White Tip Leaves to cuttings - Nute lock?? (which I don't understand fully anyway)


Well-Known Member
My cuttings are just under a week old. They were put into rockwool (pre-soaked with warm 6.5pH water from the cupboard), and sprayed regularly with the same water.

They look really healthy, (unlike my first attempt a few months back) apart from brilliant white tips to some of the leaves.

I've done some searching on here already but got myself lost and confused, when really I was hoping to be dazed and confused :eyesmoke:

Any advice much appreciated, I'm scared to do anything at the mo, incase i'm repeating the action that made them like this in the first place



Well-Known Member
Seedlings don't require nutrients. Could you post a picture of your seedlings? It's hard to help with just a description of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Its clones not seedlings. Here are some pics. Sorry that my photography sucks.

They have been in rockwool for about a week, and only used mineral water at room temp and 6.5pH... no added nutes.

Thanks for replying, i was feeling rejected and close to tears :-(


Active Member
I would recommend cutting about 40% of each of the fan leaves off. This will help the plant promote root growth rather than foilage. The white tips kind of have me baffled though hmm


Well-Known Member
I would recommend cutting about 40% of each of the fan leaves off. This will help the plant promote root growth rather than foilage. The white tips kind of have me baffled though hmm
Thank you muchly, I did see that on the video I watched, but forgot.

God I love this stoner community!!