white widow, barney's lsd, skywalker, blz bud on thier way


hmmmm, think ive made the right choice.

ok so their suppost to be rather potent strains, from what i read, mayb WW less so(but not complaning, i will pay my homatige to the great marijuana strain of days past). shit i thought i would just make a post, mayb it would stop the salivating...

but despite my mj withdrawl, i have some serious questions.

no i dont have serious questions, just any tips b4 sprouting these beans? plan is to grow 3 plants, under what many would call seriously deficient light.. 3*26w ag lights, 2* 3000k 48w? flower lights.

flower time is similar (from product descriptions) mayb a week extra flower.

ok so idea is just germ, veg(3*26w, or do i add my 3000K to boost anyway? or do i not n just wait, what an extra week? will be flowering at 12-14" to keep inside my ag.

anyway thats not why i posted in this section. its just about the strains, unruly strechting, nute sensitive, longer than quoted flower time etc?

oh n yer, so one pls tell me ive picked the right strains:mrgreen:

first grow, first order, you have to go easy on us 'virgins':mrgreen:

yibbida yibbida