white widow day 69 12/12

so im harvesting another widow today... the smallest one of the group... we nicknamed this one bush because of how dense everything was compacted into such a small plant. plant was only about 2ft tall, and all the veg leaves had turned purple.

as im trimming i noticed a bunch of purple at the base of every bud. Basically all the leaves that cup the buds all turned purple (hopefully most of yall know what im talking about)

should I call her purple widow?


Well-Known Member
plan on selling her? if u do. purple widow wouldnt be a bad name.. most ppl who dont grow... dont kno much about weed... if they see purple.. adn u call it white widow.. theyre gonna think sumthings up.. if they see purple... and u call it purple widow.. theyll b happy. lol. i have a couple purple widow seedlings. ;) deep purple x white widow... lookin 4ward to seein pics!


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics of the "purple widow" :mrgreen:

I tried to take pics of the purple, basically this is what every branch looked like
very nice man. =) love the color. are ur temps pretty low at night?? a decent temp drop at night can turn almost any plant purple. some more than others obviously. either way looks great. just the right amount of purple.
usually stays around 65 at night, we had a couple cold nights where it could of been around 60. Think that did it? My friend thinks that it has something to do with phosphorus
I tried to grow 15 plants from soil. I ordered 10 white widows from seedsman off the attitude site. They came in fine... no problems at all. I got 5 freebies with my 10 fem white widow purchase. the freebies were lemon skunk, skunk amsterdam, sour creme, sativa trans-love, and RKS. we finished rks and its curing right now, dank as fuck. skunk amsterdam acted up right after her sceduled flush. I wanted to take her 1-2 weeks longer but her deterioration forced me to chop. Sour creme was the only hermy, started growing sacks around third week of flower.

Im currently growing under 2 600w HPS lights. I just upgraded my bulbs to hortilux eye, and I can tell a HUGE difference. I used fox farms tiger bloom, grow big, and big bloom. I bought an extra bottle of tiger bloom, and around the 7-8th week of flowering I added a bloom booster with a NPK of 2-48-25, and i used this for 3 weeks on each before flushing.

all in all this is my second grow. all thanks to this site and some friends. im harvesting 7 white widows 1 lemon skunk 1 skunk amsterdam, and 1 RKS.

I ordered seedsman white widow feminized first in 2008 and had so much success with the strain that i ordered it again. If you have what I have you wont be sorry, and on a personal note the RKS is amazing.... its bud to leaf ratio is huge, plus mine finished in 8 weeks and was one of the first i choped. m