White Spots on Leaves


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone... My problem is in my mother tent... No other plant in there has this problem... Little white spots on some, not all, of the leaves...And it seems to be affecting my White Widow only...

The plants are super healthy...
My medium is vermiculite and perlite
My nutrients are Canna Classic (I don't have nute burn, these are mothers and don't run on full strength)
400 watt metal halide light...
I have plenty of fresh air and a good exhaust. The temps are perfect and humidity is around 40-45%....There are no insects or mites, believe me I have inspected the plants fully, as I thought that was the problem..

Could someone please give me some advice???



Well-Known Member
Duh..... Leaf Miners, of course... My hydro shop guy has solved the problem... Gonna take a leaf out to him, just to be sure....



Well-Known Member
Duh..... Leaf Miners, of course... My hydro shop guy has solved the problem... Gonna take a leaf out to him, just to be sure....

Have been to the hydro shop and picked up a bottle of Mavrik by yates... Have just sprayed it all over the plants and it should take care of the problem..

Yay... If the problem persists, I just re-apply in 7-10 days... Too easy...