white powder mildue on my plants help


so this white powder mildue just started to pop up on my plant there 7week of flower so can it be washed off like jorge cervants shows in his vid or is tht just some b.s thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it's not just the trichs? I can't see anything in the picture. If it is really is powdery mildew I'm pretty sure a 10% milk to 90% water mixture sprayed sparingly on the plant should get rid of it.

Edit: Since your plants are pretty late in flowering, I wouldn't go spraying a milk solution on it. Powdery mildew is hard to get rid of late in flowering, but I read Alkaline water could get rid of it without affecting your buds, but I'm not positive.


Well-Known Member
Look up powdery mildew and you'll see how it's caused, how to prevent it, and how to treat it. The 2 treatments I suggested are the only ones I know of, except possibly a sulfur burner or something.


thanks just read up on that but i guess its to late to treat that way , thats why i was wondering once there done can i give buds a bath in h202 water solution thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Do you see mildew on the buds? I'm pretty sure if it has mildew you should go ahead and cut it, instead of letting it spread. I'm not sure about the bath.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Yes you can rinse it in h2o2 bath like in the Jorge Cervantes video, it's not BS. But that should be used as a last resort, if you can fix the conditions that are causing the powdery mildew it should, for the most part, clear up on its own. If there's not enough time then yes, you can submerse them in the h2o2 solution and the PM will float to the surface. Because THC is hydrophobic it won't dissolve in the water, you may lose a few trichs as they are brushed off, but it's better than smoking mold. Just make sure they dry thoroughly after rinsing them or they can easily get mold/mildew again.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can rinse it in h2o2 bath like in the Jorge Cervantes video, it's not BS. But that should be used as a last resort, if you can fix the conditions that are causing the powdery mildew it should, for the most part, clear up on its own. If there's not enough time then yes, you can submerse them in the h2o2 solution and the PM will float to the surface. Because THC is hydrophobic it won't dissolve in the water, you may lose a few trichs as they are brushed off, but it's better than smoking mold. Just make sure they dry thoroughly after rinsing them or they can easily get mold/mildew again.
Sounds like it would work great, I've never had to do it myself. Good to know :)