White widow 37 days into flowering, close to harvest?


This is my first post so you have to excuse me if I makestupid mistakes. I started off with two white widow seeds. When my girls gotabout two feet I made clones (one of each) now I have all the plants floweringfor about 37 days and two of the plants are already showing brown hairs ( thebig plants and its clone which is about half the size of the original). Theother two plants have no brown hairs at all. I took some pictures below and Iwanted to know if it was possible that these could be ready in another week ortwo? I had a PH problem with the two bigger plants as I was going into theflowering stage, that’s why the burn marks. Any advice welcome. I can post morepics if needed.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
trichome chart.png

Take a look with a 10x scope and see what % are clear,cloudy, and amber.
The hair are just a possible indicator and don't mean it ready.
I would think you got 30 more days or so but pics would help.


Any idea what local store may sell a 10X scope, I was looking at walmart andace hardware but all they have is a 3x or 5x?


Active Member
Hey mrshy nice looking buds. I just started a thread myself dealing with WhiteWidow. My breeder is Joey Seeds, not top end I know but you should check it out. Mine are at day 43 and still nowhere close to being finished... BudDub's White Widow


Active Member
i grow white widow and one time i had one plant finish earlier then the rest at like around day 45 or some shit was weird, maybe its happening to you.....idk was weird


Active Member
oh and it was the plant that was most direct under the light too, idk if that made a difference or not


Thats interesting because this one is also right under my lamp, I will see how much product I get out of this one compared to the others


One other question that I was wondering on, I have Faxfarm Tiger bloom (2-8-4) and Miracle Gro Tomato plant food (18-18-21), which one would you say should I use for my flowering stage? I was using more of the Miracle grow and some Tiger bloom for foil feeding and last 3 weeks (when I went into flowering) I used only Tiger bloom and it looks like my girls slowed growing. I read that they dont drow as much in flowering but i found that they should double in size during flowering. Or shouse I rotate them every other feeding?



I got that 5x, 10x, 15x, scope from radio shack, but it is hard to make outthe difference between clear and milky trichomes, I will get the 60x and see ifit is better unless someone used it before and it is not recommended? I tooksome pictures with my phone through the 10x and 15x so you can see how theylook.