White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member

How was the light and smell from the outside this whole time?
Well I got two cases, one is horribly light proofed but that is away and hidden so no light leaks because of where it is placed. The other case I got built its nearly 100% light proof, it leaks out the back and front a tad becuase of the fans... Once I get some time I will finish it, but that case isnt being used right now so its fine.

Smell was no problem with the carbon filter I made, when I opened the case it just smelled, well... AMAZING haha.


Anyways I figured it was time for an update.. The rhino, well to show you is revegging awesome! It has about 7 budsites if I counted correctly. The Other bagseed I am growing looks like an amazing strain growing really compact and well its on its 11th node now I believe. Check out the pictures and any more I can provide let me know :D



Well-Known Member
good luck of your regeneration, i am 4 months from beginning mine and am pleased with the results. its not as bad as people think if you have no seeds or clones. good luck


Well-Known Member
good luck of your regeneration, i am 4 months from beginning mine and am pleased with the results. its not as bad as people think if you have no seeds or clones. good luck
thanks :)

I wanna take some clones from my reveg... think thats a good idea? If not I am gonna throw her and the other one in flowering now.

Its not bad at all, even if you have seeds and clones it saves a lot of time I think. Plus with all the budsites mine is growing if I vegged it for a good 2 more weeks I could get a HUGE yield from it in my case.


Well-Known Member
thats the idea i have been toying with as well, as of right now probably have 5-6 good clones that have potential, i am just weighing my option as there are a lot of unknowns right now, i suggest it if you have the space and set up


Well-Known Member
I have the space just not the time lol... Gonna be absent from them if I dont flower them soon. So I can either finish the grow and get a smaller yield or toy with it and hope I can get the yield and nothing is harmed when I am away from them.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I reped you for being a damn good pc grower.

As far as revegging the rhino and cloning it- thats a good question? a damn good one?


Well-Known Member
my next adventure is with SCOG, that sounds like a whole new wealth of knowledge and herb too. if you can pull of a PC grow you should try SCOG if you havent already


Well-Known Member
Oh I plan on doing that for my next grow.... When I have the time to do a full out grow with my Himalayan Gold, The Church and Blue Widow. But Since I dont have time for all that, I threw them in to Flowering for now. Today is Day 2 of Flowering.

I am gonna take two clones from the Rhino this week and try and keep the Rhinos genes around for a little longer.

Thanks for the rep OB


Well-Known Member
Horrible news.... The bagseed turned on to have nice big juicy nuts, haha. Oh well, Ill get some pictures up soon keep forgetting to get my camera. Rhino is still looking nice though :) hopefully see some hairs start to come in soon.


Well-Known Member
peectures please id like to see how slow my regen is going, do you think the recovery speed has anything to do with genetics?


Well-Known Member
I keep forgetting my camera or I woudl take pictures Im so sorry :(

Chopped the male up though... If I was taking the best care I could of, of the rhino then she would be growing better. But with the space and size its growing great.


Well-Known Member
this is true! good gene grow will be on its way very very very soon i hope :D

rhino is starting to get some nice hairs in, I love seeing the transformation... once the hairs start to come in it makes it even more beautiful!

and im sorry again no pictures... soon soon soon i feel like an idiot... ill get some pictures up with a lighter and what not... anything else specific i should take pictures of? I am also going to start working the kinks out on the other case... hopefully get that other Himalayan Gold started soon :)


Well-Known Member
nice to hear! i just sit back and enjoy at this point, man. proud of ya!!

I hate sittin on these seeds.... :D


Well-Known Member
i know what you mean... i still got my seeds that I want to plant.. Soon though :D

really bad news... somehow my timer set up to my light got messed with and i dont know how long this was going for but it was only running liek 2-3 hours... I hope it wasnt long :S

I am thinking about Gluing all the pins up so that they cant get pushed down again.. good or bad idea?

Sorry no pictures still


Well-Known Member
What can I do to get them to stay up... I usually catch it when they come down... it just happens every once in a while from movement.

Ill figure something out... if anyone has any ideas please let me know, thanks :D