white spots could it be genetics?


Well-Known Member
Hi... I got a blue cheese cutting. Vegd for about 12 weeks. About the first week into flower / last week of vegd I noticed white spots I sprayded with Epson salts, flushed, changed fresh fert. I tryed all sorts oh was fine , ph run of was fine I didn't know what the problem was anyvway its got one week left. No leaves at all, all turned yellow n.crispy. but I already took 6 cuttings before the spits where showing, they are perfect plants healthy as can be. Vegd for about 8-9 weeks and in 3 weeks of flower now , they wer fine with the coco a+b . I added , cabman boost, rhizotonic, cannazyme to the mix I woke up and white spots. It looks like its been snowing in there. Ph. In fine. So I'm about to run in to this problem agen. Is the the boost or genetics. Some one help please


Well-Known Member
I found out what it was. Powdery mildew, I have mixd one tea spoon of baking soda to a gallon of water and foiler sprayed. Hopefully this home remedy will work


Well-Known Member
I found out it wasn't just powdery mildew, but what was on the mother plant.. white/ yellow spekkles on fan leaves ifvall 6 plants. I couldn't diagnose the problem and I'm.now flushing but has no leaves and yellow crispy brown. I don't want it to happen to these 6 they are healthy green plants. Truer Epson salts... Flushing etc. Nothing. And passes on to these so i think it may be genetics. I only added the boost so far it might be reacting to that any help please.


Well-Known Member
I found out it wasn't just powdery mildew, but what was on the mother plant.. white/ yellow spekkles on fan leaves ifvall 6 plants. I couldn't diagnose the problem and I'm.now flushing but has no leaves and yellow crispy brown. I don't want it to happen to these 6 they are healthy green plants. Truer Epson salts... Flushing etc. Nothing. And passes on to these so i think it may be genetics. I only added the boost so far it might be reacting to that any help please.
post a picture or it will be hard to say. sounds like mites actually but near impossible to give an answer based on your description.


Well-Known Member
<img src="https://www.rollitup.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=2208087&amp;stc=1" attachmentid="2208087" alt="" id="vbattach_2208087" class="previewthumb"><img src="https://www.rollitup.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=2208089&amp;stc=1" attachmentid="2208089" alt="" id="vbattach_2208089" class="previewthumb"><img src="https://www.rollitup.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=2208090&amp;stc=1" attachmentid="2208090" alt="" id="vbattach_2208090" class="previewthumb"><img src="https://www.rollitup.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=2208090&amp;stc=1" attachmentid="2208090" alt="" id="vbattach_2208090" class="previewthumb"><img src="https://www.rollitup.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=2208089&amp;stc=1" attachmentid="2208089" alt="" id="vbattach_2208089" class="previewthumb"><img src="https://www.rollitup.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=2208091&amp;stc=1" attachmentid="2208091" alt="" id="vbattach_2208091" class="previewthumb"><img src="https://www.rollitup.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=2208093&amp;stc=1" attachmentid="2208093" alt="" id="vbattach_2208093" class="previewthumb"> the last pic is of the mother about 4 weeks ago slowly disintegrateing from the little speckled


Well-Known Member
have you been foliar spraying them with something? looks like spider mites and powdery mildew to me. the little spots could be mites and it looks like mildew on the leaf edges of the first pic. still a little hard to tell. do you have a 30x pocket microscope? check the undersides of the leaves that have spots for mites.


Well-Known Member
it's spider mites...which sux..but I just got them myself...so welcome to the club...I'm going to order some floramite on thursday off ebay...already sprayed with azamax, and started giving protekt for silica supplementation.


Well-Known Member
the powdery mildew will go away on it's own as long as the plant is healthy...but the mites will keep the plants from being healthy...so...


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't of Thaught of mites. The plant that is ready to come down has no leaves and is yellow as u can see but the bud isn't infects if what ever it is. It's happening to these what happens to that one. Eventyaly the leafy turns yellow n. Brown n dead. Is that mites because I see know webs etc on the hairy women


Well-Known Member
If they have webs you got a shit load of mites. You can see em crawling on the webs.