White Rhino - Coco grow with FLuero Tubes.


Well-Known Member
Dude that looks like overwatering to me
if coco holds more than 7 times the amount of water that soil does that would mean one to two feeds a day would be fucking heaps
I would give em no more than 1 a day tops
but she what the ninja has to say
but I think SL is right


Active Member
i feed them once a WEEK :P

Not a day.

But yer i havnt watered them since Saturday and wont till next Saturday then.


Well-Known Member
Well then
they still look overwatered
pot size
lts of feed per watering
maybe the amount your giving them in that one watering is more than they can utilize
maybe more feeds less per feed so they plant is not sitting in water logged coco
when ya stick ya hand down the side of the pot is the coco real wet down lower


Well-Known Member
This also why I won't grow coco
it just stAyed too wet for me
it is IMO way harder than straight soil which IMO is way harder than rockwool


Active Member
hmm yer i think ill only give them less but more often. I would be pissed off if they die now as they JUST went to flower after 9 fucking weeks of veg!!!

Thanks Jimmy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's a killer
but hey I'm sure ninja will have a plan
it looks like overwatering but what other problems look the same
during veg did ya have any problem like this


Active Member
No its only recent :(

Im also wondering if it could be Ph Burn?...I bought some PH down and worked out that at FULL undiluted strength its Ph is around 4. When i add it to my nutes i get it to about the high 5's low 6's. Ive only used it on my last two feeds....If thats the case flush....but if not and i flush then it will cause overwatering lol. Not good!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok go through how you make nutes
start to finish
even if ya think it's weird how ya do
write it down
also how you ph and ppm your water ( I know don't have meter)


Active Member
I get my water from the tap and test the ph of it with just universal indicator. Its normally purple (8ish ph)

Get my root tonic and add the amount it says to (2ml per litre)
Add part A of my nutes then part B (both at the strength it says to which is 4ml/L)
Test the ph again and its usually 7ish
Water till it runs through the pot.

HOWEVER the last two feeds have used Ph down (phosphoric acid) to get it to about 5-6.


Well-Known Member
What ph is coco ment to be?
And did this start when you started using the ph down?
What changes were made when this discolouration started
coco ment to be neural yeah 7.0
and you water once a week so this has been happening for two weeks
fucking ninja having a life and going to work
it's just not on , we should chain him to the pc lol


Active Member
I think coco is actually 5.6 with an EC of 0.4.

Yer i think it might be the Ph down that could have done it? Its only within the last few days/weeks that the problem formed which is about the same time i used Ph down?


Active Member
cant be fucked to post pics. But plants have now been about a week into flower. Im going to slowly take them off the grow nutes and into flower nutes. Im also decided to double my feeding schedule but only give them 500ml instead of "flood pot".

Temps are 28.4C during lights on but still 11C at night. Need to put a heater in there but need the time to work out a safe and effienct way to do it. Obviously a timer to say come on at X o clock for X minutes but im worried it might melt the plastic. So need to spend a good hour or two up there to work out when the temp drops below 20C and tell the heater to only come on for however long it takes to warm the place up again but without overdoing it.

So if flowering takes about 10 weeks. Im gonna start the count down :D

9weeks to go? :)


Active Member
How your plants skiz? I just had a look at the latest photos and they looked pretty sad.
All good thanks rock! Yer that one plant looked a lil unhappy but she is slowly doing better now. The others are great though so its all good. Fixed my temps up so now they 21-28.5 but looks like i need to drop those down a little, but nothing another vent cant fix :)

Feeding is also 2-3 times a week but at only 1/4 the amount i normally use. Before was just flood pot till run off now its 500ml every 2-3 days based on how dry the soil is. I got some snaps today and they look great in them but it was only on my phone so the pics have those black lines like Jimmy gets so will wait till lights out and take another shot.

9 weeks to go with any luck :)

I guess i should start my flower nutes now?


Well-Known Member
Yeah 500ml every 2/3 days was what i fed mine. I got a tiny amount of runoff but i was using perlite and soil and not coco.


Active Member
Yeah 500ml every 2/3 days was what i fed mine. I got a tiny amount of runoff but i was using perlite and soil and not coco.
sweet. Well for only CFL i rekon you did a fucking top job mate so im glad i got SOMETHING right now :D

I think ill switch to flower nutes this week though. Been a week on veg nutes still even though i made the switch to flower.


Well-Known Member

This is looking good dude. Aren't u glad u went with the 600 now & not the 400. Which by the way I'm glad u didn't take cos it almost killed me the other night.. Spat electricity @ my face & blew my circuit breaker.. It's been working fine for the past 4 weeks or so, then just went bam outta nowhere.

In other good news the plants you have look female - so far.. Don't stress em!


Active Member
This is looking good dude. Aren't u glad u went with the 600 now & not the 400. Which by the way I'm glad u didn't take cos it almost killed me the other night.. Spat electricity @ my face & blew my circuit breaker.. It's been working fine for the past 4 weeks or so, then just went bam outta nowhere.
Yer im just pissed off i didnt go with it sooner as it looks like they stretched alot? Also wtf with the light? lol. Thats a tad random and fucked up. Leaky pot got the cable wet or something?

In other good news the plants you have look female - so far.. Don't stress em!
sweet!!! Yer ill play them some classical songs and read them poetry and give them erotic massages ;)

Im worried they still not thrown out actual flowers though. I wan't to see how many flowers i can expect per plant. Most sites say 400/500 (im guessing grams?) per plant. If thats true thats about 2.8Kg from 7 plants?...seems a tad fucking high?

Either way 8 weeks to go till harvest apparently :)


Well-Known Member
400/500 is grams per sq metre under optimal conditions.
Aim for much less. If you get 300Grams then be over the moon. The average grower hit 1/2gram per watt of light. Better growers can strive for 1 gram per watt, but it all comes down to skill & conditions.

White Rhino should flower completely in 8 weeks provided it gets good light & proper nutrition. Speak to Lacey. I'm pretty sure she finished her Rhino up in 53 Days (7 & 1/2 Weeks) & it was fantastic smoke. Plus her's was crossed with a long flowering White Widow, so I'm sure u can get it done in 8 weeks.
Then were having a Harvest Party :hump: You go to Uni so you must have some lil Hunny who wud be happy to Gobble ur Nutsack for you while you trim!!