White Widow Grow Flowering

Ive been flowering my white widows for acouple weeks now, im not going to harvest right now or anything I was just curious how close they are to being done? Some of the leaves are starting to get crystally which is awesome and there are a lot of hairs. If you guys could let me know how im doing and about how long is left till harvest that would be great. Btw sorry for bad pics lights are on and pics are from phone.
about 8 weeks from the start of the 12/12 light cycle?
Yeah maybe more i cant remember, but they were stuck in a weird in between veg and flower stage for acouple weeks im not sure why, so i threw them into 48 hours of dark to really tell them to flower. Maybe 5 weeks since then and 8 weeks in total.


those hairs will start to die and turn red and the crystals will turn from clear to milky white that is about the time I liked to cut my widow.