in one pot to see if i could get a whole bunch of buds to grow. So far none of them have sprouted but it's only the 2nd week. I germinated all the seeds before planting them in a cup and let them sit for 2-3 days. Here are some pics of my grow op check it out >


grow space

Well-Known Member
nice setup dude-keep up the good work.
re you using tinfoil or is that mylar???if it is tinfoil then fuck that-just use mylar or use plain white color.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what i'm meant to be looking at,but dude why did you not get them in there own pucks or cubes.take the tin foil down and get some mylar on the walls you don't have to cover the whole room just up to around 2 ft then use the white reflective plastic this will up the lighting tenfold creases in the reflective materiel will only decrease the lighting out put,a crease means that the light been reflective bounces back of the crease decreasing the light out put.just one of them plants turns out to be male and you don't catch it in time your crop is no good get them in indeviduale cups so it is easy to remove the male's.without been in there own cups more dissturbance is created and that is how pollan is released.


Active Member
Not sure what i'm meant to be looking at,but dude why did you not get them in there own pucks or cubes.take the tin foil down and get some mylar on the walls you don't have to cover the whole room just up to around 2 ft then use the white reflective plastic this will up the lighting tenfold creases in the reflective materiel will only decrease the lighting out put,a crease means that the light been reflective bounces back of the crease decreasing the light out put.just one of them plants turns out to be male and you don't catch it in time your crop is no good get them in indeviduale cups so it is easy to remove the male's.without been in there own cups more dissturbance is created and that is how pollan is released.
Yep I agree, your ladys are gonna get prego if you get males. Far as them sprouting, I beleive they should have already?


Active Member
I wish it was mylar lol but i heard tenfoil worked if you didn't have mylar. I'll take your advice fix it and figure out an alternative, as far as why I didn't use individual pucks or cubes is because i didn't have the money at the time and my friend who is also a dealer said he's seen people grow tons of bud out of just one pot without using that technique but whatever works I guess. I figured I would just cut and remove whatever plant ends up being male (wich ever one has pollen balls lol).Yeah i dug under the soil a little to see if they even were growing on Wednesday and all of them were a half inch away from the top soil so it should be any day now before they sprout. Thanks for the advice tyke I don't think i'm gonna replant them all into individual cups beacause it's already in it's 2nd week and i'll just keep that in mind for the next time I grow. I watch my plants very, very closely so even if I didn't catch it in time it's not like your still not gonna get bud you'll still have bud it will just be less potent and have seeds all up in their hah but I won't let that happen. How much light would I be losing? if i'm using 2 eight foot flourescent ceiling lights and a cfl bulb giving it light from above, I realize that tenfoil isn't the best but sometimes you gotta make due with what you got. But since everyone here thinks tenfoil is shitty I'll find some alternative. Thanks for all the help i'll re-post some more pics in a day or two after I have made the changes.


Well-Known Member
I figured i would just cut and remove whatever plant ends up being male (wich ever one has pollen balls lol)
Yeah i dug under the soil a little to see if they even were growing on Wednesday and all of them were a half inch away from the top soil so it should be any day now before they sprout.
.........but did you lose the foil? You know that it is like a mirror in a lot of ways.....it absorbs light, and any that is reflected is concentrated to a hot spot......'white' reflects, spreads the light. Unless you are to spend some $ on Mylar, white is the next best thing...

You must have planted them pretty deep for them to still be working thier way to the surface......:hump: IMO, as with others having said too, not a good thing to have them planted together in that pot, for more reasons than males.......

And your off to a great start-----looks clean and all. And this is your third grow? <---inside? How did that strain grow out before?

Well, great luck to you! Do you plan to keep a journel on here of your grow?



Well-Known Member
I have same thoughts as above, but one other thought.. your soil in the last pic looks really dry. Seedlings like it a little bit damper and, once above soil, then let it dry out a bit. PLEASE do not read this as 'soak the shit outta them.' Moist. And, for your next go of things, one plant per pot and also, I do my seeds about 2 mm below the surface. Maybe 1/4 in? Since I use organic soil, I generally get them in there and pop a tiny 'chunk' over them.


Active Member
Not yet but as soon I find an alternative I will. Would one of those reflective windshield things you use on your car work? lol. Where can i get white reflective plastic at? Yeah not really it's just I was using the wrong kind of lighting the first week i was using a work light haha. I didn't realize how noobie I was until I realized it wasn't really showing progress. Yeah I realize the plant isn't going to be able to grow to it's maximum size because i planted so many in one pot but i'll have tons of shorter plants with lots of bud. Thanks, yeah the first 2 plants died cause I Was a noob about growing until I watched all the videos on how to grow cannabis by Mr. Green on Youtube lol, not to mention this other series I watched by some hot chick. Yeah inside. They all grew out to the point where theirs 4 leaves and failed, because I didn't pay enough attention to them but that's why I promised myself to be a better mother to my new plant. Thanks, probably lol


Active Member
My bad, i'll do a better job of keeping it moist I just watered it lol. Alright, hah I would never soak to the point of death. I planted mine the same dude. People grow various ways you don't have to do it one particular way just to get it to grow, you can grow a ton of smaller plants in one pot I have seen it done before. That's basically what I did. Thanks for all the advice.


Well-Known Member
My bad, i'll do a better job of keeping it moist I just watered it lol. Alright, hah I would never soak to the point of death. I planted mine the same dude. People grow various ways you don't have to do it one particular way just to get it to grow, you can grow a ton of smaller plants in one pot I have seen it done before. That's basically what I did. Thanks for all the advice.
:neutral:good luck to you.............


Active Member
I was pretty much watering a dead plant, the plant must have died the first week due to wrong lighting but with the setup I got now my next grow should be a success, i'm also gonna grow outdoors in the woods behind my house since i live in Alaska and the long summers are great for growing bud I hear. Once my seeds finishing germinating i'll post pics in a new thread.
peace out


Active Member
.........but did you lose the foil? You know that it is like a mirror in a lot of ways.....it absorbs light, and any that is reflected is concentrated to a hot spot......'white' reflects, spreads the light. Unless you are to spend some $ on Mylar, white is the next best thing...

You must have planted them pretty deep for them to still be working thier way to the surface......:hump: IMO, as with others having said too, not a good thing to have them planted together in that pot, for more reasons than males.......

And your off to a great start-----looks clean and all. And this is your third grow? <---inside? How did that strain grow out before?

Well, great luck to you! Do you plan to keep a journel on here of your grow?

if you dug under the soil and they were a half an inch away from the top of the soil you planted them WAYY to deep you should just poke a hole in the soil with a pencil about 1/8th or 1/2 inch at most and drop the germmed seed in there tap root down