white powder mold or nah?


Well-Known Member
looks like pm....i'm not to familiar with it, i'm sure others will give a plan of attack....only thing i've heard is eagle 20.

phil k

Well-Known Member
well fox farms ocean forest really should be cut for seedlings ... but what is your taps ph? its not really crazy high like 8.0 is it?

as long as the tap ph isn't way high its probably the strength of the soil.

phil k

Well-Known Member
ocean forest is ph adjusted you shouldn't need to adjust the PH levels of the water with it.


Well-Known Member
well fox farms ocean forest really should be cut for seedlings ... but what is your taps ph? its not really crazy high like 8.0 is it?

as long as the tap ph isn't way high its probably the strength of the soil.
My water p.h is around 7. But i p.h the water i put in. And im using happy frog. Not ocean Forrest. Ocean Forrest comes with nutes in it and happy frog has the beneficial bacteria.

One thing to note is that right before this happened she sat in over 100f temps all night :???:

phil k

Well-Known Member
oh happy frog won't fry it like that... i don't remember if happy frog is PH adjusted or not though..

phil k

Well-Known Member
they don't state on the website its a PH adjusted medium thats more than likely your problem


Well-Known Member
they don't state on the website its a PH adjusted medium thats more than likely your problem
I watered them with 6.6 water last night until a good bit had drained out the bottom. I hope it is P.h...

Are your certain its not PM?
That'd be much worse im sure

phil k

Well-Known Member
your getting the burns from something else.. the white powder can be mold/mildew but the main issues are why are your getting burns... you shouldn't ever have unhealthy plants when things are being done right.. these are all in PH adjust medium with our soil at the base for extra food.. they only get 7.2 dechlorinated tap... here they are after about 1 week from sprouting..FullSizeRender-10.jpg

phil k

Well-Known Member
happy frog is a very dense soil compared to most.. you really wanna watch it when you water. you stated you soaked the media thats not what you wanna do you want to have a happy medium when watering.. not too much to the point your dripping water from the base


Well-Known Member
Got you. Now that i think of it... I think the first two waterings i gave it 5.5 water!!! Thats probably why the tips look that way huh?

How do i treat the white shit?
Or should i leave it alone for now?


Well-Known Member
So what is it.. you say you weren't PH ing the water now your telling me you've been .. which is it?
When i watered it the first two times i took water from the beaker i was soaking my rockwhool in. Third water was tap (around 7). And last night i hit it with the 6.6


Well-Known Member
Picture update.
Taps 7.4 ppm 146
Notice how the tips are burnt? (Idk why that pic cimes out upside down when i erase the exif data... My apologies. But this one is where u can see it curl the most.)
I think thats from when it was in 100f+ allnight.
P.s I wiped the mold off with a 9 part water 1 part milk mixture.

Im high af... Hope y'all are too!bongsmilie

