White Powdery Dust/Mildew??HELP!!


So before running to work today i checked my temp and a quick once over on some of my plants, I had left them unattended for the last 2 nights and this evening discovered with a horrible shock that I may have some mildew issues!!!!
Im at the end of week 4 of flower, and my spider sense is telling me this isnt just dust but powdery mildew!!!
Please help, any or all information will be helpful, this is my first mildew issue(if thats what it is) and how do i procede!
The strain is Sensi Star and again im in the middle of week 4 of flower! Perhaps it will also help that my quick once over seemed to discover this "mildew" only on the lower leaves and the rest you can hopefully judge by the pictures!
I think im going to go cry in a corner now or at least thats how it feels!



Well-Known Member
Im getting close to my 4th week of flower also, I noticed some of my leaves with some white dusty shit on them. I just took those leaves off that I seen the white shit on and it seemed to help. Havent seen anymore since.

I would def get that plant out of ur flower area if there are more plants in there cuz that shit will spread and quick like.

If I were you I would check into getting some kinda fungus/mold solution. Being in flower too sux cuz you dont wanna spray the buds. If you notice any on the buds just cut that part of the bud off.


another question for anyone and everyone, how is it that this mildew forms? bad genetics? stressed plants? im usually good at keeping very happy plants and i always get clones from a very good clone shop? although these sensi star where given to me last minute although i was supossed to get power plant, could it be it stems from the mother?


Well-Known Member
I would check those buds close . It could also be a male flower that droped its pollen . I saw a pic last week in my grower's Bible . It looked very much like the pic you showed . I hope that's not your problem .

chef c

Well-Known Member
Powdery mildew is the problem eagle 20 is the solution. buy, spray, no more pm. hear me??? no more pm period. you can save the green. dont cut it down, dont risk and entire loss by only doing this half way... do it right. eagle 20 that shit.

good to go

Active Member
yip!! thats powdery mildew!! i read something a couple months on it and it said once a plant has powdery mildew, it never leaves, it might not show up but the plant still has it and you need to get rid of it. not sure tho cuz i have a plant that has it and i just picked the leaves and sprayed them, i also use neem before i try anything else. keep it natural. im a newb but read like a mother!! so im interested in other people ideas