White Rhino. 250w cfl. Organic soil. Newb.

Week 4 from planting seed. 6 inches tall. Topped. LST. Lower fan leaves removed or trimmed. . Feeding twice a week. Water, water, nutes, water, water,nutes is schedule. Ph to 6 and 6.5. Two accidents...transplanting and cleaning tent. Transplanting the root ball was reduced by careless handling. Cleaning tent thermometer fell out hand and broke off top branch. They smell great already from few feet. They get 24hrs light with breaks and rotation. Hope you enjoy. Thank you for your time. Peace til next week.


Week 5. Starting to notice some deficiencies and taking precautions with my feedings. Both plants otherwise look good. Smell good too. Transplanted one plant today into new pot. Planned on switching today but want the black pot to catch up or bush out like brown pot before i do. Otherwise all is well. How do they look? Any advise? Have a look and a great day..


Got some progress going on. They look good in my opinion. Little bit of yellowing due to recent feeding. One plant has some cracking of the tips of leaves. Another plant has 3 nodes. Have a new guest to the grow. Bagseed from a friend of some potent medicine but not looking good so far. Thats all for now. Thanks for the comments and the time. Peace.

