White Widow closet grow + Hydro Waterfarm buckets + 1st grow **PICS**

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
nice nice, i would keep that ppm stable till they start drinking up nutes again. and im not sure on koolbloom but flowering enhancers are good to start at after 2 wweeks of flower.


Active Member
Day 61:

In week 5 of flowering. 2 days ago I added liquid koolbloom to my nutrient solution. I started off with 5ml. Today I will check on nutrient solution and adjust accordingly.

PPMs - approx. 700-800 ppms
PH: - approx 5.6-5.8

Plant height is 32inches. Seems to be slowing down in height.. may stop growing soon. Tons white pitals shooting everywhere, bud sites are starting to pack on in density. Leafs around bud sites are staring to crystalize.

Will continue with using liquid koolbloom for another week or 2. Then switch out to AN's Overdrive in week 7 of flowering. I'll then flush the final week with AN's final phase.

Some pics i took yesterday



Active Member
Day 63:

5 weeks into flowering. Bud sites are getting denser. Plant is almost 34inches tall. Vertical growth has slowed down alot. Plant has gotten soooo big!
In fact, plant has gotten so big and wide that it's making me rethink growing more then 1 plant in my closet. As I move the plant in an out of my closet during feedings.. the branches bend back from the narrow opening.

Will the bending back of the branches from moving my plant in an out of the closet cause any stress to the plant? Its not enough force to snap any branches.. sometimes dying leafs will fall off as I do this.

Also, the plant is getting heavier as the buds pack on. The main trunk of the plant is starting to lean. It is rooted in hydroton. Should I add support?

Checked on nutrient level, plant drank almost a gallon. Nutrient level seems stable since last feeding (approx. 750ppm)
I topped off with water and nutrients. Kept PPM stable around 750ppm. Been using Liquid Koolbloom for the past 4 days. Bud sites do seem denser. I'll continue using liquid koolbloom this week, then switch to AN's Overdrive.

some pics i took today.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey man just went threw your whole thread checking the updates and looking at those plants grow very nice man ... .sucks about the hermies i went threw the same thing just had to cut him down and threw it all away was really sad :cry:...... i also have two waterfarms they work great just sucks to lift them and change the res all the time i made a shelf that was not even 12 inchs from the bottom of my grow room so i can just put a bucket under the drain tube to drain then i use a 5 gallon bucket with hose setup to fill them up i dont have to move them anymore witch is really nice.......looking really good man only thing i can say is that your to low on your PPMs at that far into flowering i was over 1200 right now i have one of my girls flushing woo hoo almost time for harvest and the other one is a month into flowering and at 1600 ppms...just somthing you might want to look into..........i am pulling up a seat watching tell the end Waterfarm crew


Active Member
Hey man just went threw your whole thread checking the updates and looking at those plants grow very nice man ... .sucks about the hermies i went threw the same thing just had to cut him down and threw it all away was really sad :cry:...... i also have two waterfarms they work great just sucks to lift them and change the res all the time i made a shelf that was not even 12 inchs from the bottom of my grow room so i can just put a bucket under the drain tube to drain then i use a 5 gallon bucket with hose setup to fill them up i dont have to move them anymore witch is really nice.......looking really good man only thing i can say is that your to low on your PPMs at that far into flowering i was over 1200 right now i have one of my girls flushing woo hoo almost time for harvest and the other one is a month into flowering and at 1600 ppms...just somthing you might want to look into..........i am pulling up a seat watching tell the end Waterfarm crew

thanks for stopping by Hulk! I really like the shelf idea. The plant is soo big now and is getting heavy.... such a pain to move that thing in an out of my grow closet.

Once you drain out the waterfarm, how do you fill it back up? Do you fill it up by placing a small hose down the drain tube?

I was thinking, mix nutrients in a separate container with a submersible pump. Once nutrient solution is ready, turn pump on an run hose down the drain tube?

As far as PPMs go: What If i check on PPMs 2 days from now, and there is only 1 gallon of nutrient solution left in the reservoir. PPMs are approx. the same (750 or so) and PH has rose slightly from 5.6-6.0. Once I fillup the reservoir, do I raise ppms back to what i started with. (approx. 750) ?
Or should I increase the dosage? I thought I read somewhere that you want your PH to rise slightly, and PPMs to be stable.

I know I should increase the nutrient dosage if the ppms are down from what I started with. And what if PPMs increase from what I started with... too much nutrients? water it down?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Once you drain out the waterfarm, how do you fill it back up? Do you fill it up by placing a small hose down the drain tube?

I was thinking, mix nutrients in a separate container with a submersible pump. Once nutrient solution is ready, turn pump on an run hose down the drain tube?

As far as PPMs go: What If i check on PPMs 2 days from now, and there is only 1 gallon of nutrient solution left in the reservoir. PPMs are approx. the same (750 or so) and PH has rose slightly from 5.6-6.0. Once I fillup the reservoir, do I raise ppms back to what i started with. (approx. 750) ?
Or should I increase the dosage? I thought I read somewhere that you want your PH to rise slightly, and PPMs to be stable.

I know I should increase the nutrient dosage if the ppms are down from what I started with. And what if PPMs increase from what I started with... too much nutrients? water it down?

I just poor the water right over the pellets and let it drain threw the top, I use a 5 gallon bucket with a drain on the bottom of it hooked up to a hose with a shutoff valve then hang it from the cieling and let gravity do the work just getting the 5 gallon bucket up in the air and to hook it on the hook takes some work

with the ppms yea add your nutes tell you get your ppm the way you want it and to much ppm just add little water then check it tell it gets down to where you want it.

I would, well are you checking the trichomes for harvest time ??? If so check you trichomes for harvest when there 50% amber or the last two weeks flush but tell then i would take your ppms up a 100 each week or 50 i dont know how much you increase it now from week to week but if you bump it up a little you might see some changes going on

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
if ppm is rising it means the girls are drinking more water then nutes, top off plain water and check ppm again next day to see what she did. btw she is looking great man, did you ever put more seeds in?


Active Member
if ppm is rising it means the girls are drinking more water then nutes, top off plain water and check ppm again next day to see what she did. btw she is looking great man, did you ever put more seeds in?
nah not yet. This baby is soo big, it has consumed my entire grow closet! Think im gonna focus on this one, and harvest it first before i start another grow.

I wonder how many ounces this will yield? Oh well, too early to be thinking about that!

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
nah not yet. This baby is soo big, it has consumed my entire grow closet! Think im gonna focus on this one, and harvest it first before i start another grow.

I wonder how many ounces this will yield? Oh well, too early to be thinking about that!

looks like it might be 3-4 if she swells quite a bit more

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
nah not yet. This baby is soo big, it has consumed my entire grow closet! Think im gonna focus on this one, and harvest it first before i start another grow.

I wonder how many ounces this will yield? Oh well, too early to be thinking about that!

looks like it might be 3-4 if she swells quite a bit more


Active Member
Day 71:

Sorry for the lack of updates, was on vacation for past week. Bro took care of my plant while I was away, gotta love family :)

Plant is budding well, i figure 2 more weeks before I flush?

Emptied reservoir today and added in fresh nutrient solution.

Added in FloraMicro, FloraBloom, Liquid Koolbloom. In addition, I started adding in AN's Overdrive (flowering enhancer). PPMs ~ 890. (up from 750).

I will monitor over next couple days then probably increase the PPMs some more.

Plant height is roughly 34inches. Still running 12/12 under 400watt HPS (cooltube setup). Light is roughly 10inches from the top of plant.

Waterfarm still running. Airstone is buried inside the root mass, but once its submersed in water i figure its okay?

Plant is sooooo big an wide now, that its such a pain moving it in an out of the narrow opening of the closet. I have it sitting on top of a stand in the closet, I then use the drain tube on the waterfarm an rotate it down into a shallow tray underneath which collects the old nutrient solution using gravity. Most of solution drains into the tray, i usually have to lift plant up a little to get out the rest.

Once drained, I mix nutrient solution in separate 4 gallon container then use a submersible pump with hose attached. I then stick a funnel into the top of the drain level tube of my waterfarm then run a hose from pump to funnel then turn on pump. So now I have a pump filling up my waterfarm with minimal lifting and I do not have to move my plant out of the closet!

Some pics of closet/plant that i took today



Active Member
Day 80:

I figure about 2 weeks till harvest. Buds are growing and seem to be getting denser. Today I emptied the reservoir and refilled.

PPM is approx ~ 1150 (Using FloraMicro, FloraBloom, liquid Koolbloom, AN's Overdrive, Drip-Clean)

So i figure i should get some spring loaded scissors to help make cutting easier and clean.
They say when the hairs start to turn orange and the leaves on the buds get brownish an crispy that its time to harvest. So were still not there yet.

I figure maybe 1 more week on nutes and see if the hairs have turned orangish. Then flush for a week. I'll be using AN's Final Phase as a flushing agent.

Am I correct to only start flushing when the hairs have turned amber? Or does that occur during flushing?

Once cut, is a cardboard box a good place to store for them to dry? What about herb dryers?

Some pics I took today


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
go with another week of nutes then AN final phase, she looks beautiful btw +rep

to dry its best to dry them hanging in a closet or somewhere dark and cool and have airflow but not a fan blowing directly on the buds, a fan blowing on the ground should do should be about 5-7 days before you can start to jar them
Good job, next time put the plugs under the hydroton so you cant see them... I use the 8 pack water farm... I also use Higromite instead of hydroton... Also, I always use distilled 0PPM to start seeds no nut in a dark place with a dome and heat mate, but what ever work for you is cool...


Active Member
Day 87: and the Flushing begins!

Well I've come a long way to get to this point. On Monday I emptied out the reservoir and filled with PH water an AN's Final Phase (no more measuring out nutrients!)

I'll continue flushing till next Monday. Then probably place the plant in 24 hours of darkness before I start cutting. (I hear this practice is controversial, but I figure it can't hurt my plant)

Will probably hang up some string in my closet and hang the buds in there for curing for a week. Keeping the lights off an the fans running.

Gonna have to go shopping for string, cutting scissors, and some mason jars. Can't wait to harvest this beast!

Some pics of the plant I took today



Active Member
Day 93: Harvest Time!!:weed:bongsmilie:joint:

Been waiting over 3 months for this day. This will be my first harvest as a grower.

Plant has been flushing for the past week with a solution of PH water adjusted to 5.5-5.7 approx~ and Advanced Nutrients Final Phase flushing agent. Yesterday I turned off the lights and let the plant sit in 24 hours of darkness.

Today is chopping day!

Bought some small spring loaded scissors, string, and mason jars (for later, after they cure/dry)

I basically followed this guide by fdd: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/28072-harvest-time-tutorial.html

I started with 1 branch at a time, clipping off the leafs with stems. Then trimming off as much leafs as possible from each bud. I put all my clippings (leafs, stems, etc) in a brown paper bag. I can later use these clippings to make cannabutter or maybe hash.

After I trimmed up all my bud, I ran string inside my grow closet and used dust tape to secure it to the walls of my closet. I ran about 4 lines of string and hung the buds over them. I will turn off the lights and timer once I hang up all my bud. Buds do not like light when curing/drying. I will keep the fans running in the closet. This will provide air circulation and prevent mold.

Out of curiosity, i weighed my biggest bud (chopped off the main cola!) - this was the top bud. It weighed in at 147.3 grams wet!

I figure I have to leave them hanging in there for 7 days at least. I'll check on them periodically over the next week. In the meantime, to hold me over, I used the small popcorn buds that were too small to hang and dried them in the over @ approx. 150 *F. I let them bake in oven for 5 mins., then turn them over and bake for another 5 mins. This helps dry out the bud, but the smoke won't be as potent nor smooth as if it were properly cured.


I just wanted to say Thank you, to the RollitUp Community! Without your support and guidance I would not have made it to where I'm at today. I have learnt alot these past 3 months. And I will share the knowledge I have obtained with others, just as they have done to me. And I know I still have much to learn! But I go forward with confidence that I have the RollitUp community to lean on! (i know that sounded very corny :P)

