White rhino,white widow,big budda cheese,big bang,el nino,himalayan gold second grow


OMG second grow journal already well my last grow consisted of 21 white rhino and turned out to be a real let down because of yield.
this because of lighting issue.
well enough bout the last and more bout this one.
As you can see by the title i am running a variety of strains as to determine the best suited to my needs.
i am growing in miracle grow soil, and i am running 2 - 400w hps and 1 - 90w led (equal to the power of a 400w hps) the walls are covered with newly fitted diamond reflective mylar (d.r.m). and a 8w heated propergator.
ok, now in total i have 14 white rhino plants (on their second season after last harvest given 48 hours dark before re-veg) 19 rooted white rhino cuttings and 12 unrooted. in addition to these i have just started from seed 10x fem big budda cheese,1x big bang, 1x el nino, 1x white widow,1x himalayan glod, 1x cheese.:spew: i know this seems alot of plants for the lights but as i plan to use another 2x 90w led by flowering this wont be an issue. will be posting pics within the next 24 hours.:clap:

this was started on the 26 aug and will be veged on 18/6 untill 23rd sept and then flowered on 11/13 for 10 weeks untill 2nd dec. these are exact dates and barring any hiccoups can be adheared to.:weed:


your problem may be because of the miracle grow i would switch to an organic soil like Fox Farm or something of that nature i think you will be more pleased with your yield