White widow first journal


Well-Known Member
I have recentley germinted 4 ww nirvana seeds. Two of them took a few more days to show than the others. I numbered the plants by how fast and how healthy thdey were in one week. One of the plants is a tank is growing way faster and healthier than all the others. Once sprouted, I immediatley put them under my 400w hps. As soon as I got a Grow box going for my cfl's i moved them into there. I lost on of them due to weak stem broken in the move. The plants experienced slight stretching so i moved
light very close to them and placed a fan in the box, To ventilate/strengthen the weak stems. Its been almost 2 weeks and the 3 seem to be pretty happy and healthy. But 2 dyas afterputting them under the cfl's they seem to be showing signs of purple coming from the new leaves and of the stem on th elarget leaves, does anyone know what this could be. I Have been testing the ph everythigns good there, temp is constant between 70-80. What coudl this be some kind of deficiancey?? please post if you have an idea of what this could be or if its normal and im just experiencing the tipical first time grower paranoa


Well-Known Member
my babies are approaching 3 weeks old, they are looking pretty healthy so far. Ill [post some pics later. I just purchased fox farm gorw big, tiger bloom and big bloom. My plants are in fox farm soil with nutrients already in the it. Does anyone know if adding more nutrients only after 3 weeks will expose my little ones to nute burn?? I fed them a low dose and will increase the amount every other watering just to be safe. And can anyone give me an idea of why my plants are not growing very tall at any rate, they are abotu 5 inches tall but beginging to be very bushy they grow at most half an inch a day, is my 400w hps to close maybe?? its about 18 inches away. if anyone can respond back with there opinion i would greatly appreciate it


Well-Known Member
There they are 3 weeks into veg , do you guys think they are big enough to be three weeks. They are pretty bushy but they are not getting very tall!


Well-Known Member
I decided to try my luck at topping, I only did it to 1 of the 3. Its been a day since i did the cut and i don't notice anything really. Im sure it takes a few days for it to heal. I'll post pictures once the top starts growing back. happy growing:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey man looking good looking good. Ya they are looking normal mine stayed short until like 20 days. Anyway any nutes after 2 weeks old is ok. Just follow the instrutions!!! The purple from main stems like fan leaves stems is normal, purple usually will come out in colder weather, if not that it could just be in the strain to show alil color. Doenst mean anything is wrong. Light is good distance. Cant wait to see more pictures especially of the topping, I just FIMMed one of mine afew days ago. Anyway man hope that helps. Good job so far , I'm scribed n will be watching


Well-Known Member
Here are my plants on day 22 there looking good. I topped the far one a day and a half ago and its looking pretty healthy, I was hesitant at first, the thought of straight up cutting the head off my plant. But its recovering fine. I bent the fan leaves down a little so the new growth can get more light.I noticed today there is a couple yellow spots on a few fan leaves. Im not really sure why, i'm not to worried about it yet but i'd liek to know the reason. Also the fan leaves edges are curling up alittle you caqn see this in the picture. The temp has been fluctuating a little i'm trying to get control of it. The highest it has gotten is probably about 88 degrees. But other than that they are doing great. I've been hitting them with nutes only every other watering. I turned my hps off to take the pics this time it looks better but my camera isn't the best so its hard to see details. The second pic is the plant that i topped. good day all:joint:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah i'm going to start flowering in two weeks i think do you guys think they will be at a good height to do that, will i get a decent yield???


Well-Known Member
U gotta remember white widow is about 8 weeks harvest time. 2 months of growing is alot!! :P they will double in size . Prolly a nice lil yeild per plant depending on how big


Well-Known Member
since its almost flower time, i have been thinking about the smell starting to become a problem. I am going to have to find a way to eliminate it almost completely. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for what to do or buy. Thanks


Active Member
Nice widows man. I think if you wait a little more and let the plant continue veg. for 1-2 weeks It'll be better because they're too small to start flowering process.

I have 6 plants. 3-4 of them have thinner leaves than this, and 3 of them have thicker. I know white widow as sativa, so is it true to call thinner ones as sativa and thicker ones as indica(dominant)? Or in hybrid genetics is it possible for a sativa dominant plant to have thick leaves like indicas? Also thinner ones grow slower and thicker ones grow faster. (They're all bagseeds from different places and different seasons, but all kept from strong pots which has 1-8 seeds from 12.5gr)


Active Member
watch what you R doing with the widow beacuse iv been growing mines in Flowering for 3-4 weeks and look at the size of this lol had to tie it down a few times lol

btw this is only 1 plant



Well-Known Member
well they've been veging for over 3 weeks, i thought that since i'm trying to begin flower in the next few weeks that topping and letting it continue to veg for a few more weeks would be ok. Im still not sure why my plants are so short they are getting real bushy now but theres not much height. anyone have any imput