White widow / CFL grow w/LST in small cabinet


Well-Known Member
This is my second grow.
first grow
jack the ripper
harvest pics
I purchased some clones about 2 weeks ago down in LA.
both clones are white widow and were about 3 inches tall.
I am using the same grow box as my previous grow with slight modifications as i go along. I added a carbon filter to the back of the box. witch was pretty easy to do if there is a home depot in your area. Feel free to ask me questions. I will try to post a pic and directions soon.
I have been reading about some lst methods, because my grow box is so small and I need a bigger yield. So i am also giving that a try. It should be interesting.

The tall skinny one in the back has a long story. I had to go on vacation and she got major nute burn while i was away. Over time I have nursed her back to health and she seems to be doing fine now. Obviously this stunted growth for a long time. I can't even remember when I started vegging her. But this plant is a fighter and I am going to flower her some time soon.
Oh yeah I didn't mention. the strain is Purple extreme I guess.



Well-Known Member
this grow journal is going to be all about the white widows but i wanted to include some of the bubba kush plant that i have flowering right now.
She was about 1 foot tall when I saw her at the club. I had to buy!
I vegged it for about 2 more weeks and then started flower. This was a great find for me because i need something to hold me over until the next full grow is complete. My timing is not perfect yet but I am trying to get this cycle going and produce enough to never have to buy it. this plant cost way to much money.
here she is


mr west

Well-Known Member
I like the bondage on the clones lol. a good few of my clones do that naturaly lol i should take advantage of it lol rather than straightening them up.


Well-Known Member
I like the bondage on the clones lol. a good few of my clones do that naturaly lol i should take advantage of it lol rather than straightening them up.
yeah you should give it a try. especially if you have some that are naturally bendy. I am hoping it works.
thanks for checking out the new grow.


grow space

Well-Known Member
Looking great man, growing some WW myself-its the best i tell U.
Anyway, nice work on the kush, nut i see your using only 6500k cfls???Why oh why??
And how much cfls are U using and what are the wattages???Thanx in advance.

Keep up the splendid work...


Well-Known Member
Looking great man, growing some WW myself-its the best i tell U.
Anyway, nice work on the kush, nut i see your using only 6500k cfls???Why oh why??
And how much cfls are U using and what are the wattages???Thanx in advance.

Keep up the splendid work...
I custom white balanced my camera to get rid of the orange overtone.
i will get back to you about the other info


Well-Known Member
I custom white balanced my camera to get rid of the orange overtone.
i will get back to you about the other info
everything is going good. I think it got a little to hot and scorched my top cola on the bubba kush.

the lst training is going well. just really slow.
I am shopping around for a nice 90 watt led light. I am tired of the cfl's I don't get enough yield.

any one have an opinion on LEDs
i hear
-more efficient (good for bills)
- no heat problems
-same to larger yield than hps
- good for all growing stages

I may have found one for 100 bucks on craigslist.



Well-Known Member
Looking great man, growing some WW myself-its the best i tell U.
Anyway, nice work on the kush, nut i see your using only 6500k cfls???Why oh why??
And how much cfls are U using and what are the wattages???Thanx in advance.

Keep up the splendid work...
flower room-
7 cfl's assorted wattages - i lost track as I kept adding more

veg room-
4 - 6500k
1 - warm toned
not sure wattages anymore here either.


Well-Known Member
Bought a 90 watt UFO LED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should be here in a few days.

can't wait to chop the babba kush and then put it to action


Well-Known Member
Lookin good Btown, mind if I watch? Best of luck with the LED!

P.S I check out your 1st grow and I'd like to congratulate you for gettin those big buds with just CFLs!
hey thanks man. Yeah I was shocked!
now my wife is expecting that every time! ha ha ha
dang it.:wall:

yeah you can watch for sure. :)
i am not updating as much as the last grow because i am busy. but i am trying to document it as much as i can. I have a lot to learn. so that is really what I am here for.


if anyone has info on veg cycle nutrients i am listening.....

the town

mr west

Well-Known Member
Id not bother with leds just yet they not qite up to the scratch they tell u on the website. Ive seen somee really disapointing led grows, best they r good for is keeping cuttings and seedlings alive.

grow space

Well-Known Member
leds give pretty much same results as cfls, but maybe a little more effective, not much....

Good luck with that UFO mann.....:peace:


Active Member
since LEDs do not put off heat you could really put it directly at the top of your plants... i wonder how this would effect the upward growth though...


Well-Known Member
since LEDs do not put off heat you could really put it directly at the top of your plants... i wonder how this would effect the upward growth though...
I had the light really close for a few days right in the beginning but then i was reading some other led grows and found out i should put it at about 6 inches from the plants during veg.

before i moved it up some of the leave tips were hooking up. I guess they call it "ram horn" or something. Since i moved the light the ladies have been eating it up.


Well-Known Member
the clones have been taking off since i moved the light.
I have 2 daylight balanced cfls in the grow room also, i heard this was a good thing to do.

I included an image from last week that I didn't end up posting. this way i can document the difference.

the smallest clone ((NYC Diesel)) is 1 week behind the larger one ((banana)). both clones were about the same size when i bought them a week apart. I am hoping the NYC takes off like the Banana did in its second week.

I also tried to top the banana. That stunted its growth for a couple days.
I will also post an image of the cut.

please critique because I am not sure if I did it completely right.

I have been seeing a few gnats fling around in there. bastards!
bought some neem oil spray yesterday and have applied that twice now. I also hung up a fly strip. and have been tossing the top layer of soil every morning.
I lost the last fight to these bastards and I don't want to lose a second.

