White Rhino - Coco grow with FLuero Tubes.


Active Member
aaaaaaahahahahahah you got more lights than you no what to do with them and i dont have enough lol.

sorry really new to all the terms here...scrog?

If you got the room why not just make a room that can utilise all that power?...i know where you can get some white rhino seedlings from if you need them :P


Well-Known Member
screen of green is ment to be to go for yield
ive never done it but i wanna try
and my wife is pissed ive taken over some of her house already
i just got back from amsterdam and have some nice genetics already but sounds like you gotta get rid of about 30 odd haha
look up scrog its pretty cool and some dudes have made some great yield out 2 plants and 1 400hps


Active Member
screen of green is ment to be to go for yield
ive never done it but i wanna try
and my wife is pissed ive taken over some of her house already
i just got back from amsterdam and have some nice genetics already but sounds like you gotta get rid of about 30 odd haha
look up scrog its pretty cool and some dudes have made some great yield out 2 plants and 1 400hps
hmm yer ill look into SCROG
as for my plants...im not dealer and would never do anything so highly illegal :O ...im just saying should the issue ever arise im sure i can help you find some :P

id be worried with to many plants......the piggies might not like it.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would love to try WR
after seeing rocks plants and lacys grow they look awesome
but i got about 10 strains i wanna try and little time
and when i say im going for yield it because i like stay under 10 and the powers gonna cost ya the same so why not get as much as ya can
i don't deal i just like having more light than i can poke a stick at and it looks sweet
anyway im in vic its a long drive


Active Member
UPDATE- 26/5/2010

Added another 2x 36 watt daytime tubes off to the side to add a little extra light.
Noticed 99% of the plants showing second pair of leaves. (4 leaves total minus the original pair that sprouted with the seed)
SMALL amounts of yellowing on some leaves
Soil still quite wet (last watered on the Saturday - 22/5/2010)


Well-Known Member
Mate just easy on the water. Those little bad boys wont drink much. Show us some pics of your new setup. I am off to bed soon so best be quick young man.


Active Member
Mate just easy on the water. Those little bad boys wont drink much. Show us some pics of your new setup. I am off to bed soon so best be quick young man.
funny thing is today when i checked em the soil seemed almost dry :O

Temps are only 15 min and 18max so doubt its evaporating that fast....either way they appear to be a little dry now...


Active Member
nah if they are dry 2-3 inchs down good feed then
i dont no if you would class it as dry....or just a lil moist....

Either way givin them another feed this saturday is ok right? I gave them a weak feed last saturday and some of them appear to be yellowing REALLY REALLY slightly on the tips which suggests more Nitrogen needed right? (DOUBT its nut burn)


Active Member
thats the thing tho a picture doesnt really do the issue any justice. Its so faint to a camera but visible to the eye.


Active Member
hahaha will do. The thing is tho fluero arnt massive heater producing monsters so they not under ALOT of stress. The soil is also "moist" (i think...its hard to tell with coco because its such a fluffy medium)


Active Member
i really like it. Its fluffy as shit so roots seem to grow like dogs balls.

But i heard it has a few issues with holding nutes.....