White Russian start to finish


Well-Known Member
I just looked in on the plants and they are very thirsty. The problem is I dont have any water ready. I didnt refill my bucket after my last water and now it is needed but I have to wait till the chlorine evaporates. Im using a pump with a airstone so it wont be but a hour or so.


Well-Known Member
Just got done watering. I used 8ml b52-1.5ml sensi grow A and B. My ph is at 6.5. I had some yellowing so im going to step up the feed a bit. Im used to my light feeding Blueberry.


Well-Known Member
I just looked in on the babies they look fine. They had a bit of yellowing but I hadent used any food other than the B52 and that was lite at that. But the last water I added some sensi A and B to the mix and they look better already. The one runt is still well.... a runt but still looking ok so im gona try to nurture it till sexing anyhow.

Lookin good! They took off fast.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stoping by.
Today I transplanted the 13 of the 15 I have left. I went to Home Depot to get some pots but they didnt have what I wanted so I just got some paint buckets. I used sunshine mix #4(all I use) and then watered with 8ml overdrive, 8ml B52,10ml VooDoo juice. 5ml Sensi Grow A and B thats per gallon. A bit stronger than I give my Blueberry but they look to be heaver feeders. It was a bit of work but they shoud take off now. I want to get some clones soon so I can sex them.



Well-Known Member
I just looked in on them and they took the transplant fine. Now we wail a week or so till I can get some clomes and sex them.


Well-Known Member
kool man...

they look good :D

cant wait to see them biatches flower:hump:

edit- you going to pollinate/breed some bud sites?


Well-Known Member
yeah i trim out fan leaves as well, just the main ones going up the stalk, leaving the top two or three sets, then i take out any large leaves off the side shoots.... but i think you should do your pruning the week before you start to flower, prunning = stress. i don't like to cause stress during flower but i have trimmed out leaves right before the last two weeks of harvest to get all the light to bud sites and i believe that leaving em on was better in the end, there like lil solar panels.


Well-Known Member
Just like I thought they love the new homes. I can see that they are taller already. I tossed in A few pics of my Blueberry for fun they are in flower 4wks so far. Cant wait till thay look as good as Jamies i doubt it though.



Well-Known Member
Just like I thought they love the new homes. I can see that they are taller already. I tossed in A few pics of my Blueberry for fun they are in flower 4wks so far. Cant wait till thay look as good as Jamies i doubt it though.
Thanks! They are really lookin great :).


Active Member
all lookin well and good buddy u shud have a huge success.

ON mine I reckon the 1st WR from this lot shud yield around 5 oz plus. My only mistake, which i have also committed on 2nd WR in this lot. Is not to veg them tall enough. If u got the height go for it. I have done a couple before and again made similar mistakes. Dont panic with the WR it goes wider than taller so let it veg to the max my friend x

Again just tell me to bugger off if i am hoggin ur thread dude. I aint aiming to show off just givin u a guideline and target to beat.

Oh and trust me i wish u well on getting bigger and better results. Cos then i can come raid ur ideas givin us all the ultimate grow.