White widow. 5 weeks flower. Great pics!

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Man those pictures look amazing. With a break of that long from smoking that tweed will blow ur head off.
Im growing the same strain at the moment. Just switched mine to 12/12. Was just wondering how strong is the smell from them and what sort of ventilation are u using.
If my plants look as healthy as those at 5 weeks flower i will be a very happy camper.
Best of luck

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
They look like a glazed donut. Great job. I am attempting to grow some White Widow as we speak. I can only hope they look like yours.


Active Member
Thanks for the compliments, people.

Was just wondering how strong is the smell from them and what sort of ventilation are u using.
Actually, I don't find the smell to be that strong at all, and I'm not using any filter to remove it or anything else to mask it. Maybe it's just the strain and someone else can either confirm or deny that. I keep waiting for the smell to really kick in but I don't think it's been too bad yet. I did block out the return vent for the AC, so that might have help limit the distribution of the smell. I live alone in a house on 2 acres, so I'm not too worried about it.

As for ventilation, the plants are in a 12x15 room (plenty of space) with a window fan bringing in fresh air. This is something that can be improved on, no doubt. I have both a 400W HPS and 400W MH running, and more recently, it's been very hot outside, so the temps haven't been too ideal for the plant. In the future, I'll be doing my growing in the cooler seasons. It'll just be easier to control.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments, people.

Actually, I don't find the smell to be that strong at all, and I'm not using any filter to remove it or anything else to mask it. Maybe it's just the strain and someone else can either confirm or deny that. I keep waiting for the smell to really kick in but I don't think it's been too bad yet. I did block out the return vent for the AC, so that might have help limit the distribution of the smell. I live alone in a house on 2 acres, so I'm not too worried about it.

As for ventilation, the plants are in a 12x15 room (plenty of space) with a window fan bringing in fresh air. This is something that can be improved on, no doubt. I have both a 400W HPS and 400W MH running, and more recently, it's been very hot outside, so the temps haven't been too ideal for the plant. In the future, I'll be doing my growing in the cooler seasons. It'll just be easier to control.
I agree, this heat wave is not helping anyone or their plants. I have a grow cabinet in a insulated garage and it is pushing 90 in the shade. My plants in flower are doing OK but my new plants that are getting ready for the next grow are having a hard time. I am thinking about a portable AC unit to get me through the next 3 months. It's freakin brutal.

Did you top or LST your plants? How big did they get before flower?


Active Member
Sorry to get back to this thread late. Had a thunderstorm roll through last night and knocked out power. My girls lost about 3-4 hours of "daylight." Oh well, shouldn't cause too much problem at this stage.

Did you top or LST your plants? How big did they get before flower?
No, I didn't top or LST them, and I regret that a little now. Next time I definately will. I think having 2 400W lamps running has helped light reach the 2nd level and those buds are growing nicely because of it. Still, next time I'll LST them during the 4-5th week of vegging for sure.

All the plants were 2-3ft before flower. Although they're all WW, they've definately shown some different traits during the growing process, and that's resulted in some looking like they'll be finishing before the others. I wanted to harvest all at once, but no big deal I guess.

How long did you veg for?
Six weeks. The original plan was to go 8, but they honestly grew a lot faster than I anticipated and the size was worrying me. Plus, 3/4 of them were pre-flowering, so I figured they were ready. They're all between 4.5-5.5' now. Fortunately, they've stop gaining height.

i like the wall paper!!!!:grin:
Thanks, I moved into this house in January and this was apparantly the "little girls' room." Wallpaper with princesses and stuff like that on it. I HATE removing wallpaper. Figured that's a job I'd rather do rocked off my ass... so the plants came first.. hehe.


Well-Known Member
NICE, you are one week ahead of me. I live in the northeast and the heat and humidity are killing me trying to keep it in check. Mine are not as frosty as yours but we'll see if they kick in soon. I have 6 girls, it is wierd how some of the buds on some plants look one way and completely different on another. Smell at this point has been no big deal ,it was worse 4th and 5th week veg. Don't know why. Keep up the good work, don't know how your controlling yourself from taking a taste!


Active Member
5 plants. As far as yield, I honestly don't know. I'm guessing close to 10 ounces.

I'm on day 51 of flowering now and most have stopped getting noticably bigger. They're starting to fill out, hairs are starting to turn red, however, most of the trichomes are clear or milky. I'll post some pics sometime this week. I think only one will truely be ready by the end of this (the 8th) week. Right now, her hairs are all red (and have been for a while), but the trichomes still haven't mature yet.


Well-Known Member
Hey, it's next week already?????? Dying to see your pic's. My girls have just entered there 7th week flower and look exactly like yours now. I am a little confused on your light did you say your running a MH and HPS at the same time? Never have heard of that if that is what you are doing. Hopping you'll get back soon!


Active Member
Hey, it's next week already?????? Dying to see your pic's. My girls have just entered there 7th week flower and look exactly like yours now. I am a little confused on your light did you say your running a MH and HPS at the same time? Never have heard of that if that is what you are doing. Hopping you'll get back soon!
Yes, that's right, I was running BOTH the MH and HPS at the same time. (800W total - 5 plants) I angled them slightly towards eachother.

Anyway, I harvested last weekend... all my plants at the same time, but they were at differing maturity levels. One was VERY mature (atleast 1/2 trichomes amber) and one was almost 100% cloudy. Some were in between. I did this on purpose because I really wanted to feel the effects (differences) myself. I harvested at exactly 8 weeks flowering. Interestingly, the really mature plant was the one I pollenated (just a couple of the buds). I suspect the extra energy that plant put into seed manufacturing is what caused it to ripen faster than the others. Wonder if anyone else has noticed this happen before?

Either way, I'll say this. This WW is STRONG AS HELL! I'll stay high for hours with on smallest nugget. I definately prefer the less mature plants as it really opens my mind. Very creative. Great for musicians. Good to stay busy otherwise your mind will wander off into Neverneverland. :blsmoke:

But sometimes that's fun too.

Anyway, I took a couple pics of the first plant before I harvested, but honestly, I was so distraught after realizing how much trimming SUCKED that I didn't bother with the others... I just wanted to get them done so I could hang them (hanging bud without trimming them first makes it so much harder). Besides the waiting, trimming is easily the worst part about the entire grow, for me. Lucky, I got my GF (who doesn't even smoke) to help me.

I'll post pics of what I ended up with soon.